Full-time hunter of online games

Chapter 041 When the upgrade is in progress! ! !

"Ah!" After a scream, the arrogant equipment shop guy was immediately buried by a pile of ore like a hill, and the only thing exposed was a hand that was constantly twitching. . .

Time always flies by when people need him. Wu Xin, who was still playing with the equipment store clerk in the equipment store before, has learned all the skills and bought supplies at this time.Take your avatar and rush towards the monster gathering place closest to the Eternal City! ! !

Wraith Canyon: The level of monsters is from 20 to 100. The main monsters are skeletons, zombies, and wraiths.

无心;等级:21级声望:31300;行会:无。生命值:10500 魔法值:2550。攻击:1475。防御:1755。速度:31。魅力:???(20+10=30)幸运:???(20+50+10=80。金钱:8159金币(一水晶币=100金币=100人民币=1000银币=10000铜币)

Skills: magic eye, search, treasure hunt, reincarnation of heaven, bone prison.

Equipment: Golden Skull Helmet (Gold), Golden Skull Gauntlets (Gold), Golden Skull Armor (Gold), Golden Skull Leggings (Gold), Golden Skull Boots (Gold), Cloud Piercer (Dark Gold), God Machine Company Shooting Crossbow (Dark Gold),

Nine-star Enchanted Crossbow Box (artifact), Mieshi Xingyun (artifact), Guardian Ring (ancient treasure), Illusory God (spiritual instrument), golden mask (dark gold).Gold one-handed sword.

Golden Mask: Dark Gold Level: Attack +100, Defense +200, Speed ​​+3, all equipment level requirements -5.Additional skills: Hidden Seeking: Can hide the wearer's ranking on the level leaderboard.Change name and surname: You can set a fake name for others to check, and detection skills below the master level cannot see through it.Level Requirements: Base Charisma 10

Gold Skull Necklace: Dark Gold Level: Lasting 150, recovering 100 health points and 10 magic points per second.Equipment Requirements: Golden Mask

Cloud piercing crossbow: rank: dark gold, attack 75~90, attack mode: single shot/burst, single shot shoots one bolt each time, with an interval of 3 second, burst: fires five bolts continuously, with an interval of 20.00 Second. 5.00% chance to penetrate, 150% chance to double attack, 1% chance to triple attack.One percent chance of five times attack.Can automatically reload crossbow bolts, durability: [-], equipment requirements: level [-]

God machine continuous shooting crossbow: rank: dark gold, attack 150~175, attack mode: burst, can hold 20 crossbow bolts, can shoot five bolts at a time, need to manually reload crossbow bolts after shooting, firing interval 1 Second.Reload time is 10 seconds, 30.00% chance of penetration, 20.00% chance of double attack, 200% chance of five times attack.One percent chance of ten times attack.Durability: 20, Equipment Requirements: Level [-]

Gold one-handed sword: dark gold level, durability 350, level 25 required, attack 250~300, attack speed +5, 30.00% chance to cause wounds to bleed, 15.00% chance to cause double strike.There is a 500/200 chance of causing damage to equipment lower than its own rank.Skill: Bone Fang: When slashing in the void, it can send out a bone tooth to attack distant enemies.Attack +5, consumption mp[-], cooling time [-] seconds.

Remarks: Since the golden mask was stolen by the rebel skeleton thief, the weapon of the Golden Skeleton King cannot be used due to the level. Before the golden mask is recovered, the Golden Skeleton King can only seal it in order to use his own weapon Dealing with reduced equipment requirements, when equipped with the Golden Skull suit, the seal will be released and the attributes will be restored.

Gold Skull Gauntlets (x2): Gold Level: Durability 100, level requirement 25, defense +65, strength +8 agility +5, attack speed +2

Gold skull helmet: Gold level: Durability 100, level requirement 25, defense +75, vision +3, precision +2, mental resistance +5

Gold Skull Armor: Gold Level: Durability 200, Level 25 required, Defense +100, Constitution +10, Endurance +10.penetration resistance,

Golden Skull Boots: Gold Level: Durability 100, level requirement 25, defense +70, agility +2, speed +3,

Gold Skull Leggings (x2): Gold Level: Durability 100, level requirement 25, defense +65, speed +2, agility +7

Set attributes, life value +5000, additional skills: Charge: Instantly increase the movement speed by 10 times when moving, and last for 1 second.Restores fifty health points per second.Restores thirty mana per second.Restores 50 points of durability for all equipment on the whole body every hour.

Guardian Ring: Ancient Treasure (Unique): Owner: Wuxin (Cannot be traded, dropped or stolen after recognizing the owner.)

Attributes: Recover [-]% of health, [-]% of mana, and [-]% of stamina every second.

Evolution Level: Level 0 (1/100)

Phantom god (pseudo) category: Spirit-level jewelry ring.Attributes: None.Skills: Clone: ​​Based on the player's own character, transform into a clone that absolutely obeys the main body.The basic attribute of the avatar is only 50.00% of the main body.The level is always consistent with the player, skills and experience are shared with the main body, and equipment can be worn.When the clone dies, the equipment worn by the clone will be automatically recycled into the player's default package.

Nine-Star Enchanted Crossbow Box: Artifact 1/10: Arrow Attack +100, automatically fills crossbow weapons with arrows, can store 10000 arrows, and restores [-]% of the arrows every minute.If you have not recognized the master, you cannot trade, drop or steal after recognizing the master.

The nine-star enchanted crossbow box is a very famous divine object in ancient times. Nine enchanted crystals made of nine-series top-level magical beast cores are embedded on its side edges. Each enchanted crystal can attach the same level to the crossbow. Attributes of advanced skills and elemental damage, ten thousand years ago, nine enchanted crystals were scattered and lost during the battle between gods and demons, and his grade was also reduced from a divine weapon to a spiritual weapon.

World Destroyer: a little

Remarks: I won't go into details about the skills that Wu Xin spent a lot of money to learn before, it takes up too many words.Here I mainly talk about the current attributes and equipment of the protagonist, after all, I haven’t written it for a while.I'm afraid everyone will forget.When I have time, I will put these attributes in the works and update them immediately.

When Wu Xin was on the road just now, he took care of a skeleton spawned by the side of the road, and successfully raised his level to level 21.After changing into the golden skeleton suit that the Golden Skeleton King exploded, now Wu Xin has become a level 21 humanoid boss.Not only the attributes are perverted, but the equipment is also perverted.

After summoning the dark night, Wu Xin thought for a while and took out the rebellious skeleton suit from the package, put it in the clone's hands, and let him equip it by himself.

In this way, the monster-fighting team of three people and one beast was formally formed, (Wu Xin, Clone, Dark Night. And the rebellious skeleton thief summoned through the rebellious skeleton suit,)

As the three and one monster continued to advance and slash, Wu Xin's experience increased rapidly like a rocket.

In just half an hour, Wu Xin heard the system prompt for character upgrade again! ! !

This is today's third update, and there are two more chapters... Things in reality are almost coming soon... Mieshi Xingyun appeared in the game, so what about in reality? ? ?Ask for tickets and collect...

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