"Could it be that the princess was confused by the fire from the stove? She couldn't even recognize her own father... Sigh, it's really pitiful. My concubine immediately called an imperial doctor to look at it for you?"

In the last few words, Luo Ran spoke so sincerely and so expressively that it made Princess Hailan want to go crazy and vomit blood!

"Heh..." The mask of calm and indifference that he worked so hard to maintain was finally broken, and the man smiled wantonly, his heart and eyes full of passion.

How did this little woman speak so sincerely and innocently so mockingly and so blood-vomiting?

If someone looked back at the expression of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent at this time, they would definitely be fascinated, bewildered and unable to find their way, and forget about the battle between the gods and the gods in front of them.

——The brilliance in those peerless eyes is almost overflowing, and His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, who is smiling wantonly, looks like a spring flower, handsome and incomparably beautiful!

"You...you...Yun Luoran, you're being cruel, you don't have to drink a toast! Don't regret it later! Let's see how you become full of eight dishes!"

Pointing at Luo Ran with trembling fingers, Princess Hailan was so angry that she almost couldn't even speak neatly. She was so angry that she distorted her beautiful face full of frost and walked down the high platform angrily, and went straight to the judging platform that had been set up go!

Now that she has torn her face in public, she doesn't need to continue to call this woman sister and sister, and go on pretending to be a snake.What should be the attitude is what the attitude is.

She picked out the two maids who helped her. Seeing this, she quickly divided the eight dishes she made into two trays and chased after them.

As for her second chef, she naturally returned to the original queue.

"I don't need to worry about this, the princess, but you have to worry about it, the princess - when the referees put down their chopsticks for your last dish, it will be the time when my concubine serves the first dish!"

Looking at her back, a contemptuous sneer appeared on the corners of Luo Ran's lips, and he smiled confidently, his seemingly slender figure suddenly exuded sharp determination and confidence!

"And this concubine is ready to serve food right away!"

Oh My God!

Right on right on right!Fighting against each other, the sparks are shining! This is it!

It turns out that the eldest daughter of the Yun family (Concubine Yun), who is not to be surprised or humiliated, has such a strong aura and a sharp side!Everyone's eyes widened in amazement, inconceivable excitement, and the already high-temperature atmosphere intensified several times in an instant.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the two of them, lest they miss the slightest expression on their faces and the wonderful conversation.

what! ?

Luo Ran's words caused Princess Hailan's figure to shake suddenly.

The sharp nails were stuck in the palm of the hand, and Princess Hailan turned her head back and gritted her teeth and sneered, "It's said that this princess is arrogant, but from my princess' point of view, the most arrogant person is actually you, Yun Luoran, right?" !"

This useless woman without salt really dares to say it!

These eight dishes of hers can barely be called top-notch in terms of appearance and taste. She is very confident that everyone who tastes these eight dishes, even if it is an old foodie with a tricky tongue I can't help but eat a few more mouthfuls, and savor it slowly!

She, Yun Luoran, opened her eyes and spoke nonsense, blatantly blasphemy, these eight dishes of hers didn't even last a cup of tea with those referees!

"Facts speak louder than words." Luo Ran smiled, showing no signs of being irritated at all, "It's useless to talk too much, princess please first."

After finishing speaking, Luo Ran was too lazy to continue wasting words with this brain-dead girl, and walked directly to the steamer while silently counting the best time for the five-flavored crystal dragon to come out of the cage, while ordering in an orderly manner to the two who were watching the fire of the main show Buddha jumping over the wall and the last pork rib clear soup Maid: "Turn the ribs clear soup to a low heat and simmer for a quarter of an hour and turn off the heat. The pottery urn with thick belly can be turned off now."

"Yes." The maid Qiqi replied with a smile, her expression was extremely relaxed.

I don't know why, but since Princess Yun said those sharp words to Princess Hailan, they have a very inexplicable feeling - Princess Yun is sure to win.

Women are emotional animals, so the two handmaids insisted on trusting their intuition very firmly.

"Princess, should we serve this first?" The aggrieved second chef, who was left to dry soy sauce again, looked at the steamer unwillingly, pointed to the steaming heat on the square table with his finger, and kept Crispy tofu with extremely high temperature just out of the oven.

"No, no, the first dish is here." Luo Ran squinted her black pupils, and pointed to the steamer in front of her inscrutablely, "Crispy tofu is the second dish."

"Ah?" The second chef was stunned, a little unbelievable, subconsciously turned his head to look at the place where the referees were -

There, Princess Hailan lined up the last dish, together with the previous seven dishes, in front of the Hengyue royal family elders and famous craftsman Guo who were invited to serve as referees.

All eight people stood up, raised their chopsticks together and reached for the first dish with all smiles on their faces!

Taste and stop.

Without much pause, the eight pairs of chopsticks stretched out to the second, and then the third...

The fourth...the fifth...the sixth...

Seventh way...

Up to the eighth...! !

Second Chef suddenly felt his throat was a little dry, and he also felt a little creepy.

——The princess is so scary!

The judges' reactions and tasting time were all [-]% correct by her!There is really no one dish that can make the referees stay for a while, almost all of them go down with one chopstick, taste it briefly, and quickly extend it to the next dish!

The second chef shivered tremblingly, a little dazed, and heard Princess Yun laugh softly.

"All right."

Then, he saw in horror that the referees put down their chopsticks at the same time!

Stiff, like a puppet, he turned his head slowly, and happened to see Princess Yun lifted the lid of the steaming steamer, and a faint fragrance, with a faint smell of meat, came to his nostrils. Rich, yet possessing aftertaste——

The moment the lid of the steamer was completely lifted, his pupils constricted!

Over the entire martial arts arena, there was also a strong gasp of air at the same time!

Then, there was a "grunt" sound of swallowing saliva.

The fiery eyes of all the people in the audience were cast here, even Princess Hailan, who was hit hard and couldn't accept it, was no exception. They were deeply shocked by it, and couldn't speak for it!

——Under the sun, the white heat lingered in the transpiration room, that crystal dragon seemed to come alive, and the dragon scales flowed with water-like brilliance, and it seemed that it was about to fly away!

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