As the saying goes, know yourself and your enemy and win a hundred battles.

She never really knew everything about Luo Ran, her rival in love, from the very beginning, so she impatiently made a bet on fighting with doctors and fighting with martial arts!

If she knew that Luo Ran's poison technique was far superior to hers, and what's more, that Luo Ran possessed a keen sense of smell and vast knowledge that her talent couldn't match, she wouldn't be so stupid to seek her own death!

Also, if she knew Luo Ran's status in Yaowang Valley and gave her a thousand and ten thousand fat guts, she wouldn't dare to draw Huangfu Ye's attention.

Unfortunately, there is no if, and there will be no if.

Under the mask, Luo Ran carefully discerned the smell of every time the medicinal materials were calcined, and Luo Ran slightly raised her cherry lips, that thin and cool smile, mysterious, bloodthirsty and cruel!

--Um?You said, you need to refine the antidote twice, how can you be sure that it is the antidote for the poison she wants to refine when the brain-dead princess refines an antidote for the first time?

Stupid, didn't Luo Ran let the brain-dead princess know what kind of poison she would refine... Then, how could Lord Luo Ran not be able to smell the antidote of which poison the brain-dead princess is refining now? , can't recognize it!


In the medicine hut, the stagnant silence and tranquility flow quietly in this slightly spacious room of the medicine hut...

A quarter of an hour (15 minutes) has passed...

Then, two quarters of an hour passed...

Luo Ran closed her eyes and meditated, as quiet as if she had fallen asleep.

There was a slight sweat on the forehead of the boy who burned the fire, which was caused by the charcoal fire, and it was also caused by Luo Ran's silence.

The doctor is benevolent, although he is not a doctor yet, just a little boy who burns fire, but seeing Luo Ran who doesn't take his own life seriously, he still can't help but want to persuade him!

After looking at the mask, he quietly closed his eye feathers like a butterfly resting, and the burning boy's heart suddenly jumped a few beats for no reason, and his cheeks, which were a little hot from the charcoal fire, couldn't help but burn.

He swallowed his saliva, and slowly stretched out his hand anxiously and hesitantly, wanting to pat that delicate and delicate shoulder, just when his slightly trembling fingertips were about to touch the smooth and silky fabric, the beautiful white From under the mask, there was a low, pleasant laugh that sounded like a sigh——

"The last medicinal ingredient is snow lotus..."

The boy's hand suddenly seemed to have been pricked by a needle, and he retracted it with a frightened "whoosh".

He opened his eyes wide, and looked at Luo Ran, whose eye feathers were trembling slightly, with some guilt and trepidation, as if he had done something wrong.

However, he seemed to suddenly realize what Luo Ran said, his body froze, his pupils were inexplicably the largest, and he stared at Luo Ran—what did she just say! ?

'The last medicinal material is snow lotus'! ?

She can smell it! ?

Could it be that she was not closing her eyes to rest her mind just now, nor was she almost falling asleep, but she was concentrating on carefully analyzing the smell of the calcined medicinal materials passed from the next door medicine house! ?

The smell of those herbs is so complicated, and there are several kinds of them put in at the same time, how could she smell it! ?

genius?evildoer? !

Burning Fire Boy has been stunned by Luo Ranlu's hand!

His cheeks became hot|hot, and he blushed and ashamed of his unnecessary worries and malicious slander—it turned out that he was not ignoring life, but was so powerful and talented that he controlled everything In your hand, you have your own measure!

At this moment, Luo Ran has opened his eyes—a pair of black pupils are cold and clear, like the solid ice on a snow-capped mountain, reflecting the coldness and indifference, as high and untouchable as a goddess, mocking some people's overreach!

Her whole body, from the moment she opened her eyes, was enveloped by a powerful aura!

——Okay, now that everything has been confirmed and the dust has settled, it's time for her to prepare her own antidote.

With a sweet smile, she stood up comfortably, and after a leisurely stretch, her gaze flicked to the fire-burning boy who was staring at her dull-eyed like a ghost, and lightly ordered: "Add the charcoal fire to the maximum, Open the lid of the cauldron and add a small spoonful of spring water!"

Burning Huozi suddenly came back to his senses, his face was so red that he almost dripped water!

He nodded in a hurry at a loss, then turned around and followed Luo Ran's instructions.

Luo Ran took the small dustpan placed aside, and stood in front of the medicine cauldron intently. When the pool of shallow spring water at the bottom of the medicine cauldron was boiling and bubbling, she immediately threw the first antidote into it...


After a quarter of an hour and a quarter of an hour, Luo Ran scraped the sticky taupe ointment at the bottom of the medicine cauldron with jade pieces onto a small jade plate to let it cool, and casually ordered the fire boy to clean the medicine cauldron for the next calcination of medicinal materials—— Another time, she didn't make the antidote for her own poison!

At this time, the burning fire boy looked at her as if he was looking at a god. Without saying a word, he went to clean the medicine cauldron and clean up the medicine residue.

As for Luo Ran, looking at the gradually cooling ointment in front of him, he twitched the corners of his mouth mournfully.

——Sigh, looking at those compatriots who have traveled to another continent, refining medicine is so convenient and miraculous. At the end of the practice, after performing two hand formulas, the ointment will automatically turn into round pills and fly out, and she , I can only rub my hands hard...

Longing and yy are indeed the most unreliable, they are like soap bubbles in the face of all reality, vulnerable to a single blow.

Stretching out her hands to test the temperature of the ointment, she wears a pair of ice silk gloves that are as thin as water and more resistant to fire and poison, and weakly began to rub the pills...

After Luo Ran rubbed the medicine balls and cleaned his hands, the burning boy and children's shoes had already cleaned up the medicine cauldron with great effort, and moved the burning charcoal basin back to the bottom of the medicine cauldron.

Next, needless to say, Luo Ran did the same thing as before.

In the last three quarters of an hour, Luo Ran, who was soaked in sweat from being roasted by the charcoal fire, finally reached the key point of the main event - refining poison!

Throwing a poison pill to the burning boy to eat, and eating one himself, to avoid being poisoned by the smell of calcined poisonous medicinal materials, Luo Ran ordered the burning boy to pay attention to the firepower, and immediately took the last small dustpan .

Like flowing water, various poisonous herbs were thrown into the medicine cauldron one by one according to different proportions and time. Luo Ran played with the remaining stalk of Astral Grass among the antidote herbs, squinted his black pupils, and laughed treacherously and dangerously. stand up!

The air seemed to cool down in an instant.

The brain-dead princess, the brain-dead king, you father and daughter, it's over!

The burning boy who was sweating profusely shivered instantly, looked around suspiciously, and from the corner of his eyes, he happened to see the princess throwing the last Tianxing grass into the medicine cauldron, with crescent-like black pupils, heavily covered Put on the bronze cauldron cover...!

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