After a quarter of an hour...

The faces of Princess Hailan and Lord Xiao's father and daughter changed drastically at the same time!

Their father and daughter know how poisonous and cruel the poison made by Princess Hailan is!This kind of poison is called One Day Broken Soul Incense, and after taking it, it will be poisonous within a quarter of an hour at most.

Then my whole body was sore and weak, I didn't even have the strength to bite my tongue to kill myself, my internal organs were cramping, and the heart-piercing pain lasted for twelve hours a day before I died!

However, now, they found that Yun Luoran, who was close at hand, showed no signs of poisoning!

What made them anxious and angry, and what was even more frightening, was that Yun Luoran, who wanted to put him to death, was fine, but his body began to feel unwell!

Feeling the faint cold pain in his abdomen, Lord Xiao's rosy face and smile had completely disappeared, and in just a moment, he was as pale as paper, and bean-sized cold sweat slid down his snow-white cheeks one after another.

The great crisis and fear that he had thrown to the country of Java before, flooded the sky and covered the sky and overwhelmed him!

The cold pain in the abdomen became more and more obvious.

His body couldn't help but trembled in fear.

The two calves were trembling even more, almost going limp.

He widened his eyes like dead fish eyes, swallowed his throat that had suddenly become dry, stiffened his neck, and turned his pale face dripping with cold sweat little by little, looking at the same face Palely covering her lower abdomen, the daughter frowned, feeling something between her brows, her lips trembled, and her voice trembled because of anxiety and fear: "Lan, Lan''re not...not saying, this , Is... the antidote okay!?"

"Father, the antidote can't be wrong!"

The pale-faced Princess Hailan gave a decisive answer!

"She made the Red Blood Piercing Pill, and the antidote I made didn't go wrong!"

She was clutching her stomach that was feeling stuffy and cold, and her stomach was aching, and a thin layer of cold sweat leaked from her forehead. There was a wave of surprise in her heart, and a strong sense of crisis enveloped her!

She suddenly realized that things had gradually gotten out of her control when Wudou came here...

As soon as this idea was born in her heart, Princess Hailan was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, her whole body was furred, her hair stood on end, and she couldn't stop her fear.

no, I can not!She shook her head in a panic, trying to shake this frightening and desperate thought out of her mind.

However, once this kind of thought appeared, it took root in her heart. No matter how she told herself that her worries were unfounded, she couldn't stop the cold palpitations in her chest.

However, the antidote is impossible to go wrong!

Unless Yun Luoran, a bitch, isn't refining the Scarlet Blood Piercing Pill!

She suddenly pinched the palm of her hand, and her sharp fingers sank deeply into the soft palm. She gritted her teeth and searched for evidence one by one that could make her feel at ease and veto the idea that made her extremely disturbed.

——Isn't Yun Luoran refining the Scarlet Blood Piercing Pill?

Impossible, this is impossible!

She watched this bitch Yun Luoran choose the poison and medicine with her own eyes. All the poison and medicine in it can only be used to refine poison for two people, and it can only be one kind!

That is Chixue Piercing Pill.

What's more, before going on stage, she personally inspected the two small medicine sheds. There were no hidden compartments where other poisonous medicines could be placed in them. Even the medicine cauldrons were brand new and had never been used before. She watched Yun Luoran enter the copper tripod to refine the poison with her own eyes, so it is impossible for Yun Luoran to cheat!

That's right, since it's impossible for Yun Luoran to cheat, her antidote must be right.

The fear just now must be due to her overthinking.

Thinking of this, Princess Hailan, who was covered in cold sweat, forced herself to calm down, tried to relax her tense nerves, lowered her head and took a deep breath, while not forgetting to comfort her father, "Father, you worry too much, If the antidote is wrong, we will definitely not feel the same stuffy, cold and painful feeling now...Father, did we eat something wrong today? This feels more like diarrhea..."


Before she could finish her words, her good father King Lord Xiao let out a scream of horror like killing a pig!

"Father!?" Her pupils shrank in shock, and Princess Hailan shivered from the cold. She quickly raised her head to look at Xiao Guozhu, but only saw her father's figure like a snake whose bones had been removed. Fall down!

"Father—what's the matter with you?!" She was so frightened that her face turned pale instantly, ignoring her own physical discomfort, she rushed over and asked in horror on Lord Xiao.

"...Pfft..." Being thrown on her body suddenly by her, the pain from the small knife piercing through the heart instantly turned into Ling Chi with countless knives. Lord Xiao's body shook, and the pain was so painful that a mouthful of sweet black blood spewed out on the spot. The facial features on the pale face instantly distorted in pain, ferocious like a ghost!

"Father, how are you? Where does it hurt!?"

This sudden change stunned Princess Hailan, her face was so white that there was no trace of blood, her face was full of unbelievable panic, and she threw herself on Xiao Guozhu with a pair of soft slender hands, trembling and panicking. Looking at Xiao Guozhu's pupils, neck and face, but found nothing.

Except for the blood flowing too fast all over his body and his body temperature being a little high, King Xiao showed no signs of being poisoned at all, but he screamed terribly!

how so! ?

Princess Hailan was so startled that she almost collapsed on the ground, checking back and forth with her hands unconsciously and unbelievably!

——She didn't know that her caring behavior was fatal to the current Lord Xiao!

Every movement of her groping and checking was like a knife with a blunt and cracked blade, sharpening hard on the place she touched!As we all know, cutting flesh with a blunt knife is the most painful!

What made Xiao Guo even more mad was that after the pain of being cut open by a blunt knife, his daughter's fingers, like buckets of boiling hot oil, poured down on the wound!

"Ah ah ah ah ah……!!"

His eyes were red and he stared fiercely, Lord Xiao screamed again and again, the screams made people feel chills all over his body, his body, which seemed to have been taken out of bones suddenly, convulsed and writhed on the ground like a snake, and the cold sweat seemed to be gone. Money poured out from every pore of him like a torrential rain!

Go away——! ! !Don't touch me ahhhhhhh! ! ! ! !If he could growl now, he was almost roaring!

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