The lights are like weaving, and the crowds are bustling.

His gaze was as blurred as water, and as sad as a lonely soul without an owner. The cinnabar was interspersed in the crowd like a wandering soul, all the way to the direction of the martial arts field.

A veil covered her beautiful face, and also covered her resentful sneer that was completely opposite to her sad and resentful eyes.

Ming Ruojing followed closely behind her less than two steps away, vigilantly paying attention to every movement of the surrounding crowd, for fear that someone would suddenly rush out and harm Zhusha.

His solemn and icy face was filled with a rare look of uneasiness.

——He and Zhu Sha came out this time, deliberately sneaking out from the secret passage while Huangfu Ye was not in the Prince Regent's Mansion, avoiding all eyes and ears.

Therefore, there is no protective force lurking in the dark around them, but Huangfu Ye sealed his dantian and veins, and lost all his martial arts within three months.

Even if a master loses his martial arts and internal strength, his agility and strength will not be lost, and he can still beat ten strong men who are not strong in martial arts.Not afraid of [-], just in case, what if someone stronger than him now runs out?

Shangjing City is also a place where rich and powerful dandies gather, so he can't help but not be afraid!

If the veil on Zhu Sha's face accidentally fell off in the crowded crowd, or was ripped off by someone, revealing that beautiful face, the crowd around would definitely go crazy!

You know, more than a year ago, on the day when Huangfu Ye's father, emperor, concubine and concubine were buried, this beautiful face caused such a commotion that almost all the teenagers and old men in the capital city sighed and fell for it. Tears, sorry for the 'beautiful girl'!

This portrait of stunning beauty has caused a stir in the entire capital since Zhu Sha entered the palace a few years ago. Almost every man has one in his family!

Just think about it, what kind of uproar would it cause if a beautiful imperial concubine Mingsha, who was known far and wide and died in the eyes of the world, suddenly appeared alive in the night market in Shangjing City?

Amidst Ming Ruojing's wild thoughts and vigilance, the two of them had unknowingly walked near the martial arts arena.

At this time, the crowd was still bustling - after all, there were more than one hundred thousand people in the martial arts arena, and it would take a lot of time to line up to leave the arena.

Cinnabar, like a wandering soul, quietly found a corner where the bustling crowd would neither bump into nor attract attention.

She was like a flower spirit that was about to disperse in the wind, standing quietly in a corner where there was no one, quietly watching the crowds of people coming out of the huge and magnificent gate of the martial arts arena.

A pair of watery eyes that seemed resentful and sad, inadvertently flashed a sharp cold light, but disappeared in an instant, so fast that one would think it was an illusion.

Finally seeing her stop, Ming Ruojing's stern lips twitched slightly, wanting to say something, but in the end he smiled bitterly and silently, and walked behind her silently carrying the bag of birth control pills that was crumpled by him, Standing there dejectedly in the posture of a patron saint.

——She never listened to what he said.

"Hey... today is really an eye-opener!"

"Yeah, Princess Yun is really too powerful, too powerful, what Princess Hailan, the direct disciple of the genius doctor of Medicine King Valley, is simply vulnerable!"

"That's right! It's just a pity for my 300 taels of silver. I bet on that damn vicious princess to win!"

"Hmph, is it possible that you are very regretful now, and you are very unwilling that the princess won in the end? Hehe, brother, let me tell you, even if you really have this idea, don't say it out loud. If His Royal Highness the Regent People heard, where do you..."

"Go ahead, bah bah, I love my money, I don't want that vicious princess to win! But don't tell me, boy, if I really get dizzy and say such things, His Highness really can't spare me , look at the way His Highness is protecting the princess on the field, tsk tsk... Should this be called love infatuation or love saint?"

A woman interjected contemptuously at the scene, "It's terrible to be uneducated, brother, I told you to read more books a long time ago, Your Highness is a lover, not a lover!"

Then that hearty female voice became unusually shy and dreamy.

"Ah, ah, when I think of His Highness kissing the palm of the princess lightly, I said to the princess, 'but, remember, I only want you as a princess, and I, Huangfu Ye, will only love you, the princess, in my whole life! All my life, I will only guard you alone', I am so excited!! I am the only one who loves you! If I were Princess Yun, I would be willing to die! If you have a husband, you will be married again Why ask! When will I be able to marry such a good man!"

Now, a group of girlfriends next to her couldn't help but speak.

"Yeah, yes, all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred!!! Do you still remember that a gentleman stays away from the kitchen, but when the princess is having a cooking competition, His Highness actually came to help in person! He also took embroidery needles! Ahhh Ah, he is still lovingly pampering the princess on the forehead!"

"Not only that, have you forgotten, how did His Highness treat the princess at the beginning of the medical battle? The gentle action of putting on the ice silk gloves for the princess, as well as the expression, are so charming and handsome!"

"That's right, compared to His Highness, the men around us are all scum, all scum!"

"I'm really envious... I don't want to have another man like His Highness, but I really hope that the man I marry in the future can be half as good as His Highness, no, one-third as good, I am satisfied Already!"


The girl's excited, envious and shy voice of heated discussion fell into the ears of Zhu Sha and Ming Ruo Jing, verbatim.

Ye, how could you hurt Sha'er so much!His heart was twisted like a knife, and in the depths of his cold and dark eyes, which were as bright as a mirror, monstrous anger was ignited in an instant, and he was full of distress for cinnabar.

As if being bumped lightly by something, Zhu Sha's body trembled slightly, the fingers hanging beside her were suddenly clenched tightly, and the sharp nails pierced deeply into the palm with extreme force!

The bright red blood streaks, like a mournful nocturne, flowed continuously along the crevices of her curled fingers, and then fell to her feet, falling to pieces.

Like a cinnabar heart.

However, she suddenly laughed softly, her voice was cheerful and beautiful, without a hint of conspiracy or sorrow, but it was this that made Ming Ruojing feel even more distressed.

"Ming Ruojing, I only have a child, do you understand?" Bloody fingers gently stroked her lower abdomen, she turned her head with a smile, her smile was like a flower, and a tear slipped down from the corner of her eye!

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