
The ancient magic stone forest.

A dangerous life-and-death chase is going on.

Behind a self-cultivated and embarrassing figure that sprinkled blood in the sky, several roaring and flying giant snake shadows were chasing after him, as well as hundreds of wolf shadows that were as red as blood.

Hurry up, hurry up!

In another hundred miles, we can escape from here!

As long as they get out of the barrier, no matter how powerful these beasts are, they won't be able to go through the barrier and come out to trouble him. At that time, he will be completely safe!

The clothes were torn, Huangfu Ye was in a state of anxiety, his face was as pale as paper, the corners of his lips were covered with blood, half of his body was soaked in blood, his left hand was hanging loosely by his side - it was obvious at a glance that this arm was broken.

The distance of hundreds of miles from the forbidden area of ​​the bloodthirsty wolves to the outside of the barrier has almost become the greatest desperate crisis in his life. He rushes forward desperately, even if he stimulates his true energy to run too fast, Even hurt the meridians.

Five internal inches were broken, blood was surging, he did not retain any trace of true energy, and used all of it to escape.

On his left shoulder and even to the ribs, there is even a long, pointed half-huge tusk that penetrates from behind—it was killed by him using his body as bait during the melee. The souvenir left to him by the grown-up Ghost Snake.

Huangfu Ye felt that he should be thankful—the bloodthirsty wolf who was chasing him was no enemy, he was an endless enemy, and the ghost ghost snake was also an endless enemy. Both he and the ghost ghost snake were desperately killed by them The attack was extremely chaotic, and it was precisely because of this that he managed to escape under the Nether Ghost Snake several times!

They were fighting in their nests, and he took advantage of the situation to seriously injure a few adult Nether Ghost Snakes.

Originally, there were eleven adult Nether Ghost Snakes that were hunted down, but now, only four or five can continue to hunt him down, and the number of six or seven hundred bloodthirsty demon wolves has also been reduced to three or four hundred.

What's more, Xiaojin's leading the way this time was to run to the edge of the lair of a not weak innate beast - he crossed the border by himself and there was no movement, but there were so many adult ghost snakes and so many bloodthirsty snakes. The problem of the magic wolf crossing the border is big.

In the ancient magic stone forest, apart from the special overlord of the Nether Ghost Snake, only the Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf King can give birth to a bit of intelligence, and the rest of the beasts are also dominated by the killing instinct that is not afraid of death.

It's just that the number of ethnic groups is very small, probably floating in the tens or hundreds or thousands.

But there is one thing that all the ferocious beasts in the ancient magic stone forest have in common—that is, the territory cannot be disturbed by anyone!

As long as their territory is violated, or the natural materials and earthly treasures they guard are touched, the absolute overlord of the ancient magic stone forest, the female ghost ghost snake king, will descend, and they will kill them desperately.

The army of the Ghost Snake and the Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf crossed the border, and they were mistaken to invade their territory. In addition, Xiao Jin was so weak that they touched the treasures of heaven and earth that were guarded by others, so the Ghost Snake and the Bloodthirsty Demon The wolf once again took the blame for the misunderstood monsters, and they rushed forward to attack the ghost snake and the bloodthirsty wolf with hatred. focus on care'.

The ferocious beasts in the beast world are born with an instinct of 'catch the thief first and catch the king first'.

So all the way, Huangfu Ye escaped from death.


Huangfu Ye chased after Xiaojin's rushing figure in front like lightning, looking at the barrier of the ancient magic stone forest that was about to arrive, a ray of ecstasy appeared in his eyes and blood-stained and damaged handsome face, but this ecstasy had not yet Before it could reach the maximum, his eyes went dark, and suddenly it shook, almost falling from mid-air!

If he hadn't endured the heart-pounding pain of getting his meridians injured again, and forced a breath of true energy to jump up, he might have already fallen straight to the ground—no matter how powerful a person is, if he has no protection, he will fall straight from the ground. If it hits the ground from a height of 200 meters, there is only one end: death!

Still smashed to pieces, bloody dead...

However, Huangfu Ye was not at all fortunate, his pale forehead was even dripping with cold sweat - he knew that at such a time, even a moment of stagnation could lead to a fatal attack!

In fact, Huangfu Ye's hunch was correct.

What made him even more desperate was that the true energy in his whole body was almost exhausted!


An adult ghost snake that was drenched in blood was chasing after Huangfu Ye recently, a venomous cold light flashed in the blood-red venomous and crazy vertical pupils, seeing that this hateful human being was about to escape from the ancient magic stone forest, the two pairs of fleshy wings slammed, Standing still, the long snake tail behind him turned into a huge steel whip that could shatter mountains and rocks, whizzing and whipping fiercely towards Huangfu Ye's back five to six hundred meters away——

That strength, that power, that murderous intent, as long as he hits a little bit, as far as Huangfu Ye, who doesn't have much real energy to protect his body, will be seriously injured if he doesn't die, most of his bones will be smashed to pieces. , there is only one fate for Huangfu Ye——

Being smashed into a ball of meat, the dead can't die anymore!

Senhan's piercing murderous intent pressed his head down, Huangfu Ye's hair was almost numb, and he looked at the line where darkness and light meet not far away - that is the enchantment of the ancient magic stone forest!

——Closer, closer, ten miles, eight miles, seven miles... three miles!

Obviously, with at most one more cup of tea time, he would be able to rush out of the ancient magic stone forest!

He is not willing!

Just a little bit!

Fear, despair, and strong unwillingness emerged in Jue Shi's eyes, and then crazy crimson took over all the whites of his pupils!

The corners of his eyes were split open, and blood flowed down like blood tears, which made Huangfu Ye's pale handsome face even more hideous. From the corner of his eyes, he was staring at the snake tail that was about to be drawn. Find a ray of life in this lore!

However, he is still waiting for him!

He absolutely can't die here, he promised that he would grow old with her slowly, he couldn't be born in the same year and the same day, just die in the same year, the same month and the same day!

In the time of one breath, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and a crazy idea emerged in Huangfu Ye's head, and then a smear of determination appeared on his ferocious pale handsome face.

He fights!

"I'm not going to die, never!"

With a roar, he suddenly bent down and hugged his body in mid-air, and firmly protected his head, upper body and the jade box in his arms with the remaining exhausted true energy, and stopped in mid-air like this——

The huge snake tail roared and drew!


In the blink of an eye, Huangfu Ye's body turned sideways strangely amidst Xiao Jin's terrified screams, and instantly changed the cyclone of true energy, and the huge snake tail immediately drew only one-third of Huangfu Ye's body. body!


In an instant, Huangfu Ye spewed out a mouthful of blood mist, and more than ten lines of blood gushed out from his body. With the help of the changing angle of the zhenqi cyclone and the terrifying power exerted on his body by the ghost snake, his figure was pumped like a blood ball. Form a barrier to the ancient magic stone forest less than three miles away, instead of hitting the ground!


When the wind whistled past his ears, Huangfu Ye, who was spitting out blood, heard the clear cracking sound of the bones all over his body, and a huge and sharp pain that tore his soul almost made him faint on the spot——


His eyes went dark, and the last consciousness was that his body rushed out of the barrier of the ancient magic stone forest, and hit the ground heavily, almost all internal organs were displaced, and the blood sprayed from the mouth contained fragments of internal organs...

This is a suicidal way to escape!

But... I'm sorry, I'm so unwilling...

The moment he lost consciousness, Huangfu Ye, who felt the approach of death, roared with despair in his heart, but couldn't resist the call of the darkness, tilted his head, and was completely loaded into the darkness...


"Huangfu Ye!"

In a certain bedroom of Nanyun King's Palace, Luo Ran, who was sleeping, suddenly had a strong heart palpitation. The hazy dream changed, and the sudden appearance in front of her eyes made her almost frightened. The scene of a person falling down next to a tall vicissitudes stone tablet without knowing life and death—she was terrified, and immediately screamed and sat up!


The concentric jade cold jade that she had been wearing around her neck for three days would become as warm as body temperature when she wore it strangely next to her neck, and there was a slight cracking sound in an instant!

A third of this jade pendant was split from it!


She was stunned, as if she had fallen into an ice cave, her chest hurt, and a mist of blood sprayed out, it was him, something happened to him!


"Little Lord?!"

Sitting by the bed watching the night, the female shadow guard who was frightened by her scream jumped up instantly, and Jun Yi, who was above the roof of the dormitory, also appeared in the dormitory instantly in shock.

What happened?Why is the concubine (the young master) screaming so sadly and frighteningly?

"Yehe...Jun Yi, you go and save him..." His face was terrified, cold sweat covered his forehead, Luo Ran hadn't finished speaking when his eyes darkened, and his delicate body suddenly fell down!

Luo Ran fell into a coma again, with shortness of breath, pained expression, full of uneasiness.

One after another, crystal clear teardrops fell from the corners of her eyes.

"Save...go save him...the east...in the east...the desolate...desolate ancient magic stone forest!" In a coma, Luo Ran kept murmuring these words as if he was in a nightmare.

"Little Lord!"

Horrified, Jun Yi's heart sank, he didn't care about whether a man or a woman would give or take a kiss, his figure swept to the side of the bed, and he stretched out his hand to pick up Luo Ran's body——as soon as he touched the skin of Luo Ran's wrist, Jun Yi's expression changed drastically, as if he had been caught. Let go of your hands as if it is hot, God, the temperature is so high!

Young Master, she has a fever!

"Quick, hurry up and find a military doctor! The young master has a fever!" At this time, Jun Yi didn't care about exposing the truth about Luo Ran's daughter.

"Yes, yes...!" The female shadow guard, who was also frightened by Luo Ran's violent reaction and vomiting blood, turned around and ran away hastily.

"Save... save him... the ancient magic stone forest..."

As for Luo Ran, the muttering of the nightmare in the coma became more and more stern, and the teardrops that crazily slid down from the corners of his eyes were gradually stained with a tinge of red, and finally turned into blood tears like weeping blood!

Jun Yi's eyes changed drastically again.

Your Highness, is this... a telepathy?

Did something happen to Huangfu Ye?In the ancient magic stone forest hundreds of miles away from the capital of Nanyun Kingdom...? !

Jun Yi suddenly stood up, whether it was true or not, he had to make a trip.

The coma and fever of His Royal Highness are too abnormal.

I would rather believe it or not.

After pondering for a while with gloomy eyes, Jun Yi stretched out his hand and took out a simple purple-gold token from his pocket and placed it beside Luo Ran's pillow—even if there were assassins coming tonight, seeing this piece of token from the dark pavilion The core token, I am afraid that I dare not do it.

"Young master, Jun Yi will rush to the ancient magic stone forest immediately, don't worry." After finishing this, Jun Yi whispered to the unconscious Luo Ran.

To his surprise, a scene of lightly taking a breath of cold air happened - Luo Ran's uneasy struggling and shaking head suddenly quieted down, and the nightmare-like uneasiness murmuring to himself disappeared.

Even the blood-colored teardrops that kept rolling crazily from the corners of his eyes stopped!

It's just that deep uneasiness still remained on that incomparably beautiful flushed face, and the brows were tightly knit together in pain...

Jun Yi's scalp was numb, his expression changed drastically, he didn't dare to waste another second, he quickly turned around and flew out of the bedroom, and rushed towards the ancient magic stone forest hundreds of miles away from the capital of Nanyun Kingdom like lightning!

——As an elite in an organization that specializes in selling information to make money, he certainly knows where the "Desolate Ancient Magic Stone Forest" is.


"Master Jun Yi, the military doctor is here... Uh, where is he!?" The female shadow guard rushed into the bedroom with the chief military doctor of the Hengyue Army who was caught out of the quilt in a hurry.

But he found that there was no one in the bedroom except the unconscious Luo Ran!

"Master Guard, why did you bring this old man out?" The old chief military doctor was almost awake at this moment, and looked at this 'handsome man' dressed as a soldier with a sad face.

Fortunately, he has been with the army all year round to save lives and heal the wounded, and has seen many bloody and terrifying scenes. Otherwise, his old heart would have been frightened to death by the sudden actions of this soldier.

"...Stop talking nonsense, our young master is sick and has a high fever, so hurry up and get a pulse and prescribe medicine!" The female shadow guard hesitated for a while, gritted her teeth and carried the chief military doctor to the huge bed.

At the same time, Sensen warned: "Remember, at this time our family's 'Master Wushuang', 'Master', understand? If after dawn, I hear any bad rumors about our son, the star on your old neck People's heads are about to be washed in vain..."

As soon as his eyes went dark, the little heart of the old military doctor jumped up and down in fright.

——Could it be that Mr. Wushuang, there is something 'disease' in the body that cannot be known to outsiders?For example, is there an inflammation there?Your Highness is too...too unsympathetic, isn't it?

[The first change, two chapters combined into one, there are still six thousand. 】

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