"Say it!" He grabbed the person in charge by the skirt and shook it vigorously.

"Boss Shura, you can see for yourself..." The person in charge was shaken so much that he almost rolled his eyes, he threw him a secret information volume, and successfully rescued himself from Shura's clutches.

Shura immediately glanced at ten lines, and within a few breaths, he took a deep breath like a fossil——

"Damn, the war is over!? And, the little mistress is pregnant!? My God!"

Shura's eyes darkened, his blood pressure rose, he felt dizzy, and he was so excited that he almost fainted on the ground—heaven and earth!

If the little mistress is pregnant, it will be of great benefit to His Royal Highness Liushang, who returns to the Ye family and becomes the master of the Ye family!

Once the heir is born with a legitimate son, the generation of direct descendants who are the same generation as the heir will completely lose their competitiveness and inheritance rights, and the competition for inheritance rights will be postponed to the next generation!

Therefore, in order to ensure this, before determining who the heir of the Holy Lord of the Ye family is, no one is allowed to sneak in and give birth to a son.Therefore, even though most of the direct cousins ​​of Young Master Liushang's generation who have the right to inherit are married, they haven't given birth to a single child yet!

However, it is precisely because of this family rule and ancestral precept that the first crisis after the final successor of each generation of the Holy Master is established, to be precise, it is the crisis of the heirs in the backyard—did you not see what the ancestral precepts and family rules say, the holy lord? As soon as the main heir's son is born, the people of the same generation will automatically lose the right of inheritance, and the battle for the right of inheritance will be postponed to the next generation!

Even if the son-in-law dies at birth, he will automatically lose his right to inherit!

How can an ambitious person be willing to accept this?

As long as the Holy Master's heir does not have a son, he will never lose his right of inheritance and still have a chance to fight for this seat. In this case, how can they tolerate the birth of this son?

As long as no legitimate son is born, or they find an opportunity to secretly kill the heir of the Holy Master, they can start another round of competition, and they might just sit in that position.

——As for, it is absolutely impossible to drug the heir of the Holy Master to cause sterilization.

The first prohibition in the Ye family's ancestral training is this one: Anyone is prohibited from using any means to sterilize the heir of the Holy Master. If there is any violation, they will be killed without mercy and the whole family!

What's more, the candidates for the Lord of the Ye family were selected from an early age, and their fertility was specially recorded. To tamper with this aspect... is undoubtedly digging one's own grave.

No one in the Ye family can bear someone breaking this rule - this trend will not last long, if everyone uses this sinister means to destroy a generation of holy masters, maybe one day, the Ye family's The bloodline will be cut off!

After all, you can drug me, and I can drug you too. Everyone is done, and so is the Ye Family...

Therefore, in the backyard of the heir to the Holy Lord, all kinds of conflicts between wives and concubines with different purposes, intrigues, poisoning, drugging, sending concubines... See whose fox tail hides better and whose wrists hide better. Just play the highest.

The successors of the Holy Lord in the past have suffered a lot of losses and hardships during this period, and even many of the most talented successors of the Holy Lord failed to survive this test and were dragged down from their seats.

But Shura is not worried about this at all now, because, seven days ago, the overseas Ye Family Headquarters had already sent definite news—at the family elders meeting, Young Master Liushang had been officially announced as the next generation of Ye Family Saint Lord!

At the same time, apart from the first ancestor who established the Ye family, it is also the only one among the subsequent generations of holy masters who also controls the soul of the Ye family!Although it is not unprecedented, nor is it unprecedented, but it can be regarded as one in ten thousand years!

Shura is proud of this.

Especially now, his face flushed with excitement, his whole body trembled slightly, and he was about to go mad with epilepsy.

Because the little mistress is pregnant, it's not considered stealing... At most, it can only be regarded as taking the sidelines. Those ambitious people in the Ye family who have already lost in this round of competition are grabbing this matter Can't afford to turn over a big storm.

The only hope now is that God will let the little mistress give birth to a healthy little young master!

——As for Zhu Sha and the so-called "Little Prince" who doesn't know whether it's true or not, they have been ignored by Shura's gorgeous choice!

"When was this information sent? Did His Royal Highness Liushang agree? Where are His Royal Highness and Young Mistress now?"

After finally suppressing his excitement and joy, Shura hurriedly asked the person in charge.

"This is the book written by His Royal Highness himself." The person in charge touched his nose and replied honestly, "You should read it before asking me. Your Highness means that we should meet along the way and escort the prisoners or something. ...In addition, the baby mistress' fetus is not very stable. His Royal Highness brought the mistress back after an emergency to end the war. They have to spend some time resting on the way, so the eagle sent messages faster than people... Well, Boss, you came here in time, and it is estimated that in half an hour, His Highness and the others will go to this sub-settlement to rest... about three or four hours to rest here."

"This... is great! Hahaha!!"

It just so happened that he didn't have to continue on his way. He didn't take much rest all the way through the ice and snow, and he couldn't bear it any longer!

Shura was excited again, his face flushed as if he had been slapped with chicken blood, he almost jumped up with ecstasy, raised his head and laughed, the image of the mask that was always paralyzed and expressionless collapsed gorgeously in front of the person in charge.

The person in charge saw the corners of his mouth twitching, with cold sweat and black lines on his forehead.

However, Shura's joy raised his head to the sky and laughed a few times. A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and it stopped abruptly!

His face suddenly became gloomy, so gloomy that he almost dripped water.

Squinting his cold eyes, he stared aggressively at the inexplicably numbed person in charge, "Xiao Shiba... Has the news of the little mistress's pregnancy been sent to the overseas family headquarters?"

"Cut, boss, you think we are stupid! How could you tell those people in the headquarters about this before the little mistress was born!" He rolled his eyes at his boss, "Besides, didn't His Highness write in code words on the back of the paper not to be leaked... Do you think we are all tired of living and looking for death?"

"...Aren't I afraid that you guys will get hotheaded, and I didn't think about it so carefully in a moment of excitement, so I wrote to the family headquarters directly." He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and Shura's gloomy face suddenly looked better, but there was nothing wrong with it. Embarrassed by being despised or something, he hastily scanned the content on the paper again, and he threw the secret scroll back to Shiba.

"Okay, little Shiba, hurry up and prepare hot water for bathing and food for Grandpa, I'm almost exhausted from the rush." ​​With a gloomy face on his face, he waved to Little Shiba, motioning for him to go in person get together.

"..." Boss, your uncle, you always order me around!Xiao Shiba immediately gave him an even more contemptuous and contemptuous look - in Tianhun, if it is not a business or a business, everyone is mixed together, big or small.

Of course, if the status difference is too great, it won't happen.

"Boss, why did you come to see His Highness in person?" A certain eighteen was very curious, and gossiped for a while. It stands to reason that the boss should sit in the capital for His Royal Highness, and protect the little Hengyue Emperor and the Empress Dowager by the way. Bar?

Why did he suddenly leave Shangjing by himself and leave the matter to Brother Seventeen or someone else to take care of it?Could it be that something major happened in the capital?

But it's not right, although he is far away from Shangjing now, he is still a member of Tianhun, and he is still a small boss. It is impossible not to tell his younger brother what his Seventeenth Brother knows...

"Xiao Shiba, your skin is itchy, don't ask about things you shouldn't know." Shura spoke righteously, and put on a expressionless face like a paralyzed face.

Although the resentment is resentment, Xiao Shiba went there obediently—well, he is the youngest little boss in Tianhun Eleven Branch, he is 68 years old now, and he has just broken through to Xiantian not long ago... Shura's age It is enough to be his grandfather, so he has no objection to calling him Shura.But I can't let go of my resentment...

After Xiao Shiba retreated, Shura's face became even more gloomy, and he walked slowly and sat down on a certain chair in the gorgeous warm room.

His eyes were cloudy and uncertain for a while.

"It seems... this matter cannot be said in front of the little mistress, nor should the little mistress know a little bit, otherwise, the stimulation will be too great, and if the unsteady fetus becomes inflated..." Shura squinted He glanced, and a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes, but the right person was not Luo Ran, but Zhu Sha who was far away in Shangjing...


After half an hour.

After bathing, drink and eat.

Shura moved a soft couch, covered it with half a blanket, and lay lazily squinting at the entrance of the hall, watching the sky or the door closely while dozing off.

Just when Shura was so sleepy that he almost fell asleep, a few crackling sounds came——

coming!Shocked, Shura suddenly opened his eyes, and an astonishing light flashed across his pupils in an instant!

Sure enough, the moment he opened his eyes, a white shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and he saw his extremely handsome and indifferent young master falling into the courtyard with his sleepy little mistress wrapped tightly in silk in his arms. on the snow!

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man dressed in green clothes flashed to the ground, carrying a huge burden and carrying a maid whose face was a little blue from the cold.


The pupils of Jue Shi's eyes shrank instantly, and Huangfu Ye's indifferent and handsome face stared at Shura who suddenly stood up with a look of surprise.

In the chest cavity, a heart beat suddenly and ominously, and then sank heavily.

Why is Shura here?

What happened in Shangjing?It was so serious that Shura could leave Shangjing and come to him in person?

"Asura has met His Royal Highness, the young mistress."

Shura respectfully saluted Huangfu Ye and the sleeping Luo Ran, with a calm face, even though Huangfu Ye's probing eyes turned around him, he didn't notice anything unusual.

Letting go of the female shadow guard dressed as a maid, Jun Yi cast a playful and interested glance at Shura who called Huangfu Ye "Your Highness the Young Master"—this innate master is probably the Ye family!

At the same time, Jun Yi himself was also secretly startled—it was all because of Shura's address of "Your Highness the Young Master"!You know, in the Ye family, only the descendants of the direct line can be called so respectfully—that is to say, Huangfu Ye is the direct line of the Ye family!

The status is extremely noble!

He knew that Huangfu Ye had a relationship with the Ye family, and he had guessed whether this uncle might be a member of the more prominent branch of the Ye family, but he did not expect that it was the supreme one who could be said to be indistinguishable in the holy land of the Ye family. A direct descendant of the Ye family!

Jun Yi suddenly felt his scalp tingling. He found that the previous emperor of the Hengyue royal family was too powerful and awesome—if Huangfu Ye was a direct descendant, then it was certain that Huangfu Ye's mother was a direct descendant of the Ye family's direct line. , the well-deserved princess of the Ye Family!

Otherwise, Huangfu Ye would not be counted as a direct descendant of the Ye family.

That secular emperor was able to marry a princess from the direct line of the Ye family, and let her bear children for him. This is really ridiculous and unbelievable!

Is that thing about love so scary?Even the princess of Ye's family lost her mind?

It's still that secular emperor, his appearance is really incomparable... Well, looking at his uncle's handsome face, it is indeed...

Stop, now is not the time to gossip, I have to get someone to cook ginger soup and anti-fetal medicine immediately!

Jun Yi, who was thinking wildly, was blown by the cold wind blowing through the courtyard, and immediately woke up. He turned his head to look at the female shadow guard who had finally calmed down. The huge burden he was carrying was untied on the spot, and he took out a pack of anti-abortion medicine: "You, go to a kitchen and make a fire to cook anti-abortion medicine, the young master is not in good condition, and remember to cook a big bowl of ginger soup first Come here, and drive away the cold for His Highness the Young Master first."

"Yes." The female shadow guard didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately took the anti-fetal medicine, dragged someone casually to ask for directions, and ran away in a hurry.

However, Shura was also stunned by Jun Yi's "Your Highness, Your Highness"!

Your Royal Highness! ?

Isn't the little mistress just the eldest daughter of a wealthy Yun family in Shangjing?At most, it has a little relationship with Yaowang Valley. I heard that her mother was an ordinary disciple who came out of Yaowang Valley and died very early...

Because the Ye family and the Yaowang Valley are extremely good-looking, he, Shura, is quite aware of how many young valley masters there are in the Yaowang Valley—in short, no matter who they are, there will never be a little mistress among them.

Besides, if the little mistress is the young master of Yaowang Valley, it is impossible to still have no force value... Especially, there is no 'protector' from Yaowang Valley around her! (Asura children's shoes, I was wrong, I was very wrong... It's not that I don't have it, it's that I'm not here for the time being...)

But can an ordinary secular wealthy family afford to support master servants who are above innate? ?

Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

This innate master definitely does not belong to the Yun family, nor does it belong to the Valley of the Medicine Kings. People who come out of the Valley of the Medicine Kings will always have a logo that symbolizes the Valley of the Medicine Kings pinned to their sleeves. This person does not have this logo on him!

Then... what kind of "Your Highness the Young Master" is the little mistress?

You must know that the title of "Your Highness Young Master" is not available to the young master of every family... Even if there are many great forces overseas, except for the three holy places and the seven transcendent forces, even the first-class overseas wealthy families The young master in the power, also can't drop the word "His Royal Highness" at the end!

Could it be that they didn't know the rules and shouted indiscriminately?However, that is an innate fourth-order master, so it is impossible not to know the overseas rules...

Shura felt a little messy in the wind.

"... Xia Junyi, the deputy head of the dark pavilion in Shangjing, the little mistress you are talking about is the closed disciple of my ancestor Wudao of the dark pavilion, the second young master of the dark pavilion, and the last one. One." Seeing Shura's thoughts, Jun Yi introduced himself with a friendly smile—since he is the confidant of Uncle Huangfu Ye, he will know the identity of his young master sooner or later, and now he has no scruples.


Shura was stunned by this shocking and explosive truth, and Xiao Shiba, whose real name was Ye Shiba, who had just arrived from the backyard when he got the news, was so startled that he almost staggered and fell to the ground!

what! !

The little mistress turned out to be a closed disciple of the master of the dark pavilion, Jun Wudao?The second and last young master of the Dark Pavilion! ?

This identity, this status...is not much different from his Highness Liushang Young Master!

Those elders in the family who are eager to wait for His Highness Liushang to return, so they put a lot of ordinary wives and concubines in His Highness's backyard, and even plan to make the young mistress a concubine, if they know this secret, they dare to do so. do what?

That is the young master of the dark pavilion, and the master is that great monster Jun Wudao...or an unreasonable old monster who is extremely protective of his weaknesses...!

"Okay, don't stick around anymore, let's talk in the room first."

A deep light flashed across the bottom of his eyes, Huangfu Ye glanced at the three of them impatiently, and walked straight into the hall with Luo Ran in his arms.

"Your Highness, this way please, the room of the little mistress is ready." Ye Shiba immediately came back to his senses, and hurriedly led the way...


************************************************** *********

in a study.

"Tell me, what happened in the capital." After settling down in Luo Ran, Huangfu Ye immediately found a study room, summoned Shura and Ye Shiba over, leaned lazily in the grand teacher's chair, squinted his peerless eyes, road.

Shura subconsciously glanced at Ye Shiba.

"... Shiba, you go down first." Huangfu Ye immediately waved his hand lightly to make the depressed Ye Shiba retreat, and then looked at Shura with the corner of his mouth playfully, "Can we say it?"

"Yes." Shura took a deep breath, stepped forward and whispered in Huangfu Ye's ear, "This matter is about the woman in the forbidden area behind your Regent's Palace, Your Highness, Young Master!"

[Nine thousand words, there are still nine thousand left, roll around begging for gold medals, all kinds of begging, start making up... as much as you can make up, postpone it.Continue to write.It's time for me to watch again on Monday, from [-]:[-] pm to [-]:[-] am on Tuesday morning... Please bear with me if the update is slow. 】

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