It has been more than a month since Liang Tian returned home. During this month, his family either dragged him to do chores, or dragged him to cut martial arts and guide the disciples in their direct line to practice.This made Liang Tian so depressed that he had no choice but to force his scalp.Liang Tian is now tired of visiting the entire Liang family, and is sitting by the stream and counting goldfish in boredom!

Suddenly an idea appeared in Liang Tian's mind, that is to experience college life. He used to practice music in the conservatory.He had never experienced real college life at all, so he teleported to the office to find his grandfather.At this time, his grandfather Liang Guoqiang was holding his beloved baby and was fascinated.Liang Tian's figure appeared in his office all of a sudden, which frightened him quite a bit, so frightened that Liang Guoqiang couldn't even hold his baby.

After Liang Tian appeared, Liang Guoqiang regained his composure and breathed a sigh of relief.Said to Liang Tian: "My dear grandson! Even if you can teleport, don't appear in this way. Even if I am a cultivator, I will be scared to death." Liang Tian said with a smile: "Definitely, Next time I show up, I must inform you to the head office!" Liang Guoqiang saw that Liang Tian had something to ask him, so he asked, "Good grandson! If there is anything to ask grandpa, as long as it is not against the law, grandpa will definitely help." Liang Tian saw that his grandfather knew he had something to ask him, so he didn't hide it, and said, "Grandpa, I do have something to do with you." Liang Guoqiang found a chair and sat down and said, "Tell me! What do you want from me?" It’s okay. As long as it’s not breaking the law.” “I feel that staying at home is too boring, so I want to go to university and change the environment, which is very helpful to my mood.” Liang Guoqiang said appreciatively: “Going out to practice can indeed improve my mental health. State of mind, that’s fine! Then which university do you want to go to.” Liang Tian thought for a while and said: “I think it’s Tsinghua University! After all, it’s an aristocratic school, and the disciples of the four major families study there. It’s not fun, so in School is nothing interesting." Liang Guoqiang looked at Liang Tian, ​​took out his student ID card and said to Liang Tian, ​​"You take this student ID card, and when you arrive at school, go to the office to find the principal! I will help you with all the formalities." Tian only said "Oh", and disappeared into Liang Guoqiang's room with his ID.

Back where he lived, Liang Tian took out the limited edition artifact car from the space ring.I saw that the car gradually became larger, until it was the same size as an ordinary car before stopping.Liang Tian turned into a beam of light and flew into the car. After a while, the car started to move.On the expressway, Liang Tian drove the horsepower to the maximum.The speed of the car was as fast as the speed of light. After a while, it arrived at the gate of Tsinghua University.In the meantime, Liang Tian also caused a traffic accident.

Soon Liang Tian arrived at the school's parking lot, and Liang Tian drove the car into the parking lot.Seeing that there was no one around, he waved his hand at the sports car that everyone was tempted to see. The magic car miraculously became smaller, and finally turned into a beam of light that shot into the ring on Liang Tian's hand, and finally disappeared. gone.

Liang Tian put away the car and left the parking lot.Walking slowly towards Tsinghua University, Liang Tian was not in a hurry to go to the school, but slowly appreciated the surrounding scenery, and walked slowly towards the school.

Liang Tian came to the school gate, today happened to be September [-]st.There were a lot of students who came to sign up, and when Liang Tian arrived, there were already a sea of ​​people.Liang Tian just wanted not to cause any trouble, so he went to line up.

Three hours finally passed, and many people couldn't stand it anymore and complained.Liang Tian stood for three hours, his legs didn't feel numb, and he didn't make a sound. The student in front finished his registration and left. Now it's finally time for him to register.When Liang Tian walked to the registration office, he saw a beautiful senior who was filling out the form. He was stunned for a moment, knowing that the beauty had asked him to sign up before he came over.

The senior sister glanced at him and said: "Name." Liang Tian replied: "Liang Tian." "Age" the senior sister asked again. "23 years old," Liang Tianyou replied. "Are you a freshman or a transfer student?" the beauty asked again.Liang Tian said in his heart: "Is this an application? It's clearly a prisoner trial!" Finally, he replied obediently: "It's a transfer student." "Where did you transfer from?" the senior sister asked again. "It was transferred from Xinghai Conservatory of Music," Liang Tian replied patiently.At this time, the senior sister gave Liang Tian a piece of paper and said to him: "Here, your dormitory is at No. 113." Liang Tian took the paper, turned around and left.But after walking a few steps, a voice came from behind and said, "Remember, my name is Liu Ruolan." Liang Tian listened, smiled, and walked in the direction of the dormitory.

Liang Tian walked a few steps and arrived at dormitory No. 113.Liang Tian took out the key and opened the door to see that there was no one inside.Liang Tian took out the daily necessities prepared in advance from the interspatial ring, and after a while, all the daily necessities were placed neatly, and his own bed was also tidy.

Suddenly the door opened and a young man entered.About 1.8 meters tall, with dark skin and a somewhat handsome face.He smiled and said to Liang Tian: "Hi, hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Liu Fei, 20 years old, from Zhongshan, Guangdong." After speaking, he took out the quilt from the luggage and laid it on the bed and lay down up.This made Liang Tian very depressed. After a while, another very trendy young man came in.The young man was wearing Mig-colored clothes, a pair of jeans underneath, and Anta shoes.He took out the mirror and took a picture narcissistically, and even posed in a style he thought was cool.He introduced himself: "Hi everyone, my name is Qi Fei. I am 21 years old. You can call me Xiao Fei." After Qi Fei introduced himself, he picked up the mirror and looked at himself.Immediately, Liang Tian and Liu Fei thought in their hearts: "Why is this person so narcissistic?" Qin Yu was the last one to come in, looking weak and weak. He was wearing a shirt and jeans underneath.The strange thing is that all four of them in the dormitory are wearing jeans.The young man introduced himself: "Hello, everyone. My name is Lu Yi, from Shandong. Please take care of me." The generous Liu Fei said, "Since everyone is here, I will treat you tonight. Let's have a big dinner." " All three jumped up excitedly, but Liang Tian just sat there quietly.

Seeing that Liang Tian didn't eat a big meal, Liu Fei walked to Liang Tian's bedside and asked, "Liang Tian, ​​why don't you go to eat." Liang Tian waved his hands and said, "You guys eat! I won't go." Liu Fei Fei asked again: "Why don't you go, today is the first day we met, of course we went to celebrate." Liang Tian replied: "You go, I have to go to the principal tomorrow!" Without Liang Tian going to eat, the three of them had to go to eat.Only Liang Tian was left in a daze in the dormitory.

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