After Liang Tian finished the press conference, he immediately rushed back to school for class, or he would be late again.It would be bad to be scolded by the teacher at that time, but I am the school's grassroots, if it is spread, it would be bad to be ridiculed.So he quickened his pace, and when Liang Tian just stepped into the school classroom, the class bell rang.Liang Tian patted his chest with luck, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

But when Liang Tian was quietly attending class at school, a major event happened in Tianyu Group.

In Tianyu Group, Liu Yuntao was walking around anxiously in the office.There was still a cigarette in his mouth, and his expression looked anxious.Suddenly a secretary ran in, and Liu Yuntao hurriedly asked, "Has the chairman been found?" The secretary shook his head.Liu Yuntao breathed out lightly, and said sadly: "When the chairman entrusted me with the management of the company's affairs, the market outlook was smooth. Since the chairman announced the official launch of the magic potion yesterday, our company was immediately banned. The joint suppression of several major groups. This is not over yet, the mysterious group in Japan got the news from nowhere, and got involved. It seems that our company really needs the chairman to come and sit in person." Liu Yuntao said The secretary next to him also agreed with these words.

Liu Yuntao waved his hand and said, "Okay, there's nothing else to do here. You can go down and do your work!" The secretary didn't speak, just nodded and then left.Liu Yuntao was the only one left in the office sighing, so he called out the secretary and said to her: "You have to do everything possible, and you must contact the chairman. Just tell me that the company is in a state of emergency, please hurry up Come back and deal with the trouble." The secretary wrote down what Liu Yuntao said in a notebook, and saw Liu Yuntao waved.So he retreated and sent people to look for Liang Tian in the whole city.

And the person they are looking for is at Tsinghua University in Beijing, and they are currently attending classes comfortably!Liang Tian in school was still the same as usual, either in class or after class, or he would enter the Qiankun ring to practice.He didn't feel at all that someone was sending people all over the city to look for him, and his life was very comfortable.

It just so happened that Liang Tian's cell phone was on today, but when Liang Tian was in class, the cell phone suddenly rang.The students in this classroom all looked at Liang Tian's side one after another, their eyes were full of anger, it was obvious that Liang Tian's phone ringing disturbed the study of the whole class.Liang Tian smiled awkwardly at the whole class, expressing his embarrassment.But after laughing, the anger in the eyes of the whole class grew stronger.In desperation, Liang Tian had no choice but to go outside with his mobile phone to listen.

After arriving outside the classroom, Liang Tian pressed the answer button, and the call was connected.

In the office of Tianyu Media Group, Liu Yuntao was walking around anxiously in the office.Suddenly the phone rang, and he hurried to the direction of the phone ringing.He picked up the phone and said, "Hey, who is it!" Liu Yuntao's voice was full of anxiety, so he didn't speak smoothly.

Liang Tian, ​​who was listening to the phone at the school, knew something had happened when he heard Liu Yuntao's anxious tone.So he hurriedly asked: "Uncle Liu, what's the matter! You are so anxious to find me. I'm in class now!" And Liu Yuntao, who was already in a hurry, said in panic: "Chairman, it's not good. Something happened to the group." Liang Tian frowned and thought: "My premonition was right, something happened. He quickly asked again: "Then tell me, what serious incident happened that made you, the general manager of the group, so nervous."

Liu Yuntao on the side said anxiously: "The thing is like this. Since we held a press conference last time and announced that the magic potion will be officially launched after passing the inspection, several other major groups will preempt them after seeing the magic potion on the market. So they suppressed us while our magic potion was not on the market. Not only that, but also several foreign groups got involved. Moreover, the mysterious Japanese group "Akatsuki" visited us a few days ago It seems that they are here for our magic potion." Liu Yuntao, who was on the phone, told the situation of Tianyu Group.

After Liang Tian heard this, he was very angry.So he didn't even use his own car, he picked up Shengnian, and locked the address of Tianyu Group.Then a teleportation appeared in Liu Yuntao's general manager's office.Pulling Liu Yuntao by the collar, he hurriedly asked, "What happened? What happened in the group?"

Liu Yuntao didn't dare to be negligent, so he said slowly: "After we finished the press conference, journalists from some countries were dissatisfied with what we said we would not export for the time being, so they reported it to their own country leaders. Those of them After the leaders heard this, they ordered the top ten groups in their country to jointly suppress us. They hoped to get the secret recipe of the magic potion from us, so they hired gangsters to kidnap the senior members of our group. So that they can use high-level people like us to blackmail." After Liang Tian heard what Liu Yuntao said, he was so angry that he slapped his palm on the table, and the entire table worth tens of millions of yuan was smashed into pieces.

Liu Yuntao, who was at the side, thought distressedly: This is a table worth tens of millions!It's not the kind of cheap goods that cost thousands of yuan, and it's specially made to order, so it's turned into powder just like that.Now Liu Yuntao's heart is bleeding!

Liang Tian turned his head and asked again: "Then who else is involved in this matter, tell them quickly." Liu Yuntao couldn't help but shudder when he heard Liang Tian's tone of voice was very sinister.Because it means that Liang Tian has to solve it himself.Thinking of the methods Liang Tian used, Liu Yuntao couldn't help but shudder, and cold sweat dripped from his back.

Liang Tian saw that Liu Yuntao was still silent, so he urged: "Who else is there? Tell me quickly!" Seeing Liang Tian's excited look, Liu Yuntao stammered, "There are people from the Holy See and a person named "Xiao" In that mysterious group, the Holy See has the most people, but their strength is the lowest. Even though "Xiao" has the least number of people, but their strength is the strongest." Liang Tian glanced at Liu Yuntao, and then asked: "When did you know this?" Liu Yuntao didn't dare to hide it, so he replied directly: "I saw it on the Internet, but I didn't expect it to be true." After hearing Liu Yuntao's words, Liang Tian ignored him , and just teleported back to the school dormitory.

In the dormitory of the school, Liang Tian sat on a chair and said to himself: "Since you want to die in the Holy See, then I will grant you. As for those bird people! Let's use them as pets! And that damned one The group "Xiao" will settle our old and new vendettas together this time, and I will definitely make you disappear in this universe and never be reborn." The poor Holy See and that mysterious group "Xiao" still don't know that their path is over. It was given by Liang Tian.But they are still complacent!I don't know if I'm going to die.

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