Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 30 Abuse Orochimaru

Liang Tian was in the dormitory, after hearing Uchiha Itachi's words, his whole face became gloomy.Standing up from the stool, he disappeared into the dormitory with a teleportation.

Appeared in the office of the chairman of Tianyu Group, since Uchiha Itachi led more than 1000 ninjas tonight, and planned to grab Liang Tian's magic potion from Tianyu Media Group.Liang Tian was manipulating behind the scenes, of course, doing these small things must have let the more than 1 fairy beasts in front of the door go.

An hour passed slowly, and in the dark sky, suddenly there was a black figure moving quickly through the woods.Behind the last figure, followed by a group of dark figures.With lightning speed, he came to Liang Tian's Tianyu Media Group.Slowly, the face of the leader can be seen clearly.

It turned out that it was Itachi Uchiha, the leader of the mysterious group "Akatsuki", who attacked Tianyu Media Group. After a while, they had arrived downstairs in the Tianyu Group Building.When they came to the downstairs of Tianyu Media Group, Liang Tian had already used psychedelic formations to protect the entire Tianyu Group employees inside.As for the ninjas like Uchiha Itachi outside, all they saw was the quiet office building with no one in it.

But when they slowly approached the gate of the building and wanted to sneak in, the eyes of one of the two fairy beasts guarding the gate suddenly turned.The whole body slowly turned into the original physical body, and looked at the ninjas.Suddenly there was a loud howl, and the eyes suddenly turned red, and there was a trace of cold light in the eyes.

Except for some illusions, that ninja has never seen such a weird monster face.After that Chunin saw this fairy beast, cold sweat kept breaking out on his forehead.His eyes were wide open, and he swallowed unconsciously.

Seeing this humble human being despise its own dignity, the fairy beast was so angry that smoke came out of its nose.No matter what the person in front of him is, if he offends a fairy beast, he must be punished.Then a bolt of lightning shot out from the head of the fairy beast, and shot at the Zhongnin who was still in a daze at the fastest speed.After a while, the Chunin was directly smashed to ashes by the lightning from this fairy beast.

Just when the things here came to an end, something similar to this happened again. More than 1000 ninjas saw the kindness of the monster in front of them, so they became greedy.So he slowly approached the fairy beast, but he didn't expect the fairy beast lying in front of Tianyu Group to act as if he didn't see them.Then the anger came up, and Yi quickly pinched a ninjutsu and threw it at the body of the fairy beast.

The fairy beast sleeping beside it felt that the group of little things in front of it were not kind.So it blocked it with its hard body, and its eyes were full of disdain.These ninjas were admired by many people in that dense base, how could they suffer such grievances!So one after another lucked out the chakras all over the body, and tried to attack the fairy beast with the strongest ninjutsu.

The fairy beast in front of the door only took one look at the Chunin.He opened the wide mouth directly, and sucked up the fire escape technique that the ninja used in one gulp.The Chunin's body froze there, with his mouth open, looking at the fairy beast in disbelief.

An hour later, half of the ninjas who followed Uchiha Itachi had died because of greed.Orochimaru, who was standing aside to observe the situation, couldn't see it anymore.So he appeared in a chic form, but he still couldn't change his cold-blooded eyes.Liang Tian, ​​who was sitting in the office, said unhappily: "Who is this person! Why do you think that the people you cultivate are not like people, ghosts are not like ghosts, and you have completely lost our human image. Let's see how I teach him Humph." Before he finished speaking, Liang Tian's figure disappeared into the office.

Appeared in front of the gate of Tianyu Group, and collected more than 1 fairy beasts around into the Qiankun ring.Orochimaru on the side saw Liang Tian coming out of the gate of the group.So they sent someone to secretly hold Liang Tian from behind, and brought him to Dashewan.

The Chunin saw that Liang Tian in front of him didn't kneel down when he saw Orochimaru, so he shouted: "Bold grassroots, you still don't kneel down when you see our great Orochimaru." Liang Tian's eyes were full of disdain Looking at him, he didn't agree to him, but he didn't kneel either.The ninja saw that Liang Tian still didn't kneel, so he said angrily: "Bold pariah, you still don't kneel when you see our Oshemaru-sama. I think you are looking for death." A triangular military thorn came out.He shot at Liang Tian's thigh, but when the military thorn just touched the skin of Liang Tian's thigh, a 'jingle' sound came from under Liang Tian's feet.

The Chunin saw that Liang Tian's thighs being held up by them were very hard, so he had those evil thoughts again.At this time, Liang Tian, ​​who was tormented by them with [-] kinds of martial arts, said: "You guys must be tired after playing for so long. It's time for me to perform." Just after Liang Tian finished speaking, Liang Tian immediately moved his hands and feet. As soon as he moved, the densely packed ropes were tied to Liang Tian's body.He was suddenly shattered by Liang Tian. When the ninjas who witnessed the situation saw this situation, they all stared at Liang Tian in astonishment.

Every ninja thought in his heart: "This is still a human! Just using the power of the body can shake the rope tied to the body to pieces. This kind of power is simply too abnormal."

Liang Tian saw that all the ninjas present were in a daze, so he waved his hand, and the remaining hundreds of ninjas turned into cosmic dust.Orochimaru saw the ninja he had worked so hard to cultivate, and was simply wiped out by Liang Tian with one move.So he said angrily: "Why did you kill the ninja I cultivated so hard." (I'm sorry! Everyone, because there are no members who didn't say this Akatsuki spoke Japanese before, because the protagonist can speak Japanese!)

Liang Tian replied with a smirk: "I just see that you are upset, what's the matter." Dashewan heard what Liang Tian said, so his face became furious: "Bastard, I killed you!" You." After finishing speaking, he used his best ninjutsu and attacked Liang Tian.

Liang Tianyou said with a smile: "You Japanese are really funny! It's so funny to get angry and kill someone after being told about it." With a wave, Orochimaru's best ninjutsu was destroyed in this way.Just think about it, a ninja with the strength of Yuanying's early stage actually attacked Liang Tian who was a late-stage saint.That's not the old birthday star hanged himself, looking for death!

After Liang Tian killed Orochimaru's best ninjutsu, he saw Orochimaru's face that was neither human nor demon.So he teleported to the front of Orochimaru, and walked away the nasty Orochimaru.Dozens of hours later, Dashewan was already dying by Liang Tian.

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