Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 316 The most abusive transformation method

And Yunhui who was beside him also understood what Liang Tian was implying at this moment, so after a slight nod, he slowly squatted on the ground and got up cross-legged.Seeing that his apprentice Yun Hui was ready, Liang Tian also sat down cross-legged.Slowly closing his eyes, he said softly to Yunhui who was adjusting his mood at the moment: "In a moment, let's start now. There will be a little pain later, you have to be patient! It will pass soon." After finishing speaking, Liang Tian secretly mobilized the primordial power in his body.

Just as Liang Tian secretly mobilized the primordial power in his body, Yunhui, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes tightly, suddenly asked, "Master, I have something to ask you now." Liang Tian, ​​who had the power of primordial power, heard Yunhui's sudden question to himself. At this moment, his mind relaxed a little. The control of the divine sense turned around and flowed back into his dantian.After feeling the primordial power that he had just mobilized turned around and flowed back into his dantian, Liang Tian suddenly had a somewhat displeased expression on his very calm face at the moment, looking at the sitting cross-legged with displeasure. Yun Hui, who was on the ground, asked with a hint of displeasure: "Tell me, what is it?" At this moment, Liang Tian was already showing signs of getting angry, because Liang Tian had just removed the Primordial Spirit in his dantian. The force is deployed.But just because Yun Hui, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and was about to accept Liang Tian's body transformation, relaxed the control of his mind after a word, which caused the primordial power that had appeared on the tendons to flow back into his dantian again. .Would you get angry if something like this happened to you?

After Yunhui, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, heard Liang Tian's words with a trace of anger just now, sitting cross-legged on the ground at this moment, he felt a slight chill down his spine, but he was curious about everything. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Master! When I saw those sects accepting disciples, they would give some magic weapons to defend themselves. Why didn't I see the magic weapons when I worshiped you as my teacher!" , Yunhui looked at Liang Tian with a hint of confusion in his eyes.

"Hehe, since you are worshiping me as your teacher now, magic treasures and pills are naturally indispensable, but not now, I will not give them to you until you pass the cultivation method I passed on to you. , or even if I give it to you now, you won’t be able to use it.” When Liang Tian heard his apprentice ask himself this sentence, a warm smile appeared on his face and he said to Yunhui who was sitting cross-legged on the ground. "Ah, it turns out that there is also such a practice. Isn't the master a bit too that! He actually wants to give me the magic weapon after I practice. Many sects have already distributed it to new disciples when they are just getting started. Why did you treat me like this, why would I use you as a master!" Yun Hui, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed and adjusting his breath, heard what Liang Tian said just now, and suddenly revealed a smile on his calm face. With a complaining expression, he pouted his unattractive mouth and said.

At this moment, Liang Tian, ​​who was about to enter the state of preparation for battle, suddenly heard Yunhui's words, and saw that he was slightly stunned for a moment, and then a helpless smile suddenly appeared on his handsome face Shaking his head, he patted Yunhui on the shoulder who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and said, "Let me talk for a while! In fact, I just accepted the idea that I didn't give you the magic weapon when I was admitted into the teacher's school. It's just for your own good. Look at those so-called sects, when they just recruited new disciples into the sect, they can't wait to distribute magic weapons to their new disciples. But these disciples who have just entered the sect, because of their actions, thus They have become arrogant and domineering people. Relying on their little cultivation, they bully unarmed mortals or low-level practitioners everywhere. In fact, the magic weapons they have in their hands are not high-level. Good thing, the highest level is just a low-grade treasure, if you want it now, I will refine it for you now." After finishing speaking, he put his hand on the shoulder of Yunhui who sat cross-legged and closed his eyes to adjust his breath, and used A tentative look looked at Yunhui who was closing his eyes, and a faint smile instantly appeared on Liang Tian's handsome face, which could be seen at a glance.

Seeing Liang Tian who said this sentence, he watched it for a long time, but he didn't hear Yunhui's response with his eyes closed, and then he sighed slightly and said, "Okay, that's all I'm going to say now." Now, it’s up to you to believe it or not. Let’s start now! I will imprison the Nascent Soul in your body later, so that there is no real essence flowing in your tendons. But one thing is the most important, that is, There will be severe pain when you transform your body constitution, but you must grit your teeth and hold it back. Because such a process is the most critical, and whether you can practice in the future depends on whether you can survive this test." When Liang Tian said this sentence, the tone of his words was mostly worried.

Seeing what he just said, Liang Tian sat cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed, making a serious expression, Yun Hui did not answer what he just said.Seeing this situation, Liang Tian silently admitted in his heart that Yunhui, who was falling into the fantasy state of breath adjustment, answered his own words. A gratified smile suddenly appeared on his face and he nodded. Afterwards, he also slowly sat down cross-legged. .Slowly pinch your hands into the shape of a lotus flower, and slightly close your eyes.

Suddenly, a very powerful air flow suddenly appeared beside Liang Tian who just closed his eyes and entered the dantian to adjust the primordial power in the dantian. The energy mixed in it was huge, but it could not be seen from the outside. No power.After a while, the purple air flow that just appeared beside him suddenly disappeared beside Liang Tian.At this moment, Liang Tian was already tightly wrapped in a thick purple energy shield. Suddenly, Liang Tian, ​​who squeezed his lotus fingers and closed his eyes tightly, moved his arm, and then it turned into countless afterimages in the air. After continuously playing countless spells, a streak of purple energy shot out from his fingertips in an instant.

At the highest speed, it flew into the body of Yunhui who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and adjusting his breath, and disappeared in a flash.While sitting cross-legged on the ground and slowly adjusting the breath in his body to the best state, at this moment he suddenly found a purple light flying towards his side at the speed of light, and quickly got into his body .Originally, nothing happened when he saw this purple light flying into his body, but after about an hour, he felt that the true energy in his body became less and less, and finally disappeared up.

Yunhui, who was still in the midst of silent breath adjustment, just woke up when the true essence in his body disappeared within an hour.Looking at the situation in his dantian with a face of shock, he moved his mouth secretly and said, "Strange, wasn't the true energy in my body at its peak state just now? Why did it disappear all of a sudden now?" Yun Hui said in When I secretly said this sentence in my heart, the hand that was originally flat on the same level as the dantian couldn't help but raised it and scratched it on the head.

Just when Yun Hui, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed and full of doubts in his heart, felt confused for a while, at this moment Liang Tian's voice suddenly sounded in Yun Hui's mind: "For a while, don't Stop thinking about it. Hurry up and let go of all the distracting thoughts in your mind, let go of your mind, and become a teacher is about to start now." Just when Liang Tian said these words, Yun Hui, who was still confused at the moment, finally understood What's the matter.

At this moment, a powerful purple energy suddenly appeared in his body, even as a bystander, he couldn't help but feel the terrifying energy contained in this purple energy flowing through his veins.At this moment, a sharp pain suddenly came from a certain corner of his body, and instantly spread to the painful nerves in every corner of his body.But the trauma caused by this powerful energy is not something ordinary cultivators can bear. Even the immortals above the fairy world are destroyed by this energy, let alone only Yunhui, who was cultivated during the tribulation period.But with a pervert like Liang Tian helping him, maybe he can survive this test.

At this moment, a heart-piercing scream suddenly came from Yunhui, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and quietly accepting Liang Tian's abolished cultivation.Just when Yunhui's heart-piercing scream came out of his mouth, the spirit beasts around them all flew away from them for a hundred years because they couldn't bear the disturbance of his scream. Kilometers for foraging.Just after Yunhui's scream came out, Liang Tian opened his closed eyes slightly at this time, and after looking at the surrounding situation slightly, he said to himself with an expression of admiration on his face: "Hehe, I didn't expect that the apprentice I accepted would have such a loud voice, and the howling sound would be so loud. It's just that other places are not good." Liang Tian, ​​who finished talking to himself, shook slightly. After turning his head, his eyes slowly closed again.

The pain caused by the energy in the body that even Li would not grit his teeth in front of him, is beyond comparison for us ordinary people, and he is currently undergoing a torture-like body transformation. And Liang Tian, ​​who was behind him, looked indifferent.In the end, he simply became the hands-off shopkeeper and let the Yunhui in front of him fend for itself.

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