Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 33 Kill Uchiha Itachi

After Liang Tian killed Orochimaru, Uchiha Itachi's heart was full of hatred and anger towards Liang Tian.When seeing Liang Tian, ​​it was as if he was about to eat Liang Tian.Looking straight at Liang Tian, ​​Liang Tian's heart trembled.Liang Tian thought in his heart: 'This guy, he can't be gay! 'Poor Uchiha Itachi is now regarded as gay by Liang Tian, ​​he doesn't know yet.

In Uchiha Itachi's mind, he kept replaying the fun stories of playing with Orochimaru when he was a child.Immediately after Liang Tian killed Orochimaru, it appeared in Uchiha Itachi's mind.And it kept playing back, Uchiha Itachi finally couldn't stand the sudden disappearance of a partner he had played with since childhood in this world.Uchiha Itachi completely collapsed. Previously, it was the annihilation of the family. Now he is the only partner who has played with him since he was a child. The partner whose affection is comparable to that of a brother has since disappeared from this world.He finally couldn't bear the pain in his heart, squatted on the ground and howled loudly.

Liang Tian, ​​who hated this mysterious group "Xiao" very much, saw that he had killed his own brother.Tears flowed out of Liang Tian's eyes unknowingly. Liang Tian saw the two brothers from Konoha Ninja Village in this ninja group, but now one is in the human world and the other is in the ghost world. Yin and Yang are separated from each other.

Since Orochimaru was killed by Liang Tian, ​​Uchiha Itachi's original smiling face suddenly turned into a cold face.He turned around and saw Liang Tian, ​​his eyes were full of Liang Tian's hatred, he wished to kill Liang Tian.

Liang Tian saw that his eyes were full of hatred, so he ignored him lazily.At this time, Uchiha Itachi said: "Mr. Liang, why did you kill my best partner?" Liang Tian said with a smile on his face: "Who killed him? I have no grudge against him for no reason. Why kill him! Do you think I am a person who is full and has nothing to do?" Uchiha Itachi said coldly: "If you don't kill him, then how did he die, what do you think?" Liang Tian saw that Uchiha Itachi was already very angry, so he said slowly: "Actually, it's your greed that caused the trouble. Why did you have nothing to do with my magic potion? Otherwise, he would You won't be living in the ghost world." Liang Tian sighed after finishing speaking.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi said with red eyes: "Then you are Orochimaru now and you killed it." After hearing Uchiha Itachi's words, Liang Tian laughed and said: "What is it in your group? People! Some fight like their lives, and some love money like their lives. That brother of yours just saw that I have very valuable medicinal materials in my hands, and he wanted to get them wholeheartedly, and he did not hesitate to harm me."

After Uchiha Itachi heard Liang Tian's words, he yelled frantically: "No, Orochimaru is not like this. You killed him when he was not prepared, didn't you?" Liang Tian looked Seeing Uchiha Itachi's broken heart, he couldn't help shaking his head.

When Liang Tian turned around and was about to leave, Uchiha Itachi used their family's unique cheat, that is to show the wheel eyes.

Uchiha Itachi's eyes stared at Liang Tian, ​​and Liang Tian, ​​who was walking in front, immediately felt that the scenery in front of him had changed.It became very miserable here, with a mountain of corpses, and streams of blood flowed out from those dead corpses.For Liang Tian, ​​who murdered without blood, after seeing these dirty scenes, he couldn't help but vomited out what he had eaten before.

After a while, Liang Tian had already seen the flaw in this illusion.So he shouted: "Break it for me!" The illusion that Uchiha Itachi worked so hard to arrange was broken by Liang Tian just like this.

Itachi Uchiha couldn't help being surprised when he saw that his unique chakra eyes were broken.Looking at Liang Tian fixedly, it took a long time to utter a few words: "You are really a pervert."

Liang Tian said lightly: "For you, it's not worth my full strength." Liang Tian's words hit Uchiha Itachi's mind like a bolt from the blue.He said tremblingly, "Your cultivation won't be like the Mahayana period your cultivators said!"

After this little shock, he regained his cold eyes and said: "Since you killed my partner Orochimaru, you can accept my anger!" Then he shouted: "Ninjutsu, fire escape! Technique." As soon as the words fell, a long fire dragon attacked in the direction of Liang Tian.It fell directly on Liang Tian's body, while Uchiha Itachi looked at the flame with a smile.

"Hahahaha, Orochimaru, I finally avenged you. I have already killed that guy named Liang Tian." Uchiha Itachi said happily when he saw Liang Tian was burned by his own fire.

"Hahahaha, I'm afraid this will disappoint you, Mr. Uchiha Itachi." Uchiha Itachi widened his eyes and said with a trembling mouth, "Didn't you be burned to death by the fire I set just now?" Is it? Why are you still alive?"

Liang Tian despised him and said, "Your low temperature flame also wants to burn me to death, so save yourself! Let's stay home and cook!"

After Liang Tian saw Uchiha Itachi's eyes, he said, "Since you want to know what the real flame looks like, but that will come at a price." Before Uchiha Itachi could understand, Liang Tian released After nine days, the holy fire burned Uchiha Itachi.Poor Uchiha Itachi didn't know what the real flame looked like, so he disappeared into this universe inexplicably.

Ma Cang Ye Wang and the other four members of Xiao who were watching from the side saw this scene, and cold sweat continued to emerge from their backs.The four of them thought at the same time: "Uchiha Itachi, who is the strongest among us, was completely burned by this young man in front of him, and even killed our boss instantly.

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