Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 332 Cultivation Conference

The conversation between the two of them was clearly heard by Liang Tian who was sitting behind them.After listening to Liang Tian who wanted the answer, he saw a slight smile on his face at this moment, and then slightly glanced at Yun Yan, Yun Hui and Xiao Zilin, smiled and said to them: "You first Sit here for a while, and I'll come when I go." After speaking, Liang Tian suddenly conjured a flagon in his right hand, and walked towards the table behind them where the cultivators were sitting.

Just when the cultivators at the table next to them were chatting happily, Liang Tian, ​​who was holding a jug in his hand, had already walked to the table where they were, and asked them with a smile on his face: "The two Fellow Taoist, may I join you for a table?" I saw Liang Tian standing in front of the table of the two cultivators, holding a jug of unopened wine in his hand, with silk on his face. Ruth smiled at them.

The two cultivators who were sitting at this table drinking and talking, looking very happy, suddenly heard the words of a young man who was only 20 or [-] years old reach their ears.The two cultivators who heard this voice turned their heads slowly, and saw a young man standing in front of their table with a smile on his face, holding an unopened jug in his hand Lijiu stood quietly in front of their table, looking at them with a very kind smile on his face.

The cultivators sitting at the same table saw that Liang Tian could appear behind the two of them without a sound. The two cultivators sitting at this table were first slightly shocked, and then they looked at him slightly. After the other party, he showed a friendly smile and made an invitation gesture to Liang Tian who had been standing in front of their table for some time, and said to Liang Tian with a little apology: "Friends, please take a seat, just now we The two brothers were talking about something, but they ignored you, Fellow Daoist, I’m really sorry!" The cultivator with a hint of apology on his face invited Liang Tian to his seat, and then poured wine for Liang Tian, All that was expressed on his face at this moment was full of apology, and there was no other expression.

Taking advantage of the time when the cultivator was pouring wine for himself with an apologetic face, Liang Tian sat on the chair with a calm face.His eyes kept looking at the two cultivators who had shown apologetic faces to him just now, and when he looked at the two cultivators slightly for a while, the self-cultivation levels of the two cultivators suddenly appeared in Liang Tian's consciousness. inside the sea.Sensing a burst of fresh information suddenly appearing in his sea of ​​consciousness, Liang Tian, ​​who was quietly looking at the two cultivators, suddenly closed his eyes slowly, and returned to his sea of ​​consciousness to browse the fresh information that just emerged. information.

And the two cultivators who had crossed the catastrophe period sitting next to him also used their spiritual sense to detect Liang Tian's cultivation base, and saw that they released their spiritual sense and slowly moved towards Liang Tian. Liang Tian's body slowly approached.And at the moment when their spiritual thoughts approached Liang Tian's body, the two cultivators who were controlling their cultivation bases to move forward suddenly felt that their spiritual consciousness fell into a bottomless ocean Like the sea, they still had no strength to struggle, so in the end they had no choice but to withdraw their spiritual consciousness from Liang Tian's body.There was an expression of not being confident on his face, his eyes were wide open staring at Liang Tian who was browsing the information with his eyes closed, and he secretly said in surprise, "This guy is too strong!"Even the spiritual consciousness that I cultivated during the tribulation period can't get close to his body. Once I get close to his body, it's like falling into the sea, and I can't detect a little bit of information. 'And his other deskmate also had the same expression and the same thoughts as him at this time.

Just when the two of them were muttering something in their hearts, Liang Tian, ​​who closed his eyes and browsed the information in the sea of ​​consciousness, suddenly opened his eyes.When he opened his eyes, he found that the two cultivators sitting beside him were staring at him with extremely shocked expressions, and their eyeballs were about to fall out.Seeing this situation, Liang Tian was slightly puzzled in his heart, then stretched out his hand and patted the two cultivators who were in shock, and asked softly: "Hey, two fellow Taoists, what's going on with you?" Why are you staring at me with such eyes, it makes me feel hairy." Liang Tian said this sentence in a low voice, but it clearly slipped into the ears of these two cultivators .

The two cultivators who were in shock at the side suddenly heard Liang Tian's words, and saw them struggling slightly in the shock, and then escaped the shock and returned to reality.When they were sure that Liang Tian said this sentence, the two glanced at each other slightly, and then showed wry smiles one after another, looked at Liang Tian with a hint of envy, and praised: "Daoist fellow cultivator!" Why, even if we have the cultivation base of the transcending tribulation period, we can't see the depth of the cultivation base of fellow Taoists, it's really unexpected!" But that's what he said.But I secretly thought in my heart: "Hmph, is your cultivation high?"I didn't think that I must be the one who used a magic weapon to hide his cultivation to hide his cultivation.When the comprehension conference begins, this magic weapon on your body will change hands, hahaha. 'At this moment, this man is really smiling in his heart, but his face is full of envy, which shows that his acting skills are extraordinary.

But when Liang Tian, ​​who was sitting by the side, saw this cultivator's overly envious expression, he felt something was wrong.With a trace of suspicion, he performed a mind-reading technique on the cultivator with an envious look on his face, and instantly understood what was going on in the heart of this fellow cultivator.Knowing the thoughts in this cultivator's mind, Liang Tian scorned the cultivator sitting opposite him with his eyes, and said in his heart, "Damn, brother, don't you? Poor and crazy!If you want to use Lao Tzu's magic weapon, well, I will play with you on the day of the cultivation conference, and I don't believe that I will play you to death. Liang Tian, ​​who had despised this cultivator fiercely in his heart, soon showed a full smile on his face, and then looked at the cultivator who just wanted to use his magic weapon with a puzzled look on his face. Asked: "Hey, fellow Taoists, didn't you just say that this year's comprehension conference was held in that sect called Shengjimen, then do you know how to get to Shengjixing?" asked After Liang Tian finished the question, the look of doubt on his face slightly increased at this time.

"Fellow Daoist, you are asking the right person when you ask for directions. Our two brothers just came back from the Holy Pole Star. The exact location of the Holy Pole Star is next to the cloud galaxy. You just need to follow the same route and go straight." While saying this sentence, the cultivator who pretended to be enthusiastic suddenly took out a plate-like disc from the storage bracelet and pointed to the densely packed dots and said to Liang Tian.

After Liang Tian asked the exact location of Shengjixing, Xiao Zilin who was sitting behind him suddenly said to him via voice transmission: "Brother, why did you ask for a way and why did you ask for so long! I feel a little sleepy now Is it all right?" Xiao Zilin's urging voice kept ringing in Liang Tian's ears, and the two glanced slightly at Xiao Zilin who was behind him with a dissatisfied expression, and then sent him a voice transmission: " Be good, little Zilin, don't be angry. My brother will be back right away, and we will all go to retreat later, and when the cultivation conference really comes, it will not be too late for us to go out." After the displeased little Zilin finished speaking in the voice transmission, Liang Tian cut off the voice transmission with Xiao Zilin.

Then the smile returned to his face and he said to the two cultivators beside him: "I'm sorry! Two fellow Taoists, I have something to do first, and I will meet later." The tone of the word 'period' was slightly aggravated, then he turned and returned to the table where he was originally sitting, whispering something in the ears of Xiao Zilin, Yun Yan and his apprentice who gave him a headache.After listening to Liang Tian's words, they nodded their heads slightly, and the figures of the four disappeared in this seat in an instant, and what was left on the table was a top-grade spirit with the size of an arm. stone.

At this moment, the figures of Liang Tian and the others appeared in the inn room where they had just stayed. The four washed up slightly, and then walked slowly into the practice room in this inn and began to retreat.Before leaving for retreat, Yunhui saw that his master did not bring them into his Qiankun ring, but chose to enter a practice room to start retreat. There were some puzzled Yunhui in his head. Asked: "Master, the four of us are retreating now, why don't you bring us into your Qiankun ring, but choose to retreat in this inn?"

When Liang Tian, ​​who was walking in front, heard his apprentice asking him this question, he saw a slight smile on his face, shook his head helplessly and replied: "Let me talk, why are you so stupid?" Ah! The reason why I don't bring you into my Qiankun ring for retreat is for your own good. The ratio of the time I wear a Qiankun ring is [-] to [-] million. One day we are here, there are [-] million years of time in it. Besides, if you go in with your current cultivation base, you will explode and die due to the attack of demons in all likelihood. I don’t want to be the sinner who killed my apprentice in order to improve his apprentice’s cultivation quickly. .So what? We will start retreating in this practice room now, and we will leave after the century-old Cultivation Conference comes, and then I will use teleport to take you to the Cultivation Conference, okay?" Liang Tian After the promised words, Xiao Zilin, Yun Yan and Yun Hui immediately nodded in agreement, and then the three of them closed their eyes and began to enter the cultivation state.

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