Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 336 Cultivation Conference

After Ouyang Qiankun's figure completely disappeared from the stage, suddenly a middle-aged man wearing a master of ceremonies costume came up from the ground floor of the stage. This person appeared to be in his 30s.But the cultivation base revealed by him has the cultivation base of the early stage of Mahayana, and he is also a master.After he strolled onto the stage, there was a slight smile on his face, and he took a slight look at the cultivators, demon cultivators and demon clan around him.Then he said lightly: "Since the host has finished reading the opening remarks just now, I will stop talking nonsense now, and the auction will start now." The sentence said by the auction master of ceremonies was not big, but it filled the hearts of the people below. The expectant cultivators and demon cultivators could hear clearly.

When the master of ceremonies, the cultivator, said those words, there was a trace of expectation in his eyes, and the heart with a little expectation was released immediately. "Fellow daoists, let's start bidding for the first item now." Just as the auction hall fell into silence, the master of ceremonies standing on the stage suddenly broke the silence, but the words he said were beyond words. Immediately let all the cultivators below hold their breath, quietly waiting for the first item that the cultivator emcee said.

Just when the master of ceremonies finished the sentence just now, a young girl with a graceful figure came out from the side of the stage, holding the high-level magic weapon that the master of ceremonies said slowly walked onto the stage.I saw this young girl walking slowly to the center of the stage with a set of mouth-watering high-level magic weapons in her hands, then walked to the edge of the stage, and then walked to the center of the stage, and then posed herself Feel beautiful shape.But when she put on this pose, he seemed proud, finally showing his physical beauty.But this time it’s hard work for all the cultivators who are waiting for this set of high-level magic weapons. They saw this young girl moving her graceful figure towards the center of the stage, and then revealed a lethal expression. Nosebleed look, before playing with her shoulder-length hair.But she acted so simply and seemed to have nothing wrong with it, causing the young cultivators who were looking forward to the appearance of the high-level magic weapon to fall into infinite fantasies.At this moment, the normal atmosphere instantly became silent, and the entire auction house fell into complete silence, so quiet that even everyone's small breathing could be heard clearly.

At this moment, the master of ceremonies standing on the stage suddenly broke the silence of the audience, and said leisurely: "The item we are going to bid for now is a high-grade spiritual weapon. Flying sword, its shape is beautiful and practical, and the most important thing is that it will double the combat power of the user. The reserve price starts from [-] top-quality spirit stones, and every time a card is raised, it will increase by [-] top-quality spirit stones. The auction starts now." The master of ceremonies just finished speaking, causing an uproar in the audience, but it soon subsided.After saying this, the master of ceremonies immediately cast a glance at the young girl, but quickly withdrew his eyes.

And the young girl who appeared in the center of the stage and caused all the young cultivators to fall into infinite yy will realize the charm contained in the eyes that the master of ceremonies threw at her just now, and then will smile.I saw her delicate hand slightly placed on the magic weapon covering the mysterious high-grade spiritual weapon, and after a slight pause, she uncovered the high-grade spiritual weapon with a lightning speed. The veil of mystery.

At the moment when this young girl's delicate hand lifted the mysterious veil of the high-grade spiritual weapon in the plate, a milky white light suddenly broke through the sky, breaking through the sky with a majestic and majestic momentum.After the milky white dazzling light gradually receded, what was quietly lying on the plate at this moment was a delicately crafted silver flying sword.The cultivators who were looking down and looking forward saw this high-grade spiritual weapon, their eyes instantly became full of shock, and then a trace of greed appeared in their eyes.Therefore, the entire auction house was once again in a state of silence.

When all the cultivators were looking at me and you, the demon cultivator sitting on the side couldn't hold back the longing in his heart at this moment, and then let out a hearty laugh and said, "Hahaha , since no one in the audience is willing to be the first bird, then I will sacrifice once to be the first bird now! I will give you five thousand top-quality spirit stones." The demon cultivator with a hearty laugh was the first to say Immediately after the five thousand top-grade spirit stones were given out, the latter said dissatisfiedly: "Hmph, the evil heretics are also worthy of this spiritual weapon. I'll give you ten thousand to see how arrogant you are." After finishing speaking, that one The cultivator with an angry face did not forget to give the bold demon cultivator a look.

"Hmph, what's wrong with us evil heretics. Are we evil heretics not part of the Holy Pole Star? Our partners on the Holy Pole Star can't be taught by you, a hypocrite. They want to be richer, right? Well, we The Yaozu produced [-] top-grade spirit stones." When the cultivator and the demon cultivator fell into a confrontation, the Yaozu, who had been watching the excitement, felt a little bored, and then said with an angry expression on his face.But in fact, they are adding fire to the world of cultivation and the world of cultivating demons, so that the relationship between the two worlds will become more severe again.

"Hmph, you're not convinced, are you? If I offer fifty thousand now, I'll be so mad at you."

"Hmph, you paid fifty thousand, right? I'll give you one hundred thousand, twice as much as you. I'm so mad at you." The demon cultivator sitting by the side saw the stern expression of his arch-enemy, and immediately He said with a displeased expression on his face.In this way, the two representatives of the demon cultivator and the comprehension practitioner have already regarded the auction as a tool to save face. They saw that the two sides were going back and forth, raising each other's prices, and the war between the two sides continued to escalate. Has entered the white-hot stage.

After the confrontation between the two sides continued for about an hour, the two sides were already a little tired at this time, and the total price of this high-grade spiritual weapon was also driven up to as much as 40.The master of ceremonies standing on the stage glanced slightly at the cultivators and demon cultivators who were facing each other, and said calmly, "40 top-grade spirit stones, who else can pay more than this price?" said the master of ceremonies After finishing this sentence, his eyes glanced slightly at the expectant cultivator below, and he continued, "One deal for 50 top-grade spirit stones, a second deal for 50 top-grade spirit stones, and a third deal for 50 top-grade spirit stones." The master of ceremonies' resonant-sounding words had just finished, followed by a 'dang' sound.

"Hehe, congratulations to this fellow daoist who won the auction of this high-grade flying sword. Please go to the backstage to check out and collect the goods you bid for." Not long after the hammer fell, the A master of ceremonies immediately revealed a congratulatory smile to the cultivator who bid for the top-grade spirit weapon flying sword with 50 top-grade spirit stones.But most of the cultivators here are middle-level and upper-level sects, and their family background is very rich, and this mere 50 top-grade spirit stones is not a big amount to them, it is just a drop in the bucket.

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