Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 344: Taobao

Just after Liang Tian and the others sent away the cultivator, the three of Yunhui returned to their jobs one after another.While the four of them were busy with something, I saw Liang Tian, ​​who seemed to be sitting leisurely on the chair, frowned slightly at the moment, and then suddenly stood up and said to himself: " Damn it, those greedy people are here." After Liang Tian said this sentence for no reason, the three of Yun Hui who had no intention of being vigilant at first immediately became more vigilant.

"Master, didn't you just say that someone is going to come to us to snatch the magical medicine? But we have been standing here for so long, why haven't we seen the figures of those people you mentioned? Or are you a lie, master?" Let's do it!" Just as Xiao Zilin and the three of them all put up all their energy to be vigilant about what Liang Tian said just now that there are greedy people coming here to make trouble, Yun Hui, who was quietly watching the distance with his eyes at the side, was at the moment. Showing a little impatience, he looked at Liang Tian who was sitting in the lounge with a face full of resentment and some doubts and said.

Liang Tian, ​​who was resting in the lounge, naturally heard what Yunhui said, and saw a mysterious smile suddenly appear on his face. After he smiled, he immediately sent a voice transmission to Yunhui: " Hehe, in a moment, this is not certain, maybe they are already outside now!" Liang Tian's words to Yunhui were full of mystery.

At Yunhui, he heard Liang Tian's voice transmission, and before he could send it back to Liang Tian, ​​he heard Xiao Zilin calling from the side: "Brother Yunhui, come and take a look, there are black spots appearing there. " Xiao Zilin said, his right hand stretched out and pointed at the sky outside the door.Yunhui heard Xiao Zilin's call, and walked over to have a look with some doubts in his heart.It was fine if he didn't look, but when he walked to the door and looked at the sky outside, his jaw dislocated and fell to the ground, his eyes opened wide and he muttered to himself: "Oh, my god! This, There must be too many people here! Look at their posture, are they here to buy things or to grab things!" I saw Yun Hui staring at the door not far away with his eyes wide open, murmuring that he didn't know Say something more.

And when Yun Yan heard his grandson say these words, he who was still guarding the spot at first couldn't help his curiosity at the moment, and then walked to the door of the store with a hint of doubt in his eyes to join in the excitement.When he walked to the door of the small shop with a look of doubt on his face, it was fine if he didn't look, but when he looked outside the door, he suddenly stopped there.I saw him showing a dumbfounded expression, with his mouth wide open and looking into the distance.

He stared dumbfounded at Yun Yan outside the gate, at this moment he was standing there stupidly, staring at the distance with his eyes motionless.In the direction where Yun Yan's gaze was projected, a group of black and dense crowd appeared, and they stepped on all kinds of strange magic weapons and rushed towards them at the fastest speed. "Wow, there are so many people here, could it be that they are here to rob?" Seeing this scene, Yun Yan was slightly stunned for a while, and then blurted out this sentence from his mouth.

Yun Yan said this sentence in a moderate voice, but it was able to be heard clearly by the people around him, and Yun Yan who was beside him just happened to hear what he said completely. "Old Yun, I don't know how many of them came, but I know that they are either here to rob us or to buy things from us. One of the two must be their goal." After hearing what Yun Yan said, The little Zilin who said the sentence shook his head slightly, then turned around and said disapprovingly.

And when Xiao Zilin and Yun Yan were talking to each other, they saw a group of cultivators who were trying to fly not far from the sky, but now they had flown not far from their small shop, and the cultivators could be seen flying How fast. "Fellow Daoist, we heard your publicity just now that you have dozens of pills we need here, that's why we came here, please give me the foundation building pill, baby-forming pill, Peiyuan pill, Tianyuan pill And Transcending Tribulation Pills, each requires ten pieces." At this moment, a group of cultivators who were already very close to Liang Tian's shop just now came to the window of Liang Tian's small shop first. , said in a kind tone with a burst of refreshing words.

"For this fellow Taoist, the price of one Foundation Establishment Pill and one top-grade spirit stone, one Infant Formation Pill is five top-grade spirit stones, one Peiyuan Pill is three top-grade spirit stones, and one Tianyuan Pill The price is four top-grade spirit stones, and the price of one Transcending Tribulation Pill is one top-grade spirit stone. The pills you bought are fifty in total, and the total price is fourteen top-grade spirit stones, thank you." Yun Hui listened When he saw the number and type of pills reported by the cultivator in front of him, he only heard him smile in a calm tone to the cultivator who came to buy the panacea.

"Oh, hehe, that's right! Nuo, this is the spirit stone I paid you, please." When the cultivator heard the price of the elixir he wanted was reported by the Yun Club, he seemed uneasy. Don't care, just replied with a faint smile on his face, and then took out fourteen top-quality spirit stones and handed them to Yunhui, and Yunhui, who had taken over the spirit stones at the moment, also put the packaged medicine in the Go to the window and give it to the cultivator who came to buy the elixir.

After the cultivator who bought the elixir left, another cultivator with the cultivation base of the tribulation period appeared in front of their shop window, and he came to the small shop window where Liang Tian and the others were. In front of him, he slowed down and stopped to ask: "Excuse me, fellow Taoist, do you have any magic weapons here?" Liang Tian, ​​who was sitting in the lounge and just about to drink tea, heard someone coming to buy magic weapons, and saw him in a hurry Putting down the tea in his hand, his figure quickly appeared in front of the three of Yunhui in a flash, looking at the cultivator who wanted to buy a magic weapon, he asked, "Friend Daoist, are you here to buy a magic weapon?" Liang Tian, ​​who had said this sentence just now, was still looking at the cultivator and asked the question knowingly.

"Well, I want to buy a handy magic weapon, do you have it here?" The cultivator nodded slightly after hearing Liang Tian's inquiry, and then asked in an extremely gentle tone. "Oh, fellow Taoist, we have a wide variety of magic weapons in our store, but I don't know which type of magic weapon you like." Liang Tian nodded slightly when he heard this question from the cultivator. After a while, he stretched out his right hand and introduced many magic weapons of no less than a hundred types behind him.

"Uh, I want this one!" The cultivator looked at the many magic weapons placed behind Liang Tian, ​​and his eyes slightly glanced at those magic weapons that made people look a little dazzled, and then revealed Said to Liang Tian with a determined look on his face. "No, Fellow Daoist, this is the magic weapon you just asked for. It's a thousand top-quality spirit stones. Thank you." Liang Tian looked in the direction pointed by the cultivator, and then ran behind him at the fastest speed. The counter where the magic weapon is placed, went to get the magic weapon that the cultivator pointed out, and then went back to the window as quickly as possible, put the things on the window sill, and said to the cultivator with a gracious smile on his face .

After that cultivator took away the magic weapon he just bought, and the cultivators who came later saw that the price offered by Liang Tian and his shop was very cheap, so all the cultivators flocked On the other hand, everyone is talking about buying magic weapons or elixir.And Yun Yan and the three who seemed to be relatively leisurely immediately became the busiest when this large group of cultivators arrived.Not long after, no less than a hundred pieces of various magic weapons and no less than a hundred bottles of various elixirs that were originally placed in the back were snapped up by these cultivators, and they were almost sold out.And the spiritual stones on these cultivators also flowed into Liang Tian's pockets like flowing water. At this moment, Liang Tian was already grinning from ear to ear.

When the cultivators who had already purchased the magic weapons and pills left one after another, Xiao Zilin, who was working on the sidelines and stretched out for a while, saw the very obscene smile on Liang Tian's face. The little face suddenly revealed the slightest displeasure and said: "Huh, brother, it's true. Before he came, he said that he was a greedy person. He thought he came and robbed him of his magic weapon." But it turned out that they came to buy the magical medicine pill, so we had to be extremely vigilant! What a waste of our expressions. Now showing that shameless smile, it is so wretched."

The words that Xiao Zilin said just now with a displeased face were not loud, but they were still heard by Liang Tian who showed a shameless and wretched smile on his face, and Liang Tian who heard Xiao Zilin said these words Tian glared at Xiao Zilin fiercely, and then showed a helpless expression and said depressedly: "Little Zilin! You think I misunderstood them as thieves just now! Why are there so many people here because they have nothing to do? I thought they were coming to rob!" After Liang Tian finished speaking, an extremely depressed expression appeared on his face.

"Master, uncle, you two, stop arguing about this matter. Since this is a rare event in a century, why don't we go out and see if there is anything we need? If we are lucky If it's good, maybe you will get the artifact." Just when Liang Tian's face fell into a dead silence, Yunhui at the side made a suggestion in a not-so-loud voice. "Okay!" Liang Tian and the three of them nodded in agreement after hearing Yunhui's proposal.What Yunhui didn't expect was that Liang Tian and the three of them unanimously agreed on this suggestion he made casually.

After the three of Liang Tian nodded in agreement, Liang Tian then turned around and played a few spells randomly, only to see that the mini shops that were still standing on the ground just now instantly changed back to the raw materials just now, and slowly returned to their original place. "Okay, let's go!" After this mini shop disappeared in front of Xiao Zilin and the others, Liang Tian, ​​who had just stopped performing the spell, turned around and said to Xiao Zilin and the other three.After saying this, Liang Tian immediately took Xiao Zilin and the other three to perform teleportation, and disappeared here. The next second, they had already appeared in another place.

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