After Liang Tian wiped out Uchiha Itachi, Orochimaru, and Asakura Leaf King, the leaders of the mysterious group "Xiao", the stone in his heart finally came down.At this time, Liang Tian also returned to rest in the group's office, and suddenly Liang Tian's mood suddenly improved.All of a sudden, from the later stage of the Holy Emperor, the early stage of the Holy Lord, and the middle stage of the Holy Lord, he stopped until he knew the later stage of the Holy Lord.Liang Tian felt that his whole body was very refreshed, as if he had taken a cold bath.

At this moment, the sky changed color, dark clouds covered, and a momentum descended from the sky.Liang Tian, ​​who was so scared that he was drinking tea in the office, hurried outside the group to check what was going on.

Liang Tian went outside and took a look, good guy, the original gray clouds slowly turned red.Now Liang Tian's face changed, because Liang Tian himself knew that he was going through the tribulation.The Jieyun that just turned into a cloud hadn't finished brewing yet, and it slowly changed from red to purple, and then from purple to dark purple before it stopped.

Liang Tian looked around, and couldn't bear to see this place destroyed by this hateful thunder disaster.So he teleported directly to the center of the Sahara Desert, and that Jieyun followed Liang Tian to the Sahara Desert.He also cautiously looked around to see if there was anyone around, Liang Tian saw that there was no one there, and finally he was relieved to go through the Holy Tribulation with peace of mind.

Heavenly Tribulations are divided into three, six, and nine Heavenly Tribulations in the world of comprehension. The most common and least powerful Jieyun is the third and ninth Heavenly Tribulation.It is also a heavenly tribulation for ordinary cultivators. There are 27 tribulation thunders in total. The power of the first is the most common, and the second is twice as powerful as the first; and so on until the last No.20 seven.Although these three or nine days of calamity are very common, there are very few cultivators in the whole world who can survive the catastrophe.

The second most powerful is the six-nine heavenly tribulation, which is divided into 54 thunder tribulations in total. Like the three-nine heavenly calamity, the first thunder and lightning of the six-nine heavenly calamity is the most common. doubled.By analogy, until No.20, the six lightning bolts are multiplied, and from 27 to the beginning, the three lightning bolts are multiplied. The sum of the last lightning bolt is the sum of the previous 53 lightning bolts, and it is also the most powerful.But in the world of comprehension, there are very few cultivators who can survive six or nine days of calamity, and it is even rarer to say that people who have survived nine or nine days of calamity.The Divine Tribulation in the God Realm is much more powerful than the Heavenly Tribulation in the Immortal Realm. In the Immortal Realm, the immortals in the later stage of the Immortal Venerable dare not try to overcome the Divine Tribulation because the Thunder Tribulation of the Divine Tribulation is too powerful.If one is not careful, it will be wiped out.Transcending the holy catastrophe is also something that the gods of the gods dare not pass easily. If you don’t have enough strength, don’t cross the divine catastrophe, or you may be wiped out. It’s not like the heavenly catastrophe in the cultivation world. You can transfer to Sanxian.The god-man has passed the holy calamity, which means that he is free from the shackles of the heaven, and can live between the heaven and the earth from now on.

Liang Tian saw that the robbery cloud above his head was almost brewing, so he shouted: "Come on, God, I was framed by you last time, now I, Liang Tian, ​​will not be fooled by you." Liang Tian Before Tian's words fell, the first tribulation thunder fell from the sky and hit Liang Tian fiercely.

Liang Tian saw that his handsome hairstyle was messed up by this abominable catastrophe, so he yelled: "Damn God, how dare you mess up my distribution. I will fight with you." Jieyun seemed to have heard Liang Tian's insults, so he immediately sent down a second thunderstorm.

Liang Tian saw that the second lightning tribulation had fallen from the sky, and said to himself: "Hey, that calamity cloud just now was wasted. This second one is absolutely impossible to waste." After finishing speaking, Liang Tian said Standing below Jieyun did not move.

After a while, the second thunderbolt slammed into Liang Tian's body.Liang Tian had already seen that Lei Jie had entered his body, and his whole body couldn't help feeling numb.So Liang Tian immediately used the Grandmist Supreme Jue, absorbing the thunder calamity that entered his body to temper his body.I saw that Liang Tianyun used the Grandmist Supreme Art to absorb all the energy that fell from the thunder calamity to temper his body.After those thunder calamities entered Liang Tian's body, they began to destroy the tendons in Liang Tian's body recklessly.The damaged tendons were repaired by the traces of holy energy left on Liang Tian's body. Lei Jie was destroying, and the holy energy was repaired again, and it was destroyed and repaired like this.Now the tendons in Liang Tian's body are much tougher than before, and the strength of his body has directly increased from the strength of a low-grade holy artifact to that of a middle-grade sacred artifact.

Then, the third lightning tribulation that had been brewed fell from the sky, and a bolt of lightning that was twice as large as the previous two hit Liang Tian fiercely.Liang Tian's body was like a magnet, absorbing the thunder calamity that flowed into Liang Tian's body.After a while, the third powerful tribulation thunder was absorbed by Liang Tian's powerful body, but it felt that it was not enough, so the whole body protested.

After Liang Tian finished digesting the third thunderstorm, he looked up at the sky, hoping that the fourth thunderbolt would bring a powerful thunderbolt.In this way, Liang Tian could feed the protesting body.

When Liang Tian looked up at the sky, the fourth catastrophe struck Liang Tian's body as expected.As soon as Jie Lei touched Liang Tian's body, Liang Tian couldn't help trembling.

The thunder calamity energy crazily pouring into Liang Tian's body continuously washed Liang Tian's tendons.Every part of the body also slowly absorbed the energy brought by the thunder calamity.After a while, the fourth lightning tribulation was completely absorbed by the tendons of the body.Obviously, the Thunder Tribulation this time was twice as big as the third one.

Another hour passed slowly, and the fifth thunderstorm came one after another, but Liang Tian still stood there straight and was struck by the thunder.Suddenly, a thunderbolt the size of a person's waist struck Liang Tian straightly.This is the energy absorbed by Liang Tian's body, which has reached a saturation point.

Liang Tian felt like his whole body was about to explode, but he improved for his own strength.So he gritted his teeth and tried his best to endure the pain.Just when Liang Tian was suffering a lot, the Holy Infant in Liang Tian's dantian began to absorb all the energy of the thunder calamity.But he still showed the expression that I want more, Liang Tian has no choice but to rely on the energy of the sixth thunder to feed the Holy Infant.

After a while, the sixth thunder tribulation that Liang Tian was looking forward to finally fell from the tribulation cloud in the sky, just hitting Liang Tian's body.As soon as the energy from Lei Jie touched Liang Tian's body, he was like a wolf that had been hungry for days.Frantically rushing towards Liang Tian's dantian, all the veins along the way were destroyed by the energy of the thunder calamity.When these energies crazily destroyed Liang Tian's muscles, Liang Tian was in great pain.At this moment, the Holy Infant in Liang Tian's dantian started to play spells again and again.

The thunder calamity energy rushing around in Liang Tian's veins began to flow into Liang Tian's dantian continuously.The Holy Infant converted the energy of these thunder calamities into pure aura and dispersed it to all parts of the body.

Now the energy body in Liang Tian's body has reached a saturated level again, and he can no longer absorb any energy body.And the energy of Lei Jie was completely absorbed by every part of Liang Tian's body, leaving no residue.

So Liang Tian looked forward to the arrival of the seventh thunder disaster, hoping that the thunder disaster could help his body's hardness break through to the level of a middle-grade holy weapon.The speed at which the energy in Liang Tian's body is absorbed by the body is only a short 1 minute. After 1 minute, all the thunder disasters on Liang Tian's body are absorbed by Liang Tian's Holy Infant and transformed into holy energy to supply to all parts of the body. parts.After the energy body was absorbed, Liang Tian sat on the ground and recovered his holy energy.

An hour later, Liang Tian's holy energy had recovered.The seventh thunder calamity was as thick as a human's body, and it hit Liang Tian straight from the sky.After Liang Tian's body was stunned by Lei Jie, purple light flashed all over his body.

A powerful energy entered Liang Tian's tendons from the surface of his body.Then he ran directly to the Holy Infant in the dantian, and ran away.Seeing this situation, Liang Tian immediately mobilized all his holy energy to prevent Lei Jie from intruding.But Liang Tian was disappointed, all the holy energy in his body was absorbed by the running Lei Jie.After those thunder tribulations absorbed all the holy energy in Liang Tian's body, they continued to set off in the direction of Liang Tian's dantian.

Now Liang Tian couldn't laugh or cry, he watched the lightning enter his dantian helplessly.But the strange thing is that after the powerful lightning entered Liang Tian's dantian, it didn't destroy the Holy Infant in the dantian.Instead, he merged with the Holy Infant in his dantian, which made Liang Tian very happy.Now Liang Tian's Holy Infant has changed from a few dozen planets in the universe under his feet to more than 100 planets.Moreover, the holy baby is covered with thunder and lightning left over from the thunder calamity. It is estimated that if a saint in the holy period encounters it, it will also be wiped out.The strength of Liang Tian's body has been upgraded from that of a low-rank holy artifact to that of a middle-rank holy artifact.

After Liang Tian adjusted the energy in his body, he began to welcome the coming of the eighth thunder tribulation.After a while, a thunderbolt with a width of 1.5 meters fell from the sky, and it directly hit Liang Tian's body.Since Liang Tian's Holy Infant had already absorbed those thunder tribulations, he was already full.Just close your eyes and practice.Liang Tian helplessly directed the thunder to various parts of his body, tempering his body.

Another hour passed, and Liang Tian's body was strengthened by the lightning calamity.It has been promoted to the strength of a high-grade holy weapon, and Liang Tian is very excited when he sees it.So I looked forward to the arrival of the last thunder disaster.

Another hour passed, Emperor Tian paid off, Liang Tian finally waited for the last thunder disaster.The last thunder tribulation is the same as the other thunder tribulations, its power is the sum of the previous eight thunder tribulations, and mind attacks are mixed in it.

Since Liang Tian's inner demons had already been eliminated by Liang Tian, ​​Liang Tian passed through the last thunder tribulation easily.

Liang Tian laughed and said, "Look! God damn it, I finally got rid of the catastrophe you gave me. I'm so mad at you, hum." After speaking, he posed proudly .

Just when Liang Tian was complacent, a very familiar voice appeared in Liang Tian's mind. "Hahaha, that's right. You are indeed my disciple of Tianzun Wuwu. He finally survived the catastrophe that fell on the Great Dao. Not bad, not bad." At this time, Tianzun Wuwu's voice appeared in Liang Tian's mind and said.Liang Tian said complainingly: "I said, master, I just survived a thunder disaster! Why did you come out to scare people when you have nothing to do?" The Void Heavenly Venerable said rascally: "I am here to check on your cultivation progress! I just want you Is it easy for me to be an apprentice?"

Liang Tian said fiercely: "Okay, okay, don't delay my bathing in the holy light that transforms the body." At this time, the Empyrean of nothingness said indifferently: "You can take a bath, anyway, no matter how you bathe, you still won't ascend. " Liang Tian asked suspiciously: "Why is that?" The Void Celestial Venerable said at this time: "I lied to you before, but in fact I am a Celestial Venerable from the outside world. The skills I passed on to you have surpassed yours. The avenue of the universe, as long as you cultivate to the late stage of the Primordial Supreme, you can directly ascend to the outside world." Liang Tian replied half-understood: "Oh, so it is like this!"

"Okay brat, I won't chat with you anymore. At that time, we will see the outside world." After saying that, the voice of Tianzun Niangwu disappeared in Liang Tian's mind. Liang Tian shook his head helplessly, He also disappeared in the Shaha desert and returned to the dormitory.

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