And at this moment, in the same universe, but in a world different from a space.A handsome and fashionable young man closed his eyes tightly. At this moment, the young man suddenly opened his eyes and said to himself with a trace of fear: "Um, what a strong magic power, after all Which guy's magic power is so strong, it's so strong, it's terrible." Unfortunately, Liang Tian, ​​who was about to participate in the preliminary competition, didn't realize the so-called magic power in him at this moment, and it had penetrated into his body at this moment. I went into the world I used to go to.If he knew at this time, I don't know how he would make any feelings.

Liang Tian, ​​the initiator of the Holy Pole Star in the realm of comprehension, is still smiling and showing off the bracelet that feels strange in his hand. It must be very happy to see him smiling. "Hey, brother, he's going up to compete. Why are you holding that useless necklace? Could it be that you want to compete with it?" Seeing Liang Tian's confident smile, Xiao Zilin looked at it. Holding the perfect necklace in his hand, Liang Tian glanced at it, then asked with puzzled eyes.Liang Tian, ​​who was holding the bracelet in his hand, only showed a slight smile on his face, but he didn't answer the question raised by Xiao Zilin.

Just when Xiao Zilin wanted to ask the question again, the man in white, who was the host of this competition, interrupted: "I believe the fourth group of fellow daoists is ready now! Then the final match of our preliminary contest will start now, and the contestants from the last group will be invited to compete." As soon as the man in white finished speaking, practitioners began to fly onto the competition ring to start the competition .

And Liang Tian, ​​who was the last player in this game, was naturally going to play at this time, but when he just turned around to play, he was caught by Xiao Zilin's salesman.Liang Tian, ​​who was about to go up to the competition, saw Xiao Zilin stretching out his right hand to grab him, he felt a little doubt in his heart, and then looked at Xiao Zilin who was holding his arm and asked: "Little Zilin, what do I do now?" I'm going up to participate in this preliminary competition. Can you let go of your hand, or else I will be disqualified from the competition, then I will be sorry to the party and the audience!" After finishing speaking, Liang Tian glanced slightly and grabbed his arm Little Zilin.Suddenly, I found that the eyes that Xiao Zilin was looking at her were a bit wrong, but found that Xiao Zilin was staring straight at the bracelet in his hand at this time. May I ask, which one of the four great beasts does not like it? The treasures of heaven and earth, even the little Zilin who is a chaotic unicorn is no exception.

Seeing Xiao Zilin staring straight at the bracelet in his hand, Liang Tian slowly looked at the bracelet in his hand, then cast a suspicious look and asked, "Little Zilin, is it possible that you Do you want this bracelet in my hand?" Xiao Zilin nodded stupidly when he heard Liang Tian say what he was thinking. "Actually, you can also want this bracelet, but you have to wait until I come back from the competition." Liang Tian, ​​who saw Xiao Zilin nodding, did not show any embarrassment at this time, but looked at Xiao Zilin. Zilin said with a word of promise.

Liang Tian, ​​who had finished saying this to Xiao Zilin, was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said to Xiao Zilin, Yun Hui and Yun Yan: "Okay, I won't say much now. My game time When the time comes, if I don't make it, I will be disqualified from the competition." After Liang Tian finished speaking, Xiao Zilin and Xiao Zilin came to their senses before Yunhui could meet.His figure disappeared in the same place in an instant, and appeared on the competition ring in the next second.

Liang Tian, ​​who appeared on the ring earlier, saw that the opposite side was empty, and muttered to himself: "What! It seems that I am the first to enter the stage, so why is my opponent still not on stage?" Right at Liang Tian's front After saying this sentence, the twenty Sanxian-level opponents on the back foot appeared at the other end of Liang Tian.When seeing these twenty cultivators at the level of Sanxian appear instantly, Liang Tian, ​​who put on a very leisurely posture, was not surprised, but slowly turned around and took a light look at the twenty cultivators at the level of Sanxian. By.But he was a little surprised in his heart and said: "Tsk tsk tsk, the top sects in the cultivation world are different. The twenty people randomly photographed are all the cultivation bases of the Six Tribulations Sanxian," but he secretly admired them in his heart Liang Tian didn't know it at the moment, sending these twenty Six Tribulations Sanxians out to do the first level was already the bottom line of Shengjimen.

Although Shengjimen currently has more than 500 Loose Immortals, more than half of them are from the first to the third tribulation, 100 are from the fifth, and 50 are from the sixth. The number of Loose Immortals of the Seventh Tribulation is 20, the number of Loose Immortals of the Eighth Tribulations is 15, the number of Loose Immortals of the Nine Tribulations is ten, the number of Loose Immortals of the Tenth Tribulation is four, and the number of Loose Immortals of the Eleventh Tribulation is only one, and He is still the Great Elder of Shengji Gate today.But now Shengjimen has such a huge number of loose immortals, it is already the most powerful existence in the entire cultivation world.

"Hey, I've been here for so long, why did you come here!" Liang Tianren, who had come up to the stage for a while, saw the twenty Sanxians of Shengjimen who came late. Can't help complaining. "Okay, now that fellow daoists are ready for the competition, the competition will start now." The twenty Sanxians who had just appeared on the stage hadn't stood still yet, and they stood on the host stage to host the competition. The voice of the man in white rang out again among the crowd of practitioners.After hearing that the competition had started, the practitioners in the audience cheered slightly, and then turned their attention to the competition that had already begun in Cairo.

Liang Tian, ​​who heard the white-clothed man announced that the match had started on the ring, now had a half-smile smile on his face, stared at the twenty Sanxian-level cultivators, and said after a while : "Hehehe, I can finally play for a while. Seeing that you are willing to play with me, I will give you twenty moves first, one move per person, understand?" Playfulness slowly rose on Liang Tian's body.

And the twenty Sanxian who had just appeared as the competition level were slightly stunned when they heard what Liang Tian said, and then stared at Liang Tian fiercely with angry expressions on their faces. Said: "You actually uttered wild words and courted death." None of the twenty Sanxian who had been receiving enshrined treatment in the sect was an enshrined one. How can they not be angry when they say something playful?

"Hehe, if that's the case, then you don't have to let me do it. Then don't regret it," Liang Tian, ​​who saw all the Sanxians in front of him staring at him with gritted teeth, showed a dry smile and looked at him. The twenty Sanxians said. "Hmph, let's get started! We don't need you to take pity on us." The twenty Sanxians who were already too angry gave Liang Tian a hard look, and then said with a cold snort.

"Then since you are so ungrateful, then I have nothing to say now. I hope you will have good luck for you later." Liang Tian shook his head slightly when he heard the angry words of the leader Sanxian, feeling a bit embarrassed. It's a pity, and then carefully exhorted.After Liang Tian finished speaking, his right hand that was clenched into a fist suddenly snapped open.Then a white light flashed, and a lifelike ring that could be called exquisite and carved suddenly appeared on Liang Tian's right hand.

Liang Tian took a slight look at the seemingly plain ring in his hand, then lightly threw it out, and softly shouted: "Guardian Mar, Hand of Stone." As soon as the words were spoken, the ring that was falling to the ground suddenly shone with a milky white light.After the stones on the ground were irradiated by this milky white light, they quickly flew into the air, forming a big hand that was always like a human hand at the fastest speed. "Call me." At this moment, Liang Tian's voice sounded again.

After the words Liang Tian said, the big hand that had just formed and floated quietly in the air seemed to have received the order from Liang Tian, ​​and began to move silently towards the twenty loose immortals. A hard slap.The stone hand controlled by Liang Tian waved it suddenly, and the twenty Sanxian who stood at one end staring blankly at the hand in front of them were caught by the stone hand before they came back to their senses. The formed big hand swept over fiercely.

When they came back to their senses, they were already flying upside down under the ring like kites with a broken string, and had a close contact with Mother Earth fiercely.Just when the twenty loose immortals were blasted below the ring by Liang Tian with his weird maraca, the whole scene quickly fell silent.Every cultivator present stared at Liang Tian confidently with those eyes, full of surprise in his heart.

"Um, fellow Daoist Liang Tian is the first person to advance in the final round of the preliminary round." The man in white who was the first to recover from his sluggish state instantly withdrew his shocked look, and his voice trembled slightly. Announced to the practitioners watching the game below.And at the moment when the man in white announced the result, the cultivator who was still immersed in the shock was pulled back to the real world in an instant.After a while, a thunderous applause followed.

"Hehe, I didn't expect the band to pass the preliminary round so easily. It seems to be fun in the semi-finals." Standing on the stage and looking at the [-] contestants who have been freshly baked, the corner of Liang Tian's mouth darkened. Chu smiled slightly, and said in a low voice.But because Liang Tian's cultivation is really abnormal, the cultivators watching the game below couldn't hear it. If they heard what Liang Tian said just now, they really don't know how they would feel.

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