Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 37 Zombies

Ever since Dongfang Ruyun confessed to Liang Tian, ​​the relationship between the two continued to heat up.From the beginning, the two kept a little distance, and now they are stuck together like glue.Dongfang Ruyun stuck to Liang Tian's side all day long, making Liang Tian miserable.

After Liang Tian and Dongfang Ruyun broke up at the beach and came back, they were bombarded by the brothers in the dormitory.Liu Fei first asked: "Xiaotian, I went on a date with Dongfang Ruyun last night, did you kiss?" After speaking, he raised his eyebrows at Liang Tian, ​​Liang Tian turned his head away when he saw Liu Fei's disgusting look .Qi Fei then asked: "Then did you do that with her?" Liang Tianmin replied: "Which one is that!" After Qi Fei heard this, he was so angry!

Qi Fei said bitterly: "No way! Xiaotian, you haven't eaten her yet!" Liang Tian nodded and said, "It was she who confessed to me last night. In fact, I I didn't know she liked me." After finishing speaking, Liang Tian bowed his head in embarrassment.Even Rui, who was listening silently, participated in the interrogation.

Rui Yi asked blankly: "Xiaotian, did you go on a date with Dongfang Ruyun last night?" After listening to Rui Yi's words, Liang Tian touched the cold sweat on his head and said, "Aren't you dating someone else?" Is Mei Mei chatting online? Why do you have time to chat with me about Dongfang Ruyun?" After hearing Liang Tian's words, Rui Yi said dissatisfiedly: "I really don't know why Dongfang Ruyun fell in love with Xiaotian.木头。诶,算了,现在恋爱中的女生智商为零。”梁天听了鲁伊的话之后,直接过去吧鲁伊揍了一顿。

Just when Liang Tian was beating Rui Yi, a news was broadcast on the TV in the dormitory.The news said: "This morning, the police found a female body next to the trash can. Preliminary investigations showed that it was a homicide. There were no other injuries on the body, but there were two wounds on the neck that looked like tooth marks, and the blood from the whole body was sucked dry." Liang Tian frowned when he heard the report.Liu Fei who was at the side discovered Liang Tian's condition, so he asked, "What's wrong with Xiaotian, is he feeling unwell?" Liang Tian waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, I was just thinking about something." Liu Fei patted his chest Said: "I thought something happened to you!"

Just when Liang Tian and the others were chatting happily, Liang Tian's phone rang.Liang Tian knew that it was Long Zu who called to tell him about the strange case he saw on TV, and Liang Tian guessed it right.Liang Tian picked up the phone and said, "Hey, who is it!what is it "Hey, is it an elder?"The team leader needs to find you. The person speaking on the phone was a member of the Long Team. Liang Tian immediately replied: "Okay, tell the team leader, tell him to wait for me, and I'll be there right away." "After finishing speaking, Liang Tian hung up the phone.

Liu Fei heard that Liang Tian had something to go out, so he asked: "Xiao Tian, ​​is there something urgent to go out?" Liang Tian looked at Liu Fei and replied: "I have some urgent matters to deal with, and I will wait until class time By the way, tell the teacher for me, and talk to Ru Yun for me." Liu Fei joked after hearing Liang Tian's words: "You also said that you are not in a relationship, and now you even call each other so intimately. Okay, Well, I've helped my brother." Liang Tian thanked and said, "This is my good brother!"

After finishing speaking, Liang Tian walked out of the door of the dormitory.Liang Tian walked to a place that no one saw, and disappeared into the woods on the campus in a teleport.

In a secret underground base in Beijing, Qin Yusheng, the leader of the Dragon Group, is researching his own antiques.Suddenly Liang Tian's figure appeared from the sky, and Qin Yusheng was so frightened that he dropped the antique vase in his hand to the ground.Liang Tian saw it, and unfolded his divine beast like lightning.After a while, Liang Tianba's intact vase was placed in front of Qin Yusheng.He said proudly: "I said, team leader, aren't you studying your own antiques? Why, you just dropped the vase after looking at it. You don't care about national treasures!"

After hearing Liang Tian's words, Qin Yusheng said angrily, "It's not because of you. I'm here to study antiques. You suddenly appeared and I was taken aback. Then, the antiques fell out of my hand. Even though I'm a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, so I can't stand such a fright!" Liang Tian immediately apologized and said, "Leader, I didn't mean it." Qin Yusheng stared and said, "Then you did it on purpose." .”

Liang Tian immediately argued: "That's not the case, but I will definitely notify you when I come here." Qin Yusheng put away his joking smile all of a sudden, and said seriously: "A murder case happened today. , everyone must already know it!" Liang Tian said at this time: "I only found out when I watched TV in the morning." After hearing Liang Tian's words, the others all nodded.

Qin Yusheng said at this time: "Then do you know what he did?" The others shook their heads, expressing that they didn't know. "It's a zombie, it must be a zombie." Liang Tian broke everyone's calm thinking at this moment, and they all looked at Liang Tian.They asked in unison: "Why!"

Liang Tian explained: "Zombies are born from the gathering of hostility, yin and resentment from the world. Creatures that do not belong to the seven realms and six realms are dead things. Although the body is dead, the soul is still trapped in the Inside the physical body, there is endless life, but it cannot enter reincarnation." Qin Yusheng asked again: "How are the levels of zombies divided?" Liang Tian paused, and said: "The levels of zombies are divided into: walking corpses, Spirit Corpse, Bronze Corpse, Iron Corpse, Silver Corpse, Gold Corpse, Corpse King, Corpse Emperor, Corpse Emperor, Corpse God, and Corpse Saint have thirteen levels, but each level is divided into early, middle, and late stages. It is equivalent to a class of cultivators. Among them, the corpse god and the corpse saint are the legends of zombies." Qin Yusheng took a breath when he heard the ranking of zombies.

After learning about the characteristics of the zombie, Qin Yusheng said to the following members: "Now we have a task, after preliminary investigation, it has been confirmed that it is the zombie, so we must find this zombie, otherwise the consequences will be very serious. Alright, let's start the task!" After Qin Yusheng waved his hand, all the members of the Dragon Team went to look for the zombies.Even Liang Tian was no exception, and went to find the zombies.But he went to find it by himself, not the dragon group ordered him to go, he is the elder of the dragon group.

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