Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 377 Evil thoughts arise, demons emerge

However, the prize for the champion of the competition this time is a top-grade fairy weapon, medicine pills and various materials.When Liang Tian saw the true face of this top-grade artifact, he couldn't help complaining: "Damn, who is so wicked to refine this fairy artifact with the materials that are refined one by one to make a top-grade artifact? I saw him one day. I have to kill him, it’s a waste of resources.” But then he heard Liang Tian’s praises, and said: “The grade is a little lower, but the specific appearance is sculpted. Beautiful, not bad."

However, just as Liang Tian said these words, people under the ring cast displeasure at him, as if they wanted to swallow him whole.Liang Tian, ​​who was showing a laughing face on the ring, noticed the eyes casted by the cultivator sitting at the bottom at this time, and he was slightly depressed and said: "I said this sentence is wrong!"Refining fairy artifacts is not such a waste of money! ' But there was still a warm smile on his face and he said to the cultivator below: "Hehe, I'm sorry just now, I said something wrong." After finishing speaking, Liang Tian still did not forget to show some silly smiles on his face.

And the cultivator who was sitting at the bottom watching the game heard Liang Tian's words, the black line fell all over the ground, and looked at Liang Tian on the ring with a depressed expression.

Although the comprehension practitioners who were sitting down watching the match showed flattering expressions on their faces, they were all harboring ulterior motives at the moment, and they were all thinking of ways to win the top-grade immortal in Liu Qirui's hands. device.At this moment, the cultivators below cast their extremely hypocritical eyes on Liang Tian on the ring, and a hint of greed flashed across them one after another.

"Hmph, kid, don't be complacent. Wait a minute and all the cultivators here will surround you, and I'll see which fairy artifact in your hand is mine." Most of the cultivators thought this way in their hearts, and had already forgotten the shocks brought about by the Liang-Tian competition just now.

"Wow, is this the legendary top-grade fairy weapon? I didn't expect its power to be so domineering. I'm so envious." Of course, these words were only spoken by a small number of cultivators below, and their eyes were full of envy color.No one dared to be greedy, because during the competition just now, Liang Tian's strength had already shocked them deeply.

When Liang Tian put that top-grade fairy artifact into his Qiankun ring in an instant, the greed and desire of most of the cultivators underneath also continued to grow, and a pair of eyes full of insidious greed stared straight at Liang Tian The universe ring on the finger.But they didn't know it at this time, because of their greed, a catastrophe was brewing.

However, Liang Tian, ​​who was receiving the reward on the ring, had already seen the greedy desire in the eyes of the cultivators below, but with his current cultivation level, he didn't take this matter to heart at all.Even though he snorted coldly in his heart, he said: "Hmph, people still can't change their greedy nature, and they will become greedy whenever they encounter an incomparably precious magic weapon."You'd better not mess with me, otherwise your end will not be easy. Liang Tian, ​​who had finished thinking hard in his heart, immediately flashed a bright light in his eyes.

At the same time, a sense of crisis suddenly sounded in the hearts of Liu Fei and others, but they didn't know why.Liu Fei, who couldn't hide his doubts in his heart, immediately sent a voice transmission to Liang Tian: "Xiao Tian, ​​I always feel that something bad will happen later in my heart, and now I feel uneasy, what should I do?" After finishing speaking , Liu Fei cast his eyes on Liang Tian above the ring.

"Don't worry! Da Fei, don't be afraid. With me here, I won't let anyone hurt you. Don't worry." After a while, Liang Tian, ​​who heard Liu Fei's worried words, gave Liu Fei Send back to comfort him.

At the same time, in a mountain on the other side of the Holy Pole Star, there is a Shandong that looks dark and can't see its fingers. "Hahaha, greed, greed, a little more, a little more hahahaha..." Suddenly, a very bright and slightly sinister words came out from inside.

At this time, a very strange thing happened in the competition square of Shengji Gate.I saw the cultivators who were sitting at the bottom planning how to snatch the top-grade fairy weapon from Liang Tian. At this moment, an imperceptible black smoke was slowly wafting from their bodies, and it was continuously wafting. come out.

"Hmm..." Liang Tian, ​​who had returned from the arena to the auditorium, suddenly noticed this phenomenon, and turned his eyes to look behind him with a puzzled expression.

And in a cave on the other side, a shadowy man who was absorbing some evil thoughts from the cultivator's heart just now let out his particularly hearty laughter and said: "Hahaha, I finally broke through. Comprehension Realm, from now on, you will be trampled under the feet of this deity. Hahahaha..." After speaking, I saw a pair of blood-red eyes suddenly shot out from this black shadow, which looked very coquettish, and then Along with this black shadow, it disappeared into this cave.

However, when Liang Tian fell into confusion, a particularly arrogant voice sounded from the sky: "Hahahaha, oh, there are quite a lot of cultivators gathered here today! It seems that this trip today is not in vain! At this time, this hearty laughter was thrown into the hearts of the practitioners present like a bomb, causing a huge wave in an instant.Immediately, a look of shock appeared on his face, and he looked at the mysterious man in front of them with only a black shadow without confidence.

Liang Tian, ​​who was sitting in the auditorium, had already seen the specific cultivation level of the black figure in front of him, but he looked at the arrogant black figure coldly with a disdainful expression on his face. , looking at him with a face full of drama.Not only Liang Tian, ​​but even his unscrupulous brothers showed such expressions.

"Which evil spirit, why did it appear in front of us righteous people?" However, at this moment, an unknown cultivator said these words.

"Hehe, you don't deserve to know who I am." Hearing the question from the cultivator, the shadow man who always faced people with a shadow snorted coldly.

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