"I'm angry too, I'm going to kill you hateful humans." At this moment, the black figure who was already in bad shape by Liang's weather erupted, and a pair of bewitching red eyes swept across all the audience sitting Cultivators at the table. 'What's wrong, it's none of our business, did we provoke him. This is what I thought in my heart when I saw the cultivator in black shadow berserk at this moment.

But every time the eyes of this black shadow swept across the practitioners present, they couldn't help but feel a chill rising slowly from their backs, attacking their backs and spines.

"Um, brother! What is this monster! Why did you speak rudely in front of us cultivators, threatening to kill our fellow Taoists present?" In the midst of a chill, Xiao Zilin's immature voice rang out at this moment, looking at Liang Tian and began to talk.

Liang Tian, ​​who was sitting next to Xiao Zilin, heard Xiao Zilin's words, and smiled slightly in his heart, and then stretched out his right hand to touch Xiao Zilin's small head with a hint of doting He said in a calm tone: "Little Zilin! That monster in black is nothing, and he is not a person." Liang Tian suddenly had a sly gleam in his eyes after saying this, and a ghost Then the arc of his mouth was slowly displayed in the corner of his mouth.

"Boy, what were you talking about just now? You said I'm not a thing?" At this moment, the black shadow also heard the words that Xiao Zilin said, and his eyes full of danger immediately It fell on Xiao Zilin.

"Look! You have to admit it yourself, and I didn't name names. It's you who admits that you are not a thing. What can I say now." Seeing that black shadow, the eyes reflected the pair of images. With blood-like eyes, Xiao Zilin spread his hands slightly and said helplessly.

"You, I'm going to eat your soul." At this time, the black shadow couldn't bear it any longer, and roared loudly at Xiao Zilin angrily.

"Hey, I'm talking about demons! Even a child can't tell, how did you become the king of evil, you know how to devour people's souls, shameless." Seeing that black shadow yelling at his precious brother, at this moment Liang Tian also couldn't sit still, and immediately questioned that black shadow.

"That's right, other people don't dare to bully, only bullying our little Zilin, can you be more shameless!" Liu Fei and others who saw Xiao Zilin being accused were not far behind at this time. A black shadow appeared.

"You guys, you dare to say that about me, you should disappear here now!" Hearing the sarcastic words from Liu Fei and the others and Liang Tian, ​​the eyes of the black shadow standing on the ring became more and more intense at this moment. ferocious. "Go to hell!" Afterwards, these words were filled with anger, and then came out from the mouth of that black shadow.

"Oops, this attack from this guy is a soul attack, everyone be careful." The first thing I felt was that my soul was hit hard by something, although it didn't do much to Liang Tian's extremely powerful soul. The damage, but at this time let him understand the power of the soul attack.

It's a pity that Liang Tian's words were still a step too late. The invisible attack from that black shadow was like the shock wave formed by the atomic bomb explosion, and it quickly attacked the souls of the surrounding cultivators. The depths attacked the past fiercely.

"Pfft..." In an instant, the cultivators sitting in the surrounding auditoriums all spit out a mouthful of blood arrows, and looked at the black shadow on the ring with pale faces.But Liu Fei and the others, who had already surpassed the cultivation base of the black shadow fairy, now seemed to have nothing to do, and looked at the black shadow on the ring calmly.

At this time, although the cultivators who were hit by the aftermath of that soul attack spit out a mouthful of blood arrows, they were all injured to varying degrees at this time.Some cultivators above the Mahayana stage only suffered some minor soul turmoil, while those below the Transcendence Tribulation stage suffered much more serious injuries than those above the Mahayana stage.Not only the cultivators, but also the demon cultivators and demon cultivators have been tricked one after another.

At this time, their eyes were coldly looking at the black shadow on the ring, and the anger under their eyes slowly rose in the hearts of the cultivators, the demon cultivators and the demon cultivators, and bursts of murderous intentions immediately appeared Their bodies rose slowly.

'Heh heh, finally offended the public.I'll see how you end up. Feeling the murderous aura from the cultivators, demon cultivators and demon cultivators around, Liang Tian gloated secretly in his heart, looking at the black shadow on the ring with a pair of eyes watching a show.

"Damn it, I've finally had enough now. You guy actually attacked me with your soul. I can't spare you." The demon cultivator who couldn't hold back at this time immediately called out his talisman , looking at that black shadow with an angry face.

However, driven by this demon cultivator, all the cultivators, demon cultivators and demon cultivators present all summoned their natal magic weapons and stared at the black figure with those eyes that were about to burst into flames.

"Hmph, overestimate your own strength, court death." The black figure who was already enraged, with blood-red eyes, looked at the practitioners around him coldly, and then his body instantly turned into a black wind and sent out a blow that looked like A powerful attack hit the surrounding practitioners.

However, at the moment when the attack from this black shadow flew towards the cultivator sitting in the auditorium below, the corners of Liang Tian's mouth suddenly raised slightly, and he said with disgust in his heart: "Damn, why don't you And again, attacking Lao Tzu again and again, you treat Lao Tzu as a soft persimmon! Tell you, if a tiger doesn't show its power, you treat me as a sick cat!" At the moment Liang Tian finished thinking about this sentence, That black shadow's attack seemed to be spiritual, and it flew towards Liang Tian's body.

However, at this moment, a strange phenomenon happened.When the black attack transformed into a black shadow was about to attack Liang Tian, ​​it was intercepted by Liang Tian's own defensive barrier. "Hmph, evil spirits, heart demons, that's not a family, and their hearts are so bad." Liang Tian couldn't help but twitched his mouth when he saw the true face of the black shadow.

Then I saw Liang Tian pointing and saying: "Let me fix it." After saying that, the black shadow that had just turned into an attack state was fixed in mid-air as if something was frozen in place. "Hey, it's time for you to wake up. Now this guy has been fixed by me. This guy belongs to the same family as the demons we usually encounter in cultivation. If you have any resentment towards this demon, just spread it here. This guy can't be beaten to death." However, just after Liang Tian said this, the cultivator, who had already hated the harm of the demon in his heart, walked up to the On the stage, he immediately summoned his natal magic weapon and greeted the shadow that had been fixed without paying.

And under the leadership of this cultivator, all the cultivators, demon cultivators and demon cultivators who have been hurt by the demons in the audience stepped onto the stage one after another to recruit the magic weapon of their own bodies to attack this black streak fiercely. Shadow greeted him.At this moment, a group of scuffles against the demons had begun, and Liang Tian gradually stepped aside to watch the show.

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