"Is there any connection between this incident and that incident just now?" Hearing that Bi Tian avoided the topic, Liang Tian just glanced at him indifferently.At this moment, the two people sitting opposite each other fell into a moment of silence, and a heavy atmosphere instantly pressed on the chests of the disciples and friends of both sides, which made people feel extremely oppressed.

"Uh~, no." After a long time, Bi Tian, ​​who had been silent for a long time, broke the silence between the two of them first, and answered alone.

"Since not, then you asked me just now." After Bitian Nuonuo answered this question, Liang Tian, ​​who was silent with him just now, followed up to answer.

"Could it be that senior has been in the cultivation world for so long, and hasn't thought about understanding the situation in the cultivation world in the eyes of those who think they are very pure?" Bi Tian didn't show it when he heard Liang Tian answer his question in this way just now. He looked displeased, after all Liang Tian's strength was placed in front of him openly.Even if he had resentment towards Liang Tian, ​​it would be difficult to escape Liang Tian's clutches.

"Hmm..." Liang Tian looked a little puzzled when he heard Bi Tian asking himself like this, and looked at Bi Tian who said this sentence full of doubts in his eyes.

However, just as Liang Tian was staring at Bi Tian with his extremely puzzled eyes, Xiao Zilin's extremely curious words suddenly came from the side and asked: "What the hell is Xiu Mojie? Xiao Zi Lin also wants to hear some anecdotes about it." Xiao Zilin looked at Bi Tian curiously with her cute little eyes as she said this, as if she still had countless questions in her heart and wanted to ask Bi Tian next to her. God asks to understand.After all, like a seven or eight-year-old child, especially when he goes to a place he has never been to, he will definitely try his best to ask about all the things he is curious about.

Bi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the host-guest chair, heard little Zilin sitting next to him full of doubts, and seemed to feel a little bit of a peaceful smile on his handsome and resolute face, and looked at little Zilin slightly. After a while, he asked the little Zilin who was full of doubts in a tone that seemed to be abducting a child: "Little brother, the world of cultivation is nothing but a part of our entire world of cultivation. Because there Most of the cultivators who live here are practicing some weird and evil skills, or they are abandoned by cultivators.” Hearing that Xiao Zilin seemed to have misunderstood the world of cultivating demons, he quietly looked at this cute Bi Tian, ​​who heard Xiao Zilin say this, couldn't help correcting Xiao Zilin's misunderstanding about the world of cultivating demons.

"Hehe, little brother, are you interested in knowing more about the Demon Cultivation Realm?" After correcting Xiao Zilin's misunderstanding of the Demon Cultivation Realm, Bi Tian seemed to see that Zilin had some interest in the Demon Cultivation Realm. So he asked tentatively.

"Well, little brother." It seems that our cute little Zilin also doesn't like the name "little brother" at this time, and he looks displeased at Bi Tian in front of him.After a while, Xiao Zilin with a slowly displeased expression on his face then corrected Bi Tian's address to him, and said with a slowly displeased expression: "Please, uncle. I just saw your height For the sake of being taller than me, I just called you an uncle, so don't let yourself be too old here, okay? Besides, looking at your current appearance, you have only lived for 2000 years. What is there to brag about? Tell me You, a fraction of the age I have lived is older than yours." Xiao Zilin, who was aggrieved after saying this, did not allow him to make a contemptuous expression and gave Bi Tian a hard look.In fact, Xiao Zilin's anger is also from the original source. He has lived in Liang Tian's Qiankun ring for billions of years. Compared with these superior ages, Bi Tian, ​​the master of the Shengji sect, is not a cause for concern. up.

"Hmm..." Bi Tian, ​​who was uttered by Xiao Zilin, was immediately speechless, and could only sit aside and laugh dryly.

"Little Zilin, are you really so interested in cultivating the Demon Realm?" Just when Bi Tian, ​​the master of Shengji Gate, seemed speechless and unable to answer, Liu Fei on the side was very confused Looking at Xiao Zilin with a straight face, he asked.

"Well, I feel a little interested." Hearing Liu Fei's question, Xiao Zilin who was sitting beside him didn't hide anything, and replied frankly.After a pause, Xiao Zilin then went on to say: "Actually, I have been following my brother since I was born. I followed him to different worlds and martial arts. I didn't come to the cultivation world until three years ago. As for what you said We have never been to the world of cultivating demons, and we have never checked it with spiritual thoughts. So when I heard this uncle say it, I felt a little curious and asked him to find out." When it comes to 'uncle', the two When saying the word, Xiao Zilin's sharp eyes even glanced slightly at Bi Tian who was sitting aside and seemed a little speechless.

"Hey, Master Bi, since our little Zilin wants to know the specifics of the Demon Cultivation Realm so much, you might as well tell us all about it here. It just so happens that I have not been to the Cultivation Realm for hundreds of years. I’ve wandered around in the Demon Realm. Now tell us about the customs of the Xiu Demon Realm, so that when we go there for a wander, we can do as the locals do and blend into the local culture.” After understanding what Xiao Zilin said, Liu Fei called softly Bi Tian who was speechless and unable to say anything for a while.

"Um, hehe, senior, were you calling me just now?" Bi Tian, ​​who was brought back to reality from the state of speechlessness by Liu Fei, immediately confirmed to Liu Fei who the person who called him just now was. Not Liu Fei.

"I called you, why? Could it be that someone else called you again?" Liu Fei on the side glanced slightly at Bi Tian who had just been brought back to reality, and looked at Bi Tian with a cold expression. "Uh, this~" After Liu Fei said this, Bi Tian fell into a state of speechlessness again.

"Okay, don't pretend to be speechless now. Xiao Tian and Xiao Zilin would like to introduce you to the general situation of Xiu Demon Realm, so you can introduce it to them now!" When Bi Tian was about to fall into a state of speechlessness again, Liu Fei's voice from the side rang out under the circumstances of this matter.

"Oh, I got it, senior." Bi Tian, ​​who was instantly brought back to reality by Liu Fei, silently glanced at Liu Fei aside, answered Liu Fei truthfully, and then started his own explanation.He carefully looked at Liang Tian and Xiao Zilin with his eyes, took a deep breath, and began to introduce: "Speaking of cultivating the demon world, this is a taboo in the entire comprehension world. Most of the demon cultivators are a thorn in the eyes of those who think they are noble, and they want to get rid of it quickly. In fact, the demon cultivators are the same as the cultivators, and there are strong cultivators.

But the exercises they practice are different from the exercises we practice. Demon cultivators focus on physical training, and what they practice is their own flesh.What we cultivate in the righteous way is internal cultivation, and the exercises we practice follow our heart.But there is a difference in the titles between the two, one is called a cultivator and the other is called a demon cultivator.

In fact, the world of demon cultivators is also the world of comprehension practitioners, who are all involved in the struggle of blackmail and blackmail in order to strengthen their own strength.In fact, these disputes are unavoidable no matter in the cultivation world or the demon cultivation world, because this world respects the strong and speaks with fists.

Now I will give you a general introduction to the several sects in the world of cultivating demons. The most powerful one is Tianmomen.The rest are some sects of cultivating demons ranked second and third, but don't underestimate their strength, because their strength should not be underestimated. "

"Damn, I didn't expect a sect to be so popular. I also want to open up a mountain gate to play in the future. By the way, I will be the number one in the Seven Realms in the entire Seven Realms, hehe." Bi Tian introduced the specific situation of the Demon Xiu Realm Just after the end, Liang Tian who was sitting and listening quietly at the side burst into laughter at this moment, dreaming his sweet dream with a stinky expression on his face.This immediately made the six Xiao Zilin and Bi Tian feel ashamed for a while, thinking to themselves: "This guy is a little too shameless!" 'Thinking of these words in my heart, dripping down coldly.

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