Liang Tian continued his studies after accepting Xiaojun, a zombie.In this way, Liang Tian's promised two-year vacation time passed quickly.At this time, Liang Tian's college life also came to a perfect end.

This day, Liang Tian's last graduation exam has ended, and tomorrow he will return to the popular entertainment circle.In Liang Tian's mind, he kept showing the little things he had with his roommates, watching everyone graduate from Tsinghua University.Liang Tian seemed a little lost in his heart, at this moment, he saw Dongfang Ruyun, who was looking sad on Liang Tian in the distance.Walking slowly to Liang Tian's side, he said in that gentle voice: "God, there is no feast that never ends, and you still have me by your side." Liang Tian heard Dongfang Ruyun's words, She turned her head and looked at Dongfang Ruyun with tender eyes.

After a while, he said: "Ru Yun, thank you, thank you for understanding me so well. Thank you for tolerating me like this." Liang Tian said with tears streaming down his face.Dongfang Ruyun saw Liang Tian crying for the first time, so she silently walked up to Liang Tian and squatted down.Then he helped Liang Tian wipe away his tears, and said to Liang Tian: "Men have ambitions in all directions, you can let them enter their own world! Besides, you have to hold a comeback press conference every day!" Liang Tian listened to Dongfang Ru After Yun's words, he got up and went back to rest.

The next morning, Liang Tian got up early.Dressed up very cool, wearing sunglasses, the whole person looks a lot more handsome.Coupled with his evil smile, the cutie underneath must be screaming.Then he walked out of the gate of the residence, got into the special car, and headed towards the reception site.

Liang Tian arrived at the reception and just wanted to get out of the car.The reporters guarding the door rushed forward and surrounded Liang Tian tightly.The camera lights kept flashing in front of Liang Tian, ​​Liang Tian was so helpless!Who told him to be a celebrity!

Just when Liang Tian was about to take his seat, a reporter interviewed Liang Tian and said, "Liang Tian, ​​you decided to announce your comeback to the outside world today. How will you arrange your next time plan?" Liang Tian Facing the media, he took a deep breath and said: "The next plan is to release the first album of the comeback first. Then I will make a movie, uh, and host a show." That reporter is not dead He asked anxiously: "Then when will your album and movie be released and released!" After hearing this, Liang Tianyi replied awkwardly: "I don't know yet."

During this press conference, Liang Tian was chased and beaten by these reporters every time.But Liang Tian was clever enough to bypass the problem.The reporters had no choice but to give up the questioning.

At this press conference where many media were stationed, Liang Tian was asked so many questions that he almost fell to the ground.In this way, a good press conference was silenced by Liang Tian, ​​and finally the reporters left the conference very dissatisfied.

Liang Tian's comeback press conference has been over for a month, and Liang Tian's current work period is very full.He can only sleep for an hour or two. Fortunately, Liang Tian has this 1:1 million Qian Kun ring.Liang Tian came back from filming, took a shower, and disappeared into the hotel room (because Liang Tian and the others stayed in the hotel when filming and performing).

In Liang Tian's universe ring, Liang Tian, ​​who was tired from filming, moved a bed from a distance with holy thoughts.The bed slowly floated in front of Liang Tian. When Liang Tian saw the bed, he fell straight down without hesitation.In less than a while, Liang Tian fell asleep.

After Liang Tianshui woke up, he launched Shengnian to observe Xiaojun's situation.It's okay if you don't look at it, but Liang Tian was taken aback when he saw it.Liang Tian patted his chest and said: "Good guy, just came here for a day, and he has broken through to the early stage of corpse king. Well, I think it is at the level of Luo Tianshangxian." After talking to himself, Liang Tian walked away When he got to Xiaojun's side, he woke him up with holy thoughts.

When Xiaojun heard that Liang Tian woke him up, he asked Liang Tian full of doubts, "Boss, what can I do for help?" Liang Tian gave Xiaojun a chestnut, and said dissatisfiedly: Can't I come to you if I have nothing? Let's go, I will be your agent for the boss." Xiaojun said with a sad face: "Don't you have an agent? Why do you still come to me!" Liang Tian glared at Xiaojun , said angrily: "I have an agent now, but I don't like my agent. Besides, I need money!"

Xiaojun said embarrassedly: "Boss, I have no experience as a broker!" Liang Tian looked at Xiaojun with contempt and said, "Damn it, with your cultivation base of Luo Tianshangxian, it is very easy to learn to be a broker." It's easy." Liang Tianren quarreled for so long in the Qiankun Ring, Xiaojun finally couldn't hold back Liang Tian, ​​and was forced to agree to Liang Tian's request.

After Liang Tian released the Qiankun ring, he immediately went to the brokerage company to pay a liquidated damages of 100 million.So he took Xiaojun as his agent, and left all his previous agent jobs to Xiaojun.Under Liang Tian's persecution, Xiaojun was so depressed that he had no choice but to work hard.

Since Xiaojun became Liang Tian's manager, he helped Liang Tian arrange everything properly.It didn't make Liang Tian feel that he was under pressure at all, so he calmed down and prepared his own album.

In this way, a month passed.The new album prepared by Liang Tian has also started to be released and signed. Liang Tian has displayed his unique super long endurance.When signing the autograph, it was signed from six o'clock in the morning to twelve o'clock in the evening.The staff watching from the side admired him very much.At the end of the signing session, the staff smiled and praised Liang Tian and said, "Oh my god! Don't you feel tired after sitting on the signing booth for more than ten hours? If it was me, I would have called my mother a long time ago." !" After hearing what the staff member said, Liang Tian couldn't help laughing and said, "Actually, signing for a long time is not a problem! But it will test our endurance. As long as the endurance is passable, no matter how long you sign, You won't feel tired either."

In this way, with the help of many staff members and Qi Li, Liang Tian successfully signed and sold more than 4 albums.After everyone saw the results, they went to the celebration party.

In this way, Liang Tian only came back for two months, and his popularity returned to the original level, or even more.Xiaojun became more and more familiar with the work of a broker, and managed Liang Tian's work more and more easily.Afterwards, Liang Tian started filming again, and the former film king returned.

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