Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 392 Lessons

Just after this arrogance fell for a while, an old man with the cultivation base of the Seven Tribulations Sanxian came down from the upstairs of this inn, and walked up to this man with a respectful face, his face was full of anger The young man said respectfully: "Oh, what kind of wind brought you Young Master Ye? When you come, don't ask the servants to inform the old man, so that you can ask someone to start preparing!" The Sanxian old man in front of Young Master Ye became respectful to this young man.

"Shopkeeper, find a good private room for my young master." Regarding the old man who came to show his hospitality, but also for the young man called Young Master Ye, he said casually without even looking at the old man.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, the private rooms upstairs in this inn are full." Although the shopkeeper who is the Seven Tribulations Loose Immortal was not full of fear for this Young Master Ye, he still replied truthfully.

"What about the seats in the ordinary hall?" Young master Ye glanced around the ordinary hall where he was sitting, and then asked the shopkeeper of the Seven Tribulations Sanxian lightly.

"It's full too." Hearing this young master Ye's question, the shopkeeper of the Seven Tribulations Loose Immortal didn't hide the slightest bit, and replied straightforwardly.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Hearing what the shopkeeper said, a dangerous gleam flashed in the eyes of the young man named Young Master Ye, and he immediately grabbed the old man by the collar slightly Showing some ferocious expressions.

"No, it's not. All of you here are like-minded fellow Taoists. Besides, this old man can't see through the cultivation of many of them. Wouldn't it be death to drive them away?" The old man in the collar was not afraid of the young man because of this, but replied to the young man without blushing or shame.

Hearing the old man's words, the young man named Young Master Ye slowly loosened the old man's collar, and a pair of seemingly sharp and sensitive eyes were searching for the kicked out opponent all over the inn.After his eyes wandered for a long time, his eyes finally stopped on the table of seven people Liu Qirui and his party, and after a while he said to the old man: "Shopkeeper, I want this table right now." This young master will kick out the seven people who are here, and let this young master sit at this table." Although he gave orders to the old man of the Seven Tribulations Loose Immortal with an upright face, his eyes were always on the cloudy sky in the east. The whole body swayed.

And the old man looked in the direction he was pointing after hearing the number of the table to be kicked out by Mr. Ye.When he saw Liang Tian and his group of seven people came out of Yunhui's body, it could be seen that the cultivation base of the Mahayana period and Yun Yan's general cultivation base could be vaguely seen, the four Liang Tian brothers and Dongfang Ruyun's body Cultivation is something the old man can't see.

Seeing the old man who couldn't tell the specific cultivation of these seven people with his own cultivation, he couldn't help being a little shocked, and secretly mourned this young man named Ye Young Master: "Master Ye!I can still get a general idea of ​​the cultivation bases of these two of the seven.But the specific cultivation of the four men and one woman, the old man really can't see why. ’ The old man who secretly mourned Young Master Ye in his heart immediately refused: "No, old man, I am a practitioner, so I must do my best not to drive out my comrades. Disrespectful." After saying this, the old man closed his eyes and ignored the young man's expression.

"Hmph, if you don't chase me away, I don't believe it. They can do anything to me." Seeing the old man ignoring him, Ye Xian murmured a few words, then turned to face Liang Tian and his group of seven. I walked past where I was sitting.

"You six, get the hell out of here, this young master, this is the position that this young master likes." Just as Ye Xianren was sitting at the table where Liang Tian and the others were sitting, his voice reached Liang Tian and his party first. In the ears of seven people.

"Brother, did you hear that just now? There are so big flies flying around my ears all the time, it's really annoying!" Hearing what Ye Xian said, who was walking towards them, his brows were tightly frowned. Xiao Zilin who was with him suddenly put his mouth next to Liang Tian's ear and said this sentence loudly to Liang Tian on purpose.

When Ye Xian, who had just walked halfway, heard Xiao Zilin say this on purpose, he couldn't help feeling angry.In my family, who is not respectful to me, but now I am compared to a fly by a seven or eight-year-old child in front of me.Can this not make him angry?At this moment, he couldn't bear the burning anger in his heart, and he looked at Xiao Zilin furiously, and stared at Xiao Zilin with his eyes that seemed to be spitting fire: "Stinky boy, what were you talking about just now! Who is the fly?" What! You are." After saying this, Ye Xian couldn't help but stare at Xiao Zilin with wide eyes.

"Hey, some people in this world are really stupid. They didn't talk about him just now. He's okay, but he still took his seat." Xiao Zilin, who was sitting around a table with Liang Tian and the others, faced Ye Xian's anger. , directly ignoring, then said leisurely and ironically.

"You, you dare to insult this young master like this. You are looking for death. I will kill you now." Seeing the sarcasm in Xiao Zilin's eyes, Ye Xian, who was already proud and arrogant, became more and more angry. With a burst of anger, he attacked Xiao Zilin's side.

"Hmph, didn't your parents teach you the saying that a gentleman should not use his mouth but not his hands? It's courting death to be rough in front of my young master." Seeing Ye Xian who was opposite him take the lead in making moves, he was cursing Ye Xian at this moment. Little Zilin of Xian's father and mother also became polite.Violent purple fireworks suddenly erupted around the fist, tightly wrapped his little hand inside, and immediately used his figure to attack Ye Xian.

"Hey, this little Zilin is really too impulsive! It seems that I have to teach him how to control his temper in the future, otherwise there will be no trouble in the future." Seeing little Zilin When this tantrum flared up again, Liang Tian, ​​who was sitting beside him, shook his head slightly.And after he glanced at Ye Xian again, he also shook his head and said: "This guy's cultivation is good, but his temper is as violent as Xiao Zilin's. It's okay, let Xiao Zilin teach him a good lesson. Let her know how to respect people." After Liang Tian said this to himself, he did not know when a coffee table appeared in his hand, and while drinking tea leisurely, he usually looked at Xiao Zilin and that Bit Ye Xian is sparring.

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