At this moment in the inn where this scene happened, there was complete silence at the moment.All the cultivators who watched the bloody massacre mouthed 'Oh' one after another, unable to believe what they saw. 'Wow, I didn't expect my sister-in-law's methods to be so ruthless, directly destroying her body and spirit, it seems that it is better not to provoke her.We can't afford this kind of woman. Seeing this situation, Liu Fei and Xiao Zilin were all thinking the same sentence in their hearts.

After Dongfang Ruyun wiped out the whole family of the Ye family who had come here, all the cultivators who saw this unbelievable thing happening in front of them all fell into a state of sluggishness at this time, and they all flocked Opening his mouth wide, he looked at Dongfang Ruyun, and his eyes stared dumbfounded at Dongfang Ruyun who was standing in the middle of the inn.After a long time, the sound of 'gulu gulu' swallowing saliva could be heard one after another.

"It's too strong. I didn't expect that a female class would have such perverted cultivation and strength. It's really terrifying." However, at some point, a kind exclamation suddenly sounded from the crowd around the inn.And after this man hid in the crowd and said these words, Dongfang Ruyun, who possessed a powerful divine sense, naturally discovered this man.With a cold aura looming all over her body, she suddenly turned her face to the place where the most practitioners gathered, a cold light flashed in her eyes and shouted coldly at the crowd: "That wild boy is hiding in the crowd and sneaking around. Yes, hurry up and get out of my old lady." After saying that, the aura that had been withdrawn by her was released again at this time.

"Hey, it's not fun, don't hide it anymore." When Dongfang Ruyun increased his own pressure, a voice that sounded like a young man in his 20s suddenly sounded from the crowd, and then he saw the young man slowly Walked out from the crowd.With an elegant and faint smile on his face, he smiled at Dongfang Ruyun who was exuding a cold aura all over his body.

But Liang Tian, ​​who was watching the battle from the sidelines, sensed the presence of this young man at this moment, and didn't bother to pay attention to him.But when he came out and looked at his wife Ruyun with strange eyes, Liang Tian, ​​who was sitting on a chair and quietly watching every move in the inn, suddenly frowned, and said in his heart: "Oh, that's it!" , who is this little guy!Did they see her husband, me, sitting on the sidelines watching the battle again?This kid actually wants to pick on my wife, he wants to die! Liang Tian, ​​who was aggrieved in his heart and said these words, suddenly squeezed the cup tightly with both hands, his eyes were full of sour jealousy.

At this time, everyone in Liu Fei who noticed the situation on the field secretly yelled in their hearts that something was wrong: "Oops, who the hell is this guy!"He came out to tease his sister-in-law during this period of time, it seems that this little brother is in a bad situation. Everyone in Liu Fei who thought of this sentence in their hearts mourned silently for the young man who smiled profanely at Dongfang Ruyun on the field.

In the center of the inn lobby, a man and a woman were standing facing each other.The man smiled at the beautiful woman in front of him with a handsome smile on his face, and a lustful gleam flashed in his eyes from time to time.The woman had an incomparably cold expression, and looked at the young man in front of her coldly with an idiotic look in her eyes. A gleam of light flashed in her beautiful eyes from time to time, but it was just a gleam of disgust.

"My lady, I didn't expect you to have such a high level of cultivation, that you can destroy that sinister and despicable Ye family by yourself. It's really not easy!" At this moment when both sides fell into silence, The young man who had been staring straight at Dongfang Ruyun with his eyes was the first to praise him.

"Hmph, Jane is not simple, that's my own business, is it hindering you?" Dongfang Ruyun, who was exuding a cold aura at this time, heard these words, and did not lead him to uphold his feelings because of this. The cold style replied coldly.

"Where, I just saw that you are so strong in martial arts just now. Can I make friends with the girl, and we can meet more in the future." At this time, the young man didn't realize that he was about to face a catastrophe, and his face still showed Staring at Dongfang Ruyun with bewildered eyes, he said hypocritically.

"No." Dongfang Ruyun, who heard the young man's words, rejected the young man's request without even thinking about it.

At this moment, the young man who had endured it for a long time finally couldn't help it, and broke out in an instant, looking at Dongfang Ruyun's yin and yang with a pair of eyes full of desire and lust, and said: "Hahaha, little girl, I didn't expect your His personality is really hot! Brother, I like it.” However, when the words of this young man just fell, the practitioners sitting in the chairs behind and slowly watching a scene could make them happier. Liang Tian and the others who were competing suddenly covered their stomachs and vomited violently.

"Oh? Is that so? Do you want to try it?" Hearing what this self-righteous young man with Ten Tribulations of Loose Immortal cultivation said at this time, the coldness that was already permeating his body instantly increased the aura that made people unconsciously shiver. Losing the coercion, a pair of cold eyes stared closely at the young man who was looking at him with serious eyes.

When he felt Dongfang Ruyun's aura that could suffocate a cultivator below the Mahayana level, the expression of the young man staring at Dongfang Ruyun with a lecherous expression on his face changed slightly, and immediately From the original look of contempt and disdain, it instantly changed to a somewhat dignified look.But he still said the very disgusting words in his mouth as always: "Hey, little girl, I didn't expect you to be quite angry! Do you want me to calm down the fire now!" After all, the self-righteous lecherous man (because he is very lecherous) staring at Dongfang Ruyun with bewitching eyes said this very angry sentence.

"Quiet the fire, right? My old lady will let you go now." Just as Dongfang Ruyun's voice came out with a little coquettish anger, he stood in front of Dongfang Ruyun with a smile on his face at this moment, showing his fascination to Dongfang Ruyun The winking young man suddenly felt a chill around him, and a shiver could not help attacking his body.

However, what this young man didn't know at this time was that when he said those lewd words to Dongfang Ruyun just now, Liang Tian, ​​who was sitting on the chair and drinking tea in a leisurely manner, suddenly became jealous.A cold light flashed in his eyes for an instant, he cast a gloomy glance at the young man who was staring at Dongfang Ruyun, and thought bitterly in his heart: "Damn, this guy dared to tease my wife, it's so boring." As Liang Tian thought of these words in his heart, the chilling aura surrounding him became more and more intense at this moment.

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