Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 402 The Treacherous Liang Tian

"Hmph, there is nothing worth exchanging. Then you can use the messenger talisman to ask your family to send some valuable things in exchange." After Lengheng said this, the cultivator and the bandit leader turned to Liang Tian and the others behind him. The bandits surrounded by people ordered: "Since they have nothing of value on them now, we will force them to go back to the cottage and imprison them for a period of time, and let their family members come to redeem them." After finishing speaking, the cultivator used instant Instantly disappeared in place.But at this moment, he disappeared in the same place in an instant, but he didn't notice that after his figure disappeared, the suppressed Liang Tian and the six people all showed mysterious and strange smiles.

"But, brother robber, we don't have any family either. Then what should we do!" Liang Tian, ​​who was silently following behind the robber, suddenly showed a very embarrassed look and said to the robber.

"Oh, if this is the case, then you have to be wronged and go to our cottage to do handyman work for ten years before we let you go down the mountain. After all, it took a lot of manpower for us to go down the mountain and catch you back! Isn't it? ?” The leader of the robbers who was walking in the front immediately turned around and looked at Liang Tian and his group of seven people following behind him with a wretched expression.

Walking behind this group, Liang Tian and his group of seven, when they heard this sentence from the leader of the robbers, couldn't help showing a dark expression on their faces, and glanced at the leader of the robbers who was walking in front of them. On his body, he secretly thought, "Damn, I really didn't expect to meet such a shameless and shameless robber today. It seems that the next game is much more interesting." 'Although the seven members of Liang Tian and his party were secretly a little dissatisfied with the expression shown by the leader of the robber, they also added some fun to their lonely days in the future.

At this time, the sunshine of the sun was quietly hanging high in the sky, and the white and flawless white clouds floated quietly above the blue sky.However, under the blue sky at this time, there is a group of people in different clothes and shapes walking on a trail full of weeds.At this time, this group of people dressed in different shapes is divided into two groups. The number of people in the first group is relatively large, about 600 people. The clothes they wear are plain and not high-quality materials. It looks like a robber's head.But the number of people in the second group seemed a little smaller, only seven people.Walking in front of him was a boy of eighteen or nineteen years old with a handsome face, dressed in gorgeous clothes.And behind him were three young people, an old man, a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, a zombie who jumped out of the three realms and was not in the five elements, and a shameless man woman.This number of people is only a mere group of people, so naturally there are seven of us, Liang Tian and his party.

"Hey, brother robber! After walking for so long, how long will it be until we arrive!" Liang Tian and the others who had been walking behind this group of bandits pretended to complain.But they cursed fiercely at the bandit leader in their hearts: "Damn, I have never walked such a long mountain road since I was a child, and I have followed these bandits on foot for more than ten years for the property of these bandits." Hours, if I used to be!Already used teleportation. Liang Tian said fiercely in his heart about the robber leader. Although it is very convenient to use teleportation with his current cultivation base, he didn't think about his current cultivation base. Can he compare with this pervert? ?You must know that teleportation is an advanced way of walking in the realm of comprehension. Only when you have reached the fusion stage can you use teleportation, and it only consumes most of your own true energy every time you perform teleportation.The effect of teleportation is not so ideal, and the length of a teleportation performed by a cultivator in the fusion stage can only be a mere one kilometer.And the reason why the leader of the robbers with the cultivation base of crossing the catastrophe is not willing to use teleportation is because he does not want to consume most of the true energy in his body. If the catastrophe comes that day, he will not even cry. to cry.

The head of the robber who was walking in front also heard Liang Tian and the others' inquiry at this time, and the one who was walking in front just looked back at Liang Tian and the others and said indifferently: "It's not far, there are still five or six The hour's journey is almost here." After finishing speaking, he turned his head and continued on his way, ignoring Liang Tian and others' complaints.

When Liang Tian saw that the leader of the robbers who was walking in front of them ignored the seven of them, a tricky trick suddenly flashed in his heart, and a ghostly arc flashed at the corner of his mouth at this moment, and he looked at Zheng Going meaningfully. The leader of the robbers in front of him.At this time, the right hand that was drawn behind him suddenly pinched a magic formula quickly, and then flicked lightly with two fingers, the milky white light that suddenly appeared on Liang Tian's fingertips immediately flew out of Liang Tian's palm, and quickly Fly to the woods not far away.

However, when the leader of the robbers walked in front of them silently, a "roar" sound suddenly sounded in the depths of the woods. "No, it's a spirit beast." However, at this moment, the leader of the robbers who was walking in front of him suddenly stopped and said in shock.And when the little bandits who followed behind him heard the name of the spirit beast, they were frightened and overwhelmed.Because in this group of bandits, except for the head of the bandit, whose cultivation base can reach a little stage in the Transcendence Tribulation Period, the cultivation bases of the other gangsters are all around the Nascent Soul Period.

And Liang Tian and his party who were walking behind them didn't catch a cold when they heard the word "spiritual beast". They looked at the scenery around the mountain leisurely with a very leisurely expression on their faces, and they really enjoyed it!But these robbers who seemed a little flustered didn't notice at this time. Liang Tian was enjoying the scenery leisurely, but at the same time, he also showed a treacherous expression on his face, and glanced at them lightly.

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