Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 411 Chaos

"Hmph, the best garbage collar in the area wants to embarrass me in front of me, so blow me up." The sound came out of Liang Tian's mouth, and the power that had been brewed in the palm of his hand didn't seem very powerful. The energy instantly turned into a faint purple straight line, which collided with the flying sword of the highest spiritual weapon level that was oncoming.Just when the purple and white collided fiercely, a "boom" explosion sounded in the ears of the cultivator. "Hmph, dude, that's how it should end up." Just as the explosion sounded and the woman's mind was hit hard at the moment, a female voice with a bit of disgust came out from the crowd of cultivators .

When the female voice finished speaking, a fresh and pleasant woman came out of the ten people opposite the domineering woman. At this moment, a pair of beautiful eyes were staring at this woman fiercely.And the woman who came out of these ten people was Dongfang Ruyun, that's right, she looked at the woman in front of her coldly with a little disdain in her eyes, and then continued: "Hey! , I didn’t expect this young lady’s physique to be top-grade, you! You have already broken through to the cultivation level of the Transcending Tribulation Stage in just over 500 years of cultivation.” Dongfang Ruyun didn’t have the slightest hint of sarcasm in saying this at this time. The meaning of praise, but full of irony.

At this time, in her eyes, it took 500 years to cultivate to the stage of crossing the catastrophe, which is not worth mentioning at all.Now it can be seen how much Dongfang Ruyun dislikes this arrogant and savage woman, so when she uttered these words, every word hurts people's hearts.Although Dongfang Ruyun felt nothing when he said these words, but when his words reached the ears of the surrounding practitioners, there was quite a commotion.Because in the minds of the group of cultivators who are watching the two of them face to face, crossing the tribulation stage is the realm they have pursued all their lives, because when they reach that stage of cultivation, they will not be far away from the day when they will become immortals.

At this moment, when the crowd of onlookers were still shocked by this matter, Dongfang Ruyun, who was facing each other in the center, and the woman with the cultivation base of the tribulation period were facing each other at this moment. The momentum between the two became more and more dull.At this time, Liang Tian, ​​who always had a slight smile on his face, said secretly in his heart: "It seems that they have been staring at each other for so long now, and they will have to annoy this woman later."No, it looks like it's my turn now. Just after thinking about this sentence in his heart, Liang Tian, ​​who was standing beside Liu Fei and the other eight people, slowly raised his feet and walked out.

With a faint smile on his face, he walked out slowly, and when he reached Dongfang Ruyun, he stopped slowly and praised the woman: "Yes! My wife just said what I said just now. That's right, I didn't expect that this lady's aptitude is really a rare system in the legend, and she has reached the cultivation base of the tribulation period after only 500 years of cultivation, this is not the system that all cultivators can have." After saying that, , Then I thought in my heart: "Hehe, it took me only 200 years to cultivate to the Mahayana stage at that time. The speed of these 500 years is also compared with mine. It's just courting death!" At this moment, the cultivators present at this moment never thought that Liang Tian and Dongfang Ruyun would talk about double reeds, but they completely surrounded the cultivators around and this woman who had passed the tribulation period.

It is said that this arrogant and savage woman is the one with the best system and the fastest cultivation speed in their family, so she can't help but have such a strong arrogance in her heart.When she heard what Liang Tian and Dongfang Ruyun said, which seemed a little low-key, the pride on her face became more serious.Then suddenly turned a pair of eyes full of contempt and fell on Liang Tian coldly, and said to Dongfang Ruyun in that commanding tone: "Since you have said so now, then I will treat this You should have no objection to the punishment of the younger generation who despised the majesty of the strong!" At this time, the woman whose face was already full of pride looked at Dongfang Ruyun in front of her with a mysterious smile in her eyes. In the midst of it, he looked at Liang Tian who walked out of the front of his eyes and said these words with eyes full of contempt.

It's no wonder that this hot girl looks down on our Uncle Liang Tian. Uncle Liang Tian's cultivation level is abnormally high. Even those old guys in the Hongmeng space are in front of Liang Tian, ​​​​and they can't find Liang Tian. What is the real cultivation base.What's more, it's this younger sister who only has a cultivation base in the Transcendence Tribulation Period, so people have to classify him as a disabled person without any cultivation base.At this time, Dongfang Ruyun didn't know the meaning of the words that this woman said, so she saw her beautiful eyes slightly glanced at Liang Tian beside her, and said secretly: " Husband, that proud girl in front of us called you trash, how will you punish her for saying that later?" After the sound transmission, Dongfang Ruyun's beautiful eyes, which seemed very calm, moved A wave of winks was sent to Liang Tian.

"Um, this is it! My wife, just wait, we will have a very interesting game to play later." After Dongfang Ruyun and Liang Tian finished the sound transmission, Liang Tian's sound transmission also followed.But there was a hint of mystery in the words he said, which made people feel confused for a while.At this time, when Liu Fei and the other eight people, who were onlookers, saw this situation in front of them, each of them secretly mourned for this woman, because as long as Liang Tian and Dongfang Ruyun sang together When the match comes, then congratulations, you are completely over.

But at this moment, when the woman on the side saw Dongfang Ruyun and Liang Tian looking at each other, she felt raging anger in her heart.At this moment, the hand holding the long whip raised up involuntarily, and landed on Liang Tian's body at lightning speed.But at this moment, an incredible scene happened before her eyes.When the long whip fell on Liang Tian's body at lightning speed, Liang Tian, ​​who possessed perverted spiritual thoughts, immediately reacted, quickly grabbed the long whip that came suddenly with his hands and feet, and pulled his arm slightly.

The whole body of the woman who was about to attack her with a long whip in her hand flew up like a piece of light white paper, and then fell heavily on the ground, and fainted instantly due to the heavy fall. died in the past.Seeing this woman passed out, Liang Tian thought to himself: "Damn, this little girl can't stand the toss too much, just fell lightly, and passed out instantly." Feeling bored at this moment, he used that lightning speed to take the messenger talisman from the unconscious woman, and decisively crushed it.He still said in his mouth, "Hehe, it's fun when there are many people! Just this little girl playing with me, it's a bit boring."

'Xiaotian, can you be more shameless! At this time, when Liu Fei and other nine people saw Liang Tian smiling with this expression, they secretly felt ashamed in their hearts.And the other cultivators who were watching around all left the scene with flying swords. After all, it was a battle between big families, and it was not something that these low-strength cultivators could get involved. There was a burst of chaos, and the whole scene could not be called an exaggeration.

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