Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 414 Demon Cultivator Appears

At this time, after the arrival of the Ling family of the four major families in Qinglan City, the situation that seemed a little chaotic just now gradually calmed down.Even though it was like this, the figures of the cultivators who had been watching the excitement around Liang Tian and the others disappeared without a trace. At this moment, there was only ten Liang Tian fighting against dozens of people.This is also the case, these dozens of people with the highest cultivation base and only the cultivation base of the Three Realms Loose Immortals are only failures.Because the lowest cultivation base of the ten people in front of them is also the cultivation base of the middle stage of Mahayana, and it is impossible for them to defeat any one of them, from the Seven Tribulations Sanxian to the Dao cultivation base beyond this universe.Take the weakest Yun Hui as an example, it is not so easy for a group of practitioners who are only at the out-of-body stage to deal with him.

That's why everyone who came from the Ling family saw the ten people of different ages in front of them, but they couldn't see through the cultivation of these people anyway, but the only one who could see clearly was the only one who could see clearly. It's just a cloud meeting in the middle of Mahayana.Therefore, facing Liang Tian and the ten members of the Ling family, all members of the Ling family did not dare to act rashly, because in front of their eyes, the ten people exuded an invisible aura that made them breathless, and this aura The momentum can only be possessed by the strong and powerful.

On the opposite side, the Ling family was standing quietly in front of Liang Tian and the ten of them. The Ling family did not dare to act rashly at this time, they could only stare fiercely at Liang Tian and the ten people in front of them with raging anger.But at this moment, in the eyes of Liang Tian and the others, the actions of the Ling family did not arouse the excitement in their hearts at all, because strong men like them are lonely in every possible way, and they are eager to make something happen. Come and do it yourself.So this is a typical example of finding trouble for nothing and staying full after eating.

No, the two sides stood quietly opposite each other, standing still without saying a word, and there was no sound around. "Hey, it's so fucking boring. Didn't the posture just now mean to fight! Why don't you fight now." However, at this moment, Xiao Zilin, who had been standing there without making any sound, couldn't hold back What was in his heart, he said with an unhappy expression what was in his heart all the time.Although Xiao Zilin said the sentence just now, the expressions on the faces of the people on both sides did not change in any way.

But in his heart, he just felt ashamed of the words that Xiao Zilin said at this moment. The side of Liang Tian and his party of nine people secretly said with shame: "Uh, what Xiao Zilin said just now is really true." It's too straightforward.At least when you say this sentence, you have to have a very heroic opening statement, but this is also rude! Liang Tian and his party of nine, who were thinking about this sentence in their hearts at this time, couldn't help leaving a big drop of cold sweat on their foreheads.

At this time, the people on the Ling family's side were the most angry. They heard the words that Xiao Zilin said just now clearly.At this moment, all the disciples of the Ling family gritted their teeth secretly in their hearts and said, "Damn it, what that kid said just now clearly didn't take our Ling family seriously, and he openly challenged our Ling family, could it be that?" He just wanted to die so easily! At this moment, the disciples of the Ling family who were gnashing their teeth and secretly thinking about this sentence in their hearts, after saying this sentence in their hearts, they suddenly felt that something was slightly wrong, and quickly denied what they had just thought in their hearts.

At this time, the eyes of dozens of people on both sides of the stalemate intersected each other, and the surrounding noises seemed a little silent at this moment.But in the end, it was the Ling family who came to inquire about the crime first and broke the silence. They saw him asking Liang Tian and others many times, but they couldn't find out who knocked their precious granddaughter unconscious. Sanjie Sanxian, who was angry for a while, asked again coldly: "Tell me, who exactly knocked out my granddaughter? If you don't tell me, one person will break a right leg." At this moment, the person who said this sentence The voice of this Three Tribulations Loose Immortal became louder and more powerful.

But unfortunately, when he yelled this questioning sentence, Liang Tian and ten people standing in front of them did not answer his words.But when he finished saying this, he instantly felt the temperature around his body drop suddenly.Although a high-level cultivator is no longer afraid of the invasion of ordinary weather and cold currents, if a master with a cultivation level one level higher than himself stares at him with extremely cold eyes, the stared cultivator The reader can feel it immediately.

In this Three Tribulations Loose Immortal, he suddenly felt the temperature around his body drop suddenly, making him look icy cold, and looked around his body carefully with his eyes.When his eyes suddenly fell on Liang Tian and the others, he immediately saw Liang Tian and the other ten people's eyes with a slight hint of frost falling on him coldly.At this time, when he felt that the gazes that were about to freeze him into ice cubes fell on him coldly, the Sanjie Sanxian who said the sentence just now immediately realized that he had said something wrong just now.

After all, he is an old Jianghu who has been in the cultivation world for many years. Realizing his current situation, he immediately changed the tough and cold expression just now, showing a seemingly weak expression, and knelt down to face Liang Tian and ten others. Humanely: "Senior, it was the younger generation who didn't know Mount Tai just now, and offended you ten." At this moment, Sanjie Sanxian, who had already slightly felt the momentum emanating from Liang Tian and the ten people, said with a cautious expression on his face. Say this sentence.

"Hehe, after all, it is excusable for people to do wrong things. We don't care about these trivial things." At this time, the leader Liang Tian said this sentence. Changed a bit: "However, your way of educating your children is a bit wrong, isn't it just that your aptitude is better and your cultivation speed is faster than other disciples. As for pampering her like this, now she is also being pampered by you Become so arrogant and domineering, and don't look down on anyone at all. Do you know how much harm this will bring to the cultivation world?" After finishing these words, Liang Tian released a wave of anger on himself. Some suitable aura deters this Sanxian who has three robbers.

"Too late, this junior understands. This junior will definitely do his best to discipline this ignorant girl, senior please rest assured." At this moment, the Sanxian who felt the coercion emanating from Liang Tian couldn't help trembling respectfully Respectfully said to Liang Tian in front of him.

As soon as the words were finished, Liang Tian's eyes, which were huge and sharp, suddenly flashed, and a faint smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, and he said to himself: "Hehe, I didn't expect such a good day to go out today. After playing this fun thing, now comes another more interesting thing to play." After finishing speaking, a strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Liang Tian's mouth.At this moment, Liu Fei and the other nine people who heard Liang Tian's words at this time seemed to have no idea what was going to happen later, and they couldn't help but glanced at Liang Tian with doubts in their eyes.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect my ancestor to be so lucky today, to meet more than a dozen delicious Nascent Souls at once." After a pair of hearty words mixed with a little greed, a person trembling all over The old man covered in black mist appeared in front of Liang Tian and his party.At this time, when the Sanjie Sanxian saw the person in front of him clearly, he immediately said in shock: "A demon cultivator." Although it was a small surprise, it was still clearly heard by the ears of a cultivator with keen hearing. Chu.

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