Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 43 Visiting the Kunlun School

Kunlun Mountain, located on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, is above 6000 meters above sea level and is covered by snow and ice all year round.It is difficult for people to climb to the top of the mountain, because there is a Kunlun School of the Seven Schools on the top of the mountain.

It is said that Liang Tian used teleportation to bring Xiaojun and five Kunlun sect disciples to the foot of Kunlun Mountain. Liang Tian and his party slowly climbed from the foot of the mountain to the halfway up the mountainside of Kunlun Mountain.Liang Tian wiped his forehead and said, "Are you there yet? I'm exhausted." After speaking, he stopped and wiped his sweat.Seeing the five Kunlun sect disciples like Liang Tian at the side, three black bars immediately hung above their heads.They thought at the same time: "Please, it's snowing today, how can it be so hot!" If Liang Tian heard what these five disciples said, he would definitely kick them off the foot of Kunlun Mountain go down.

In this way, Liang Tian and Xiaojun fought and fought all the way, and finally arrived at the gate of the Kunlun School.After Liang Tianzu looked right and right, he said to the five Kunlun disciples, "Hey, haven't we arrived yet? Why haven't we seen the gate of your Kunlun sect yet?" After hearing this, the smartest disciple said, Immediately explained: "That's not the case, senior, the front is the residence of our sect. It's just protected by the mountain protection array, so we can't see it."

After Liang Tian heard what this disciple said, he immediately released Sheng Nian.After Sheng Nian took it back, Liang Tian said with a smile: "Not bad, not bad. I didn't expect this formation to block the full blow of a master in the early stage of Mahayana." After hearing Liang Tian's words, the five disciples felt sorry for Liang Tian The sky was full of awe, and he almost worshiped him as an idol.

After Liang Tian finished laughing, he changed back to his original grim expression, and said to the five Kunlun sect disciples with a smile: "Now we are outside your sect, hurry up and ask your master to come out to welcome the distinguished guests!" After hearing Liang Tian's words, the disciple immediately took out the communication talisman.Directly said to the inside of the spell: "Brother, we are back, please open the door." As soon as the disciple finished speaking, a golden light flashed suddenly on the large formation protecting Kunlun Mountain.A few young people came out and said to the five disciples, "Junior brother, you are back so early! Tell me, is the secular world fun?"

The five disciples said to the young men who had just come out: "What a joke! I almost got hanged on the road just now. Thanks to the senior who saved us, we can be rescued." After the disciple finished speaking, the other four disciples They all nodded their heads. "That's right, I didn't like it on the road just now, those foreigners jointly bullied us Chinese, so I wiped them out." Liang Tian said aloud at this moment.

Those young men heard Liang Tian's words, so they turned their heads one after another.They all thought in their hearts: He was standing here just now, but we didn't realize that if he was an enemy, then we would be miserable. A young man asked in disbelief: "Senior, are you really the one who saved our junior brother?" "Since they haven't seen Liang Tian's cultivation, they just said that.

After Liang Tian saw the cultivation of these young people, he smiled and said, "That's right, we've reached the middle stage of Golden Core." Liang Tian said to the leading disciple.Then he smiled and said: "That's right, that's right, all of them are at the Golden Core Stage." Liang Tian said this, but thought to himself: "What a fart, I'm at the Mahayana stage at the very least." Of course, Liang Tian only said these words in his heart.

Just when Liang Tian was happy, a loud voice came from afar and said: "I don't know there is a visitor, but I am welcome from afar. Then fellow Taoist, please come in!" As soon as Liang Tian heard these words, he knew It is the head of the Kunlun faction.

So Liang Tian, ​​led by several disciples, came to the hall of the Kunlun School.As soon as Liang Tian entered the main hall of the Kunlun School, a distracted consciousness swept towards Liang Tian.When he just arrived at Liang Tian, ​​he was bounced back by Liang Tian's hard body.

The old man sitting in the dark said to the head of the Kunlun faction: "Master! That young man's cultivation is very advanced, at least he has a Mahayana cultivation base." After hearing the elder's words, the head fell directly to the ground , said in disbelief: "At such a young age, his cultivation has reached the Mahayana stage. Isn't that from the mother's womb!" In fact, Liang Tian knew that they were talking about himself, but Liang Tian didn't take it seriously.

It has been an hour since Liang Tian came to the Kunlun School, and he couldn't help saying angrily: "Is this how the Kunlun School treats guests? When the guests come, they don't even give them tea. I'm wasting their lives in vain." After hearing Liang Tian's words, the leader immediately apologized and said, "I'm sorry! I was too involved in chatting with the elder. I forgot that another distinguished guest came. I'm here to apologize to you."

Liang Tian suddenly saw a dark place, and said loudly: "Old man, isn't it great to hide in there and eavesdrop? If you don't come out, then I will personally ask you to come out." As soon as Liang Tian finished speaking, An old man appeared in front of him.When the old man came out, he looked at Liang Tian in shock and said, "I hid so secretly that even the Mahayana period couldn't find me, why did you see me?" Liang Tian glanced at the old man, and said indifferently: " As far as your invisibility is concerned, those three-year-olds are not bad, but if you want to use it to deceive me, you are asking for trouble. And did your elders tell you? People who meet high cultivation are called seniors! "

The old man was shocked and asked: "Then, senior, how high is your current cultivation level! I can't see through your cultivation base with my cultivation base in the fusion period." Liang Tian said in an awesome way : "It's nothing, and it's not very high, but there is no one in the three realms that is my opponent." After hearing Liang Tian's cultivation, the old man fell off the stool directly. "Pervert" took a long time to say these three words.

At this time, Xiaojun came over from the side and said to Liang Tian: "Boss, you are really cool today." When the old man saw Xiaojun, he couldn't see Xiaojun's cultivation, so he asked Xiaojun again. "Senior, how high is your cultivation!" After hearing what the old man said, Xiao Jun's face almost turned bitter and said, "Hey, after practicing for so long, I can't keep up with the boss." The elder hurriedly asked: "How high is that cultivation level!" Xiao Jun said listlessly: "So-so, just reached the early stage of Luotian Shangxian." The elder sat on the ground and said: "God! I'm not alive It's gone. Why are the two guests who came today more perverted than the other!" Liang Tian shook his head helplessly when he saw the elder like this.

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