Now, they were even more shocked, because a rare artifact in the cultivation world actually appeared today.

However, before their psychological shock receded, an extremely heavy feeling was suddenly exerted on the cultivators who came to the ancient miracles to grab one or two treasures by hand, which made them feel as if they were hunchbacked at this moment. Holding a stone of tens of thousands of jins, the whole body was suppressed and could not move a step forward. They were all shocked in their hearts and said, "Is this the momentum released by the artifact?" '

Just such a simple sentence flashed a trace of greed in the hearts of the cultivators who participated in the competition for ancient miracles, and the need for artifacts in their hearts began to become more and more eager.


When the birth of the divine weapon caused such a large-scale coercion, Liang Tian, ​​who had already hidden his body among the crowd of cultivators, also felt the coercion emanating from this divine weapon. Suddenly, he frowned tightly and let out a sound of surprise, and then he realized something: "Oh, so that's the case, this powerful aura is the divine weapon that was born in the ancient miracle! It seems that this The grade of this unearthed artifact is not bad!"

However, when Liang Tian felt the aura emanating from this newly born artifact, he immediately guessed the grade of this artifact, and an incomparably mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.And when Liang Tian was among the crowd of cultivators, he felt the aura emanating from this divine weapon, knowing its grade and quality, and Liu Fei, who quickly ran out to watch the excitement, also mixed in with the crowd of cultivators at this moment. , and immediately felt oppressed by the aura emanating from the artifact itself.

After a while, after the terrifying aura of the divine weapon subsided quietly, Zi Lin, who had already passed the test of the heavens, frowned involuntarily, and then reminded: "Everyone, wait a minute and follow what I said. Do it, don't become greedy because of this divine weapon, or you will end up dying later."

After all, Zi Lin, who seemed to feel something was about to happen, was staring closely at the sky not far away with his purple blue eyes, but the expression on his face was serious at the moment.

"Zi Lin, what's wrong?"

Hearing what Zilin said now, all 11 of Liu Fei stared at Zilin with doubts in their hearts at this moment, and asked in a suspicious tone: "Look at the expression on your face now. The expression on his face looks so serious, wait a minute for what is going to happen."

But just as Liu Fei finished the question, Zilin immediately withdrew his purple-blue eyes and scanned the entire body of Liu Fei's 11 people. The 11 people said: "This is a secret. It's best not to ask too many questions at your current level of cultivation, or the way of heaven will punish you. Don't blame me for explaining it to you now. What you have to do now is It is An An who is here to watch the changes with peace of mind, and act according to the trajectory of the way of heaven."

The words Zilin said had just finished, but Zilin with an extremely serious expression looked at his purple-blue eyes to the horizon not far away again, as if he wanted to see through a certain place in the horizon Look so calm.Just like that, Zilin had been standing quietly on the spot and looking not far away for five days, when the crowd of cultivators present also began to have an incomparably huge commotion.

Immediately, someone suggested: "Since the ancient miracles have been opened, why should we be cowards in this city. Why don't we go to the place where the ancient miracles are opened to see what kind of artifacts are born?" There is such a powerful imposing coercion, what do you think about it?"

Having said that, I saw the cultivator who first proposed this suggestion looked at everyone present with a little excitement, but the desire revealed in his eyes was obvious, which shows that this name The degree to which the cultivator covets the artifact that was just born.

"That's great. We haven't seen what a real artifact looks like since we embarked on the path of cultivation for thousands of years. Now, after waiting for thousands of years, we finally waited for the legendary ancient miracle to be opened again, and we can witness it again. The appearance of the divine weapon created by Duotian. Even so, Pindao went with fellow Taoists to appreciate the elegance of the divine weapon."

Less than half an hour after the first cultivator who suggested said that, he immediately heard the cultivator among the crowd who had already been unable to hold back the desire that emerged in his heart agreed aloud.

Afterwards, the first cultivator took the lead, and those cultivators who believed that for the sake of the divine weapon, they could turn their cultivation for thousands of years into naught all followed the one who initiated the suggestion and marched forward in a mighty manner. The place where the ancient miracle was opened, the crowd of people who were originally densely packed instantly decreased by more than half.

Most of them were casual cultivators who did not rely on the big forces of the sect. Of course, some small or medium-sized sect forces also followed, most of them were caused by the greed in their hearts.

"Master, let's go now too! If we don't go, the newly born artifact may be taken by others."

When those casual cultivators who didn't have many magic weapons in their bodies left the city to go to that ancient miracle to compete for the artifacts, the elders of the sect who had been standing beside them couldn't hold back their greed, and began to probe and inquire. .

When the elder asked tentatively, he saw the head of the sect who was still thinking about the pros and cons with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Forget it! Let's go see how lively the scene is now." Well, he took the lead and led all the disciples under his sect to disappear to the original place in a mighty manner, and the number of people was reduced by more than half in an instant.

After the head of the first large sect left with his disciples one by one, those decent sects who claimed to be the top sects in the cultivation world couldn't resist the temptation in their hearts at this moment, and also led a group of disciples to The location of the ancient miracles set off.Not only is the Righteous Dao so impatient, even the Demon Dao and the Demon Dao are now unable to hold back and lead the crowd to set off.

"The number of people is ready, the fun begins, let's go."

When all the well-known sects in the comprehension world who came to participate in the artifact competition went to the ancient miracle, Zi Lin and the other 12 people immediately received a voice transmission from Liang Tian not far away, and then the 12 people looked at each other At a glance, they cast teleportation and disappeared in place.

And at the place where the ancient artifact was opened, the tens of thousands of casual cultivators who arrived there first saw the just-born artifact, and immediately flocked to snatch it. The incident intensified, and finally the incident escalated into a gang fight, and the scene was extremely chaotic. .

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