Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 532 An Incomparably Strange Test

[Chapter 530 The second strange test]

"Forget it, let's go according to what you feel in your heart, so that you can feel the meaning of this call in a quiet way."

After finishing speaking, Liang Tian immediately emptied his mind of other things, and the emotions in his heart instantly reached the point of stillness.

Immediately turned his head, and said to Liu Fei and the other 12 people: "Now I have brought you here, wait until the ancient miracle is opened, and don't reveal your strength too early. If you can get into the crowd and enter the cave, try your best." Entering the entrance of the cave in this way, now I still have some things to do by myself, so I can't accompany you to go in for treasure hunting."

After he emptied all the obsessions in his heart, the call from the bottom of his heart became stronger and stronger, which led to Liang Tian just saying that Liu Fei and the other 12 people had been brought to the side of the ancient miracle site for a while. Time, they hastily bid farewell to them.

"Hey, Xiaotian, what's the matter with you? Why did you just bring the twelve of us out and leave so quickly."

Just when Liang Tian said his farewell words and was about to turn around and leave, he heard Qi Fei, who was a little puzzled when he heard what he said this time, suddenly called out and asked what happened.

Hearing Qi Fei's caring greetings, Liang Tian's expression still showed an endless smile, and he didn't say the truth, he just said perfunctorily: "Actually, it's nothing, it's just that the When the few of you brought here, I suddenly felt something calling me, so I just wanted to tell you to look around."

Although it was just perfunctory words, the truth in the words was extremely real.

Hearing what Liang Tian said at this moment, Qi Fei, who was about to turn around and leave after Liang Tian suddenly said those words, suddenly showed a burst of embarrassment, and then slowly revealed his face. Full of embarrassing smiles, he said: "Hehe, so it is like this! Since Xiaotian, you feel that something with fate is calling you now, then you should hurry up! The embarrassing scene just now was just a few of us It's just a curiosity."

As he said that, Qi Fei turned his helpless eyes to Liu Fei and other 11 people to ask for help, hoping that they could relieve him of the extremely embarrassing atmosphere at the scene. full of depression.

However, as members of the group, Liu Fei and other 11 people are quite loyal. When Qi Fei looked at them with a helpless look, he saw that each of them nodded their heads to varying degrees, which was regarded as support. Qi Fei said that just now.

After Liu Fei and his group helped Qi Fei relieve the extremely awkward atmosphere in front of Liang Tian, ​​Liang Tian felt that the surrounding atmosphere became much more pleasant, and immediately showed a warm smile on Qi Fei's 12 people: "This way My son! Since you have nothing to do now, I am also going to find the source of calling myself. I hope you can have a good time later and meet Luo."

Liang Tian's incomparably cheerful words fell, and after seeing Liang Tian turned around and blessed the twelve people of Liu Fei, Liang Tian's figure turned into a brilliance and disappeared in place.

"Hey, Xiao Fei, did you know what you were doing just now?"

Gradually, after Liang Tian's already incomparably faded figure disappeared completely, Liu Fei, who was smiling all over his face, and the others withdrew their smiles immediately, and asked in both pairs: "Just now, Xiaotian said that he had met Where is his opportunity, and the call in his heart is getting stronger and stronger. And the few minutes you procrastinated just now, almost made him miss this opportunity, you know?"

As soon as Liu Fei finished speaking Qi Fei's stern words, he saw the cannibalistic eyes of the other ten people all falling on Qi Fei.

"That's right, what Da Fei said is right, in everyone's life there is an opportunity to share clothes."

When the cannibalistic eyes of the ten people fell on Qi Fei who didn't understand why just now, Dongfang Ruyun, who felt that her husband Liang Tian felt that he almost missed this opportunity, followed Liu Fei's words Then he said: "Besides, the chances of cultivators like us are one in a million, and they are hard to come by. If you lose the chance that Xiaotian originally got, don't say that Xiaotian will do something to you." No matter what kind of punishment, even we can't be brothers with you anymore."

This seemingly resolute sentence was uttered from Dongfang Ruyun's mouth, and ten people including Liu Fei immediately nodded in agreement. After all, Liang Tian's position in their hearts is of great significance.

On the side of the ancient miracle site, Qi Fei is currently being scolded bloody by Liu Fei for the incident just now, and he looks extremely aggrieved now.And what is Liang Tian doing now that his figure disappeared in front of the 12 of them?

However, after Liang Tian said a few words to Liu Fei and the 12 people about Zhu Yun, he teleported and disappeared in place, directly passing through the periphery of the ruins of ancient miracles that seemed extremely chaotic at the moment, and his spiritual thoughts completely converged into his body to avoid the gods of many cultivators. Consciously aware, the figure suddenly flashed around the ruins of ancient miracles.Of course, with Liang Tian's current cultivation base, none of the cultivators present who were fighting for the artifact could spot him unless he showed up unintentionally.

"Hey, wasn't the entrance here when I probed with my spiritual sense just now? Why is it just a mountain here?"

Liang Tian, ​​who had been wandering around this ancient miracle site for a long time, suddenly frowned, and then let out a soft surprise to express his doubts.

However, Liang Tian, ​​who has no rivals in the seven worlds of this universe, now believes in his luck, and continued to wander around with a relaxed expression on his face. As expected, he found the entrance of the ruins, and then he saw his figure walking quickly. It disappeared in a flash.

Although the entrance to this ancient miracle seemed particularly secret and difficult to find for other cultivators, it was still easy for Liang Tian, ​​a pervert, and it took him a long time to enter.

The footsteps under the body walked step by step with some gold and silver treasures in the world, these passing clouds, and then Liang Tian immediately felt as if he was in this natural museum at the moment, when suddenly on the stone wall beside him A few lines of words were revealed, "Fortunate people, you are welcome to come here to accept the test of inheritance, and I hope you can pass the test of inheritance after a while."

But it's a pity that Liang Tian, ​​who is walking forward with all his heart at this moment, doesn't know what strange test he will face later, but he doesn't know that his current steps have stepped into the stone wall revealed by those few lines of writing, and soon disappeared outside.

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