Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 54 Teaching Brothers to Cultivate

Liang Tian helped Qi Fei, Rui Yi and Liu Fei, who were already drunk, back to the hotel where Liang Tian was staying, and asked the hotel waiter to open two more rooms.It took Liang Tian a lot of effort to carry the three drunk Liu Fei onto the bed.

At eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, Liang Tian woke up from his practice.At this time, Liu Fei, Qi Fei, and Rui Yi also slowly woke up from the drunken state.Seeing that Liang Tian was staying beside them without sleeping, he asked, "Little Tian, ​​it's so late, why are you still awake! You have to go to the set to film tomorrow!" Liang Tian smiled and said to them: "I can't sleep tonight, so I won't sleep." Liu Fei and the others couldn't talk about Liang Tian, ​​and then closed their mouths.

Liang Tian was having an ideological battle in his heart, thinking: "Should I tell Liu Fei and others that I am a cultivator? If I tell them, maybe they will still laugh at me as a fool! If I don't tell them, I will I will feel guilty for the rest of my life, if that happens, not only will I not be able to improve my cultivation, but it will also cause my inner demons to recur. No, I must tell him that I am a cultivator." Liang Tian did what he said, which is his consistent style.

So Liang Tian said to Liu Fei and the others: "Brothers, let me tell you one thing." Liu Fei and the others looked at Liang Tian suspiciously and said, "Little Tian, ​​what the hell is it! Don't fool everyone, tell me quickly !" After Liang Tian heard his brother's urging, he asked, "Brothers, do you believe that there are gods in this world?"

Liu Fei looked at Liang Tian and said, "I said, little boy! Did your brain burn out and you started talking nonsense now. Besides, we are atheists. I don't believe that there are gods in this world."

Qi Fei, who heard what Liang Tian said, also interjected, "I believe it, because when I went to the toilet last time, I saw a white shadow floating in the toilet. I can’t go to the bathroom anymore.”

Rui Yi, the most honest among Liang Tian's four, also said at this time: "If there are really gods in the world, I would be the Jade Emperor by now. I'm still a company employee working in someone else's company."

Liang Tian laughed and said: "You guys said this, don't blame me then." After Liang Tian finished speaking, with a wave of his hand, Liang Tian and the others disappeared in the hotel room and appeared in a certain corner of the God Realm .

Rui saw that the clothes worn by the people here were different from theirs.So he asked Liang Tiandao: "I said, Xiaotian! Where did you take us? People here seem to look at us with strange eyes!" Liang Tian said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I just saw The expressions on your faces are so funny, one is that you can’t control your own strength, so you sent everyone to the God Realm.” After Liang Tian apologized, he waved his hand again, and Liang Tian and the others disappeared into the God Realm again. in some corner of the world.Appeared in the hotel room.

Liu Fei looked at Liang Tian in surprise, his mouth was wide enough to hold an egg.After a while, they woke up from the shock just now.Then he tortured Liang Tian and said: "I said, little boy! We took good care of you before, can you pass on your skills to me!" Liang Tian said after seeing Liu Fei's evil expression. I know, it turned out that this guy was envious when he saw that he had this ability.

Liang Tian cleared his throat and said: "This is possible, but you have to cultivate yourself, otherwise, I will give you a very high level of cultivation. Don't even think about improving your cultivation level in the future. You should think about it. "Liu Fei and the others heard the words of imparting cultivation bases, saying that they couldn't improve further, so they said in fear: "I think it's better to forget about teaching cultivation bases. I can still cultivate by myself, so as to save my cultivation base from standing still. Let's go, this is not good."

Liang Tian saw that the brothers had some understanding of the road to cultivation, so he said: "Now let me tell you about the cultivation levels in the cultivation world. Aperture period, distraction period, integration period, transcending catastrophe period, and Mahayana period. Each level is divided into three stages: beginning, middle and last. If you pass the Heavenly Tribulation, then you have reached the Mahayana stage that a cultivator dreams of. The next step is to slowly transform the true energy in your body into immortal energy, and then the guiding light will shine down from the sky and bring you to the stage of immortality. Immortal world to find your next way.

If you fail to pass the tribulation, you can disband your troops and switch to cultivating Loose Immortal. Immortals, Loose Immortals of the Seventh Tribulation, Loose Immortals of the Eighth Tribulation, Loose Immortals of the Nine Tribulations, Loose Immortals of the Tenth Tribulation, Loose Immortals of the Eleventh Tribulation, and Loose Immortals of the Twelve Tribulations.After becoming a Sanxian, you have to go through a catastrophe every 1000 years, until you reach the No. 12 Sanxian Tribulation, you will ascend to the fairy world.Sanxian ascended to the fairy world, and his cultivation reached the cultivation level of the immortal king, but Sanxian is also a top-notch powerhouse in the cultivation world. "

The four of Liu Fei who were listening quietly at the side were fascinated by it.After a while, they woke up from the intoxicated state.Sitting next to Liang Tian, ​​he said to Liang Tian, ​​"Xiao Tian, ​​I want to be a god, please teach us!" When Liang Tian heard them say that a cultivator is a god, he corrected and said, "You say Wrong, in fact, those who practice are not considered real immortals. They are at best just cultivators, and have not really become immortals. Besides, immortals and gods are not of the same order. Gods are living at a higher level than the immortal world interface."

After Liu Fei heard Liang Tian's corrective words, he begged Liang Tian again and said, "Then Xiaotian, can you call us?" Liang Tian just smiled and replied straightforwardly: "Who called us brothers? Of course it is possible!" So he reminded again: "I told you in advance that before cultivating the truth, you must first build a foundation. Of course, this process is a bit painful, and I hope you can bear it." Liu Fei and the three replied in unison: "We see You can be patient, please teach me! Otherwise, it will be difficult for me to pick up girls in the future." After hearing what Liu Fei and the other three said, Liang Tian fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

After Liang Tian promised Liu Fei and the other three to ask them to cultivate, he didn't care whether they wanted it or not.He took them into the Qiankun ring and built a foundation for them.When Liang Tian first built the foundation for Liu Fei, because Liang Tian was not familiar with it, it took him seven days to finish building the foundation for Liu Fei.Qi Fei was a little faster, taking only five days, while Rui took even less time, only taking a mere three days.

After Liang Tian finished building the foundation for them, he found a cultivation method suitable for Liu Fei and the three of them in the Qiankun ring.What Liang Tian gave Liu Fei was "The Record of the Holy Sword", which is a practice method that can be cultivated to the level of the Holy One, which is very consistent with Liu Fei's attributes.Qi Fei's "Battle Saint Jue" is also a cultivation method for cultivating to the extreme of the Holy Lord. When it is cultivated to the extreme, the hardness of the body is comparable to the top-grade holy weapon.Rui's is "Shadow Holy Record", which is a cultivation method dedicated to assassination. When it is cultivated to the extreme, it is also at the peak of the later stage of the Holy Lord.It can be said that Liang Tian found it after searching for his brother for a long time.

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