Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 556 A Different Propaganda Method

Liang Tian immediately put on the expression of disgust and "cut" Liu Fei, and then hung up with an expression of "I don't know you".

"Uh, it's really meaningless."

Seeing Liang Tian's disdain for him on his face, Liu Fei who was sitting beside Liang Tian couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth and said.

Seeing this expression on his face and finishing speaking, Liang Tian rolled his eyes at him again, and said helplessly: "Then it's over, since we haven't had much communication since we met, except with We discussed some problems between Long Huazong and the unfinished supermarket. I have never seen you say a word to Brother Leng Yue. Every time I see you, you are either busy building the supermarket or practicing in seclusion. So you still have to listen to Big Brother Leng Yue, in the future, the two of you should have a good communication and promote the growth of friendship between brothers is the kingly way."

There is no way, among the seven people, the two whose brotherhood is almost strangers are Liu Fei and Leng Yue.

Because the two of them have never been in contact since they met and knew their names, and what's more, they haven't met once.

"That's right, the communication between the two of you is too little! Except for the first meeting and greeting, you haven't met face to face.

I asked you two, can you adjust the training time to the right place in the future, don't always let me practice when you come out, the time schedule is crossed, you have to have a good chat or fight with Brother Leng, so as to improve each other The relationship between you, don't you think? "

As soon as Liang Tian said what he said earlier, Dongfang Ruyun who was sitting next to him nodded and answered, and every word he said made sense.

As soon as Dongfang Ruyun asked the seven people around him, they immediately got a response from everyone. Seeing Liang Tian and the other seven people, they all nodded in agreement with his point of view.

Because in their opinion, the communication between Liu Fei and Leng Yue is too little, so little that they can't help but sweat in their hearts for the future relationship between the two of them.

"That's good. From now on, you two should strengthen your emotional communication. Don't be so arrogant and aloof, you know?"

Seeing Liu Fei and Leng Yue following Liang Tian and other five people and nodding to indicate that they would be in regular contact and communication, she showed a satisfied expression and nodded her head in appreciation, not forgetting to make her pair sharp enough to The murderous beautiful eyes turned into a pair of sharp eyes and looked at Liu Fei and Leng Yueleng. The cold eyes fell on Liu Fei and Leng Yueleng, making them shake their bodies involuntarily. Those eyes were too scary.

After some instinctive tremors, Liu Fei and Leng Yue, who were slammed by Dongfang Ruyun's pair of sharp knives-like glasses, instantly became depressed, and they couldn't figure out why they knew each other since they knew each other. Knowing the other party's name, they said that there is no intersection, as if they don't want to see the original resident of the cultivation world in front of them, is it worth it?Besides, he and Leng Yue didn't meet each other during their practice and rest. This was driven by fate. How could it be blamed on the two of them again? I really don't understand.

Also, Dongfang Ruyun's eyes that looked like a pair of blades just now made him want to hit the wall. The relationship between the two brothers needs to be reminded by a woman. This is what he can't accept the most, and he wants to find a One of the thoughts in Tofu's death was that he was busy with other things in cultivation, and he actually left the brother he had known for several years aside, and did not communicate with each other, which made Liu Fei feel embarrassed.

"Okay, since Liu Fei and Brother Leng have promised to communicate with each other in the next time and enhance the brotherhood between each other, then let's get back to business and dragged the topic away just now."

Seeing that the indifferent relationship between Liu Fei and Leng Yue was resolved, Liang Tian, ​​who had been thinking about this supermarket building in his heart, immediately changed back to that serious expression, cleared his throat and said.

Liang Tian's voice suddenly came out. Qi Fei and other five people, who were still whispering and discussing how to let Liu Fei and Leng Yue promote communication and increase their brotherhood, stopped their voices, and everyone changed instantly. He had to stand tall and straight like a well-trained soldier, and then said to Liang Tian in that special official voice: "What does the suzerain have to say, the little ones will be smashed to pieces, and I will not hesitate."

It's just that when each of them said these words, they couldn't help but smile at the corners of their mouths.

"Okay, you all stop talking, let's go back to your usual more casual words! It's comfortable to listen to, but now you are speaking these ancient languages ​​with goosebumps growing on your body."

Although Liu Fei, Dongfang Ruyun and the other seven felt that Liang Tian was a little uncomfortable with the sudden change of their speaking style, Liang Tian still listened patiently to their jokes before waving his hand to stop him and said, "He can't stand being with me for a few years." His little friends put on a high hat for himself as a suzerain, which made him feel that he was not very down-to-earth.

Hearing Liang Tian's shot to stop him, Liu Fei and everyone who saw that Liang Tian was a little unhappy in his heart also restrained their joking smiles.

"Okay, okay, we won't tease you, Xiaotian. Since you have assigned tasks to us just now, we have to start to complete our own tasks, so we won't finish with you, the supermarket The formations around you all depend on you."

Everyone shrugged with a helpless expression on their faces. Only Rui Yi, who had the closest relationship with him, walked up to Liang Tian and patted his shoulder. And go, like a shooting star, it slowly falls in the sky and finally disappears.

With Lu Yi taking the lead to comfort, Liu Fei also came over and patted Liang Tian on the shoulder and said, "It's your hard work here, work hard."

After speaking, like Rui, he also disappeared into the sky in a stream of light.

"The quality of life of our disciples and grandchildren of Longhua depends on you in the future. Work hard, dear suzerain."

"Set it up well. I hope that when we come back, we can see a large defensive formation that integrates offense and defense. Thank you for your hard work."

"Do well, take good care of you."

"Brother, I've had to work hard on you for a while, so I'll treat you to a drink when I come back."

"Xiaotian, take good care of the house at home, take care of those little bastards for me, and set up the defense formation, I love you."

After Liu Fei left, the other five people also came up and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him, and then disappeared into the sky in a stream of light.

But what benefited Liang Tian was Dongfang Ruyun's sweet kiss, which really comforted his originally extremely depressed mood.

When Liu Fei and the other seven people disappeared in front of his eyes, Liang Tian could only shrug his shoulders helplessly when he looked at the cold conference hall he was in. Mao, it's better to get rid of these last hands quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

As soon as the voice fell, his figure disappeared into the conference hall with a "swoosh".

The seven people who acted separately started their respective missions, while Liang Tian honestly flew into the air to lay down a powerful formation for this huge cultivation supermarket.

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