Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 57 The Demon's Trace Appears

When Liang Tian held the concert, he entered the realm of harmony between man and nature that even gods and men envied.The whole person entered the primordial space to refine his body and soul. This kind of adventure can only be encountered by a freak like Liang Tian, ​​and his cultivation level has reached the late stage of primordial primacy like a rocket.Maybe Liang Tian would laugh out loud when he was sleeping if he knew.

On this day, Liang Tian went to the set to film as usual, acting on the set was the happiest moment.After Liang Tian finished filming his part, he went back to the hotel to rest.

In the dead of night, Liang Tian's sensitive ears heard the sound of fighting.So in order to prevent those ordinary people from causing commotion, Liang Tian resorted to the magic trick of invisibility.Just to the place where the fighting sound came, teleport away.

When Liang Tian rushed to the place where the sound of fighting came from, he saw a man in black being besieged by a group of believers wearing the clothes of the Holy See.Not far away, Liang Tian saw the cultivation level of the man in black, and said appreciatively, "That's right, it's already reached the Nascent Soul stage. It seems that demon cultivators are really masters like clouds!"

When Liang Tian was praising the demon cultivator, the leading believers of the Holy See said to the man in black with disdain: "You dark creature from the east, our great angelic messenger came here, and you didn't come to greet him, is that right?" It’s not that I’m tired of work.” The man in black looked at those people with disdain and said, “You hateful Holy See actually sneaked into our Eastern cultivation world and dared to snatch our magic weapon.”

The believer of the Holy See boasted: "That artifact originally belonged to our Holy See, so why should you say it belonged to you Eastern cultivators?" The man in black sarcastically said: "Hahaha, I didn't expect a treasure in the cultivation world to , I didn’t expect it to become a divine tool in the Western cultivation world. It’s so funny, hahaha.” But what Liang Tian didn’t know was that those so-called angels in the West didn’t know how to make weapons or alchemy at all.And those who know how to refine weapons can only refine magic weapons up to the top-grade spiritual weapon level, but in their eyes, they are already rare holy weapons.

Liang Tian, ​​who was watching not far away, also heard the conversation of those believers, and couldn't help laughing: "Hehe, I didn't expect such a foreign race to exist. The low-level magic weapon in the cultivation world turned into a divine weapon when it came to them. It's so funny." After Liang Tian said these words, he fell to the ground with his hands on his stomach and laughed.In fact, when Liang Tian came early, he put a silence prohibition around him, so Liang Tian laughed at the prohibition he had issued. His cultivation level was not higher than Liang Tian's, so he would never be able to find Liang Tian. What's more, those believers who haven't even reached the Nascent Soul stage.

Liang Tian laughed for a while, then got up again.He muttered in his mouth: "The last time the Kunlun Sect was attacked by this hateful Holy See, and now they are also attacking the demon cultivators. It seems that this Bright Holy See is playing a pure role in the open, but a dirty role in the dark. It seems The Holy See and those so-called angels must be destroyed, otherwise, our Chinese cultivation world will suffer." After speaking, he looked at the dispute between the two sides with relish.It's not that Liang Tian didn't save the man in black, but that Liang Tian just wanted to find out why those believers sneaked into China and what kind of conspiracy they had in China.

Those believers saw that their artifacts were being teased by others, and they couldn't help saying angrily: "Damn dark creatures of alien races, can our artifacts be made fun of by your humble servants? Then bear our anger!"

After the cultivator heard the words of these believers, his face became very gloomy, and his eyes were full of bewitching red light.Looking angrily at the believers of the Holy See, his eyes almost burst into flames.He never thought that the people of the Holy See would insult their demon cultivators. He looked at the believers in the Holy See with creepy eyes, and said coldly: "Damn, the little Holy See insulted our cultivators!" Demon Realm, slander those cultivating the Demon Realm, kill Wushe." After the words of Killing Wushe were uttered from the mouth of the demon cultivator, Liang Tian, ​​who was watching from the side, heard this sentence, silently There was a moment of silence for the people of the Holy See, because they had to pay the price for their words.

The price is, that is to disappear forever in this world, and never be reincarnated.Who told you not to mess with it, but you provoked the militant cultivators like demon cultivators.These people are usually honest and honest, but when they start fighting.The whole person is like a lunatic.

Liang Tian, ​​who was observing the situation from the side, had already seen that the demon cultivator had been invaded by his own demons.So he simply took off the invisibility tactic on his body, and teleported to the side of the demon cultivator.Facing his body, Liang Tian pulled his hands, and the inner demon of the demon cultivator immediately appeared in Liang Tian's hands, and then unwillingly disappeared into the universe.

After Liang Tian eliminated his inner demons, the demon cultivator woke up from the state of killing.Seeing a young man standing in front of him who couldn't see through his cultivation, he thanked respectfully: "Thank you senior for saving me, this junior was rescued from the hands of my demons." After speaking, he bowed thankfully to Liang Tian.

After Liang Tian saw that the demon cultivator was fine, he turned around and said to the believers of the Holy See, "I didn't expect the Holy See to be so bold. It seems that I will act for the heavens today." Those believers of the Holy See listened to Liang Tian's words After that, he said fearfully: "You, you can't kill me, or our great God will let you go, you devil." After hearing what they said, Liang Tian felt very funny, as if he had heard a Very funny jokes like that.So no matter how much the believers of the Holy See begged, with a wave of Liang Tian's hand, those believers of the Holy See slowly disappeared into this universe.

After Liang Tian wiped out the followers of the Holy See, he asked the demon cultivator in black, "What's your name, what sect is your disciple, and why are you here in reality?" The demon cultivator heard It was Liang Tian who asked the question, so he replied without hesitation: "I am Xueyi, a disciple of Tianmomen, and I came to the real world to practice at the order of the suzerain." Liang Tian asked, "Then why were you attacked by those scoundrels from the Holy See?"

After hearing Liang Tian's question, Xue Yi told Liang Tian everything that happened.After Liang Tian heard this, he said angrily: "Damn Birdman and the Holy See, the day of the Hundred Years War will be the day when you will be destroyed."

Xue Yi saw that his savior had such a high level of cultivation, so he said: "Senpai, you saved me just now, and now I invite you to our Tianmo Gate as a guest. En." Liang Tian said with a smile: "Okay, I've never been to Tianmomen! I'm going to have fun today, so let's go!" As soon as Liang Tian finished speaking, his figure and bloody clothes disappeared. land.

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