And it happened that at that time, Ding Wensi quietly cast a spell in the dark and went back to fetch the rescuers by using the technique of sound transmission for thousands of miles.

"Okay, Si'er, the six of us, as your uncles, know that you are a very polite child. Every time we see a few of us, or other senior brothers, we will treat you with courtesy, and we will greet you every time we meet. They are all so reserved, they look up and down all day long, and every time they see each other, they will give people a kneeling salute. Those rotten people are better off saying something, they really like the feeling of kneeling down to them like this, because these etiquettes are just right. It’s a means for them to show their seniority.”

Seeing Ding Wensi running over and preparing to kowtow to them again, Liang Tian, ​​who had long been fed up with this way of greeting in the sect, immediately stopped him.

Liang Tian, ​​who was troubled by this greeting problem, really couldn't bear this greeting method, so he decided to send Ding Wensi, who had been cultivating in the sect, to guard the large shopping mall they depended on for survival, so as to let them go as soon as possible. This miserable experience will end sooner. As a young man in the modern world, Liang Tian can't bear the old-fashioned kind of kneeling to express filial piety. In his mind, the real greeting is not every morning on time. Kneel and salute in front of your door on time, but just wave and say hello when you pass by.

In fact, the etiquette he had in mind was that simple.

However, it just so happened that Ding Wensi, who had been cultivating latently at that time, had already cultivated to the peak of the late-stage Earth Immortal, and could no longer make any progress. The only way is to go down the mountain and enter the mortal world to practice, and wait for an opportunity to break through. Once the opportunity comes, everything will come naturally, and you will reach the realm of heaven and fairy that can condense inexhaustible and inexhaustible mana. It is what everyone dreams of, and it is what everyone dreams of all their lives.

Arriving at the realm of celestial beings can be said to be a huge watershed on the road of cultivation. If the Jindan period and Yuanying period are taken as the watershed in the realm of cultivation, then the realm of earth immortals and the realm of celestial immortals are the difference between immortals and mortals. One is an immortal on land, with a body that is as high as the sky, with superb magic skills, and can be trusted at any time, but has no magic power; the other is a rookie in the fairy world. In addition, with the addition of a fairy body that has already escaped from the world, comparing the two, they are like a sky and an earth, and there is a huge difference.

"Uncle Liang, why is this, why can't you kneel down every morning?"

Hearing that his uncle stopped him, as a native of the ancient times, Ding Wensi couldn't figure out why his uncle would stop him from kneeling and saluting, so he couldn't help asking, as if he wanted to ask why before he gave up .

Hearing that his nephew suddenly asked such a question, as a very modern person at heart, Liang Tian knew very well how much the ancients paid attention to the tedious etiquette and rules, so he had a difficult time, and the whole person began to I fell into a tangled situation, and after a long time, I slowly opened my mouth and said: "This question! How should I say it? You also know that your uncle and I do not belong to your cultivation world, but from that distant civilization and technological planet. Civilization and technology have just started, but they have long been pessimistic in terms of secular etiquette, but they still retain the collusion. Most young people are no longer so cautious in the way of greeting people, for fear that they will accidentally sit on the wrong seat.

A normal smile, a polite wave, and a respectful address can represent the essence of the entire etiquette, don't you think? "

"Oh, by the way, when you see us coming, you run over to say hello to us. You don't care about anything. You can either rape or steal. Boy, tell me, what is it that made you abandon all your former restraints? Greeted us for the first time."

After talking about the way of life he wanted in the future, seeing Ding Wensi who had already run to the side of the seven of them looking at him with a flattering look, Liang Tian suddenly realized and glanced at him and said.In Longhuazong, Ding Wensi's personality, as a master uncle, knows very clearly.

As soon as he was admitted to the sect earlier, he was caught by his friend Leng Yue with a glance. Now he has cultivated to the peak of land gods and earth immortals. It was deeply imprinted in Liang Tian's mind. At that time, whenever he went out and wandered around in the sect, he would accidentally see that Ding Wensi, who had just entered the gate for less than two months, had passed the repair In order to cultivate to the Golden Core Realm, he is still polishing his true energy. This kind of assiduous spirit has to impress Liang Tian, ​​who has been enlightened for many years. When he wants to go up to say hello to him, he doesn't know that guy He had already seen his figure, and at the moment when he recovered himself, he greeted him in a kneeling style that he will never forget, and then left without a word.

From then on, whenever Ding Wensi wanted to kneel down for him when he left the customs, Liang Tian avoided him by playing hide-and-seek.

"It's not. Uncle, didn't you say hello just now? The reason why I came here is to tell you that I will fight with that sect elder called Shangqing Sword Sect later." , to end the karma just formed, I don’t want any karmic entanglement in my practice to happen in the future, the master told me that once you are karma entangled, you must go to the person who has karma with you. If you don’t, you won’t achieve much on the road of cultivation in the future, and you will be punished by the heavens, and you will be burned by karma, and you will fall into eternal doom.”

Hearing that his uncle was so forceful and persecuted, Ding Wensi bit the bullet and slowly explained the causes and disadvantages he had learned.

However, just as he finished these words, Liang Tian's handsome face suddenly flashed a look of surprise, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "Fuck me, Xiao Si, what did you just say to me?

You want to compete with the sect elders of the Qing Sword Sect, and it is the reason for the settlement of karma, are you kidding me! "

"However, I'm still curious, which sect elder of the Shangqing Sword Sect do you want to compete with? Brother Liang, please point me. After all, there are so many elders of the Shangqing Sword Sect. Elder Ke, Elder Taishang, why don't you tell me!"

Then the whole person quickly changed his expression into a smile like a face-changing master, and asked in a very flattering tone.Liang Tian, ​​who suddenly changed into this style of painting, really surprised people. People didn't expect that this guy actually had a side that was ashamed and flirtatious.

"Then why don't you do this! I'm in charge, and you're in charge of nodding to confirm if it's that person who wants to compete with you. If it is, you nod. If not, you shake your head. Do you understand?"

Seeing that the method of showing off his cuteness with a smug face didn't work, Liang Tian immediately switched to another method and continued to ask provocatively. It seemed that he wouldn't let it go without asking who he was.

After Ding Wensi heard his suggestion, he just gave him a glance and agreed.

At this moment, in Ding Wensi's heart, his uncle is a real funny, or the most powerful kind.

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