In this battle of cause and effect, is Ding Wensi defeated, or Qing Jianzishu?

From the point of view of cultivation, Ding Wensi, who has the peak cultivation in the late stage of the Earth Immortal, is sure to win, but from the perspective of combat experience, it seems that Qing Jianzi, who can only cultivate in the late stage of the tribulation, also won What's more, Ding Wensi, who has the peak cultivation base in the late stage of the Earth Immortal, also suppressed his cultivation base to the early Mahayana cultivation base, sealing 20.00% of his strength in his heyday. In this way, the two The guessing of winning or losing between the contests seems very confusing!

"Master, you saw the competition between Elder Jian and that disciple of Long Huazong, who is sure of winning?"

Not far from Liang Tian's location, the inner sect disciple wearing Shangqing Sword Sect's costume looked at the battle in the arena and whispered in his ear.

In fact, not only Liang Tian, ​​Dongfang Ruyun, Liu Fei and other leaders of the Longhua Sect were watching this battle of cause and effect, but also Xuan Jianzi, the head of the Shangqing Sword Sect, was watching all this from the sidelines. The battle of causality between the elders of their own sect is not a personal battle, but a matter of the reputation of the two sects. As long as one of the opponents loses in this battle of karma understanding, then they will be among the top ten sects. The ranking will be replaced by this sect, so in his opinion, the current battle of causality is a contest that must not be lost.

"Looking at the current situation, everything is hard to say. After all, the cultivation base of the first-generation disciples sent by the other party is not lower than that of any elder of our Shangqing Sword Sect. According to rumors The lowest is the early stage of Mahayana, strong enough to challenge by leapfrogging. Although the opponent has deliberately lowered his original cultivation base to the early stage of Mahayana, after all, as the elder of our Shangqing Sword Sect, Qing Jianzi is only in the late stage of crossing the robbery. If the Immortal Artifact goes to war with the opponent, there may still be hope for victory in this karma-ending battle."

Seeing the fighting figures of Ding Wensi and Qing Jianzi coming and going, Xuan Jianzi, the head of the Shangqing Sword Sect, raised his somewhat confused eyes and looked at the person who was not far from their Shangqing Sword Sect. Liang Tian and the others took a deep breath and said, as if a stone was being pressed in their hearts at the moment, it was so heavy that he couldn't breathe.

Do you know why he feels his heart is as heavy as a huge rock, just now he was watching some details of the battle of cause and effect between the elders of his sect and the disciples of the Long Huazong generation, and his cultivation strength has already reached the middle stage of Mahayana cultivation Because Xuan Jianzi, the head of the Shangqing Sword Sect, watched the two of them fighting back and forth, he had already seen the flaws in the fighting moves of the two sides. The coherence of Si and Qing Jianzi's moves is very proficient, and they also know the principle of adapting to the situation, and they can dodge and dismantle moves with ease.

On the contrary, as the elder of the Shangqing Sword Sect, Qing Jianzi, who possessed the cultivation base of the late stage of the tribulation, seemed a little cautious and hesitant compared to Ding Wensi's tricks and dismantling. As long as Ding Wensi used him When his move was disassembled and converted into another move in an instant, the movement he was going to fight was a little sluggish, and a moment of hesitation flashed across his face, as if he was struggling with whether to perform this move.

The moves that had no flaws in the first place suddenly became full of loopholes. Ding Wensi, who was looking for opportunities, was not the kind of person who would be moral in everything. All the right legs gathered together, and gave Qing Jianzi a cultivation version of the scud, and directly kicked heavily on the butt covered by the long robe, and the whole person flew ten meters away like a kite with a broken string Go, and finally fell heavily on one of the shelves where the elixirs were placed. Before the body touched the shelf, it was rebounded fiercely by the enchantment power hidden in it, and smashed hard on the shelf. The hardness is comparable to that of the nine-day black iron floor.


Ding Wensi's kick didn't seem to use much force, but it contained a part of his power hidden in his physical body, plus the energy burst out from the enchantment that protected the pill from being stolen, Enough for him to drink a jug.

No, as soon as the whole person landed, he couldn't wait to spray out the congestion in his chest, and wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, looking extremely embarrassed.Ding Wensi, the culprit who kicked others into the air, slumped in place for a while, and then appeared in front of Qing Jianzi in a flash, and enlarged his face as much as possible so that the other party could see that he was a little proud : "I said uncle, can we think about other things when we fight? If you are like a girl, it is understandable, but just now I saw your tangled face. You are not thinking about it at all." The appearance of the girl, on the contrary, is a bit like that rookie who has just stepped into the cultivation world. When I was fighting against her, I just changed my moves a little bit, and you suddenly became a little at a loss, uncle.

Uncle, I really want to ask you now, is the battle of cause and effect between you and me fun? "

At this time, Ding Wensi said "uncle" on the left, and "uncle" on the right. It seems that it is understandable to call this elder of the Shangqing Sword Sect. In the realm of cultivation, those who pursue longevity usually build their foundations for ten years, and they are one-year-old. Can barely condense the golden core to reach the golden core stage of about 500 years of lifespan. In addition to the original hard work and hard work, the next level must be accompanied by innate opportunities, otherwise it will take 200 to [-] years at the earliest to step into it. The ranks of the real cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage, or they wait until the end of their lifespan to reincarnate, and their practice in this life stops here.

And those who are accompanied by innate opportunities, rely on their own talents to quickly break through the original realm, and then advance to the next realm. The stay in each realm ranges from five or six years to dozens or even a hundred years. There are, so people who can cultivate to the realm that all the monks in the cultivation world dream of in the late stage of crossing the catastrophe are not as old as a thousand years old, and they will not be younger than ** hundred years old. Ding Wensi, who is only 16 years old, calls it Uncle is not surprised.


For Ding Wensi to call himself like this, Qing Jianzi, the elder of the Shangqing Sword Sect, didn't care much. Taking advantage of Ding Wensi's speech to himself, he had already adjusted his slightly vibrating internal organs.

He took a deep breath, then slowly opened his eyes and raised a faint smile, showing his white teeth and cupped his fists to Ding Wensi to express his apology: "I'm really sorry just now, when you and I ended the causal battle , Because of the powerful relationship you showed, I was a little hesitant in making moves or changing moves, so I interrupted the causal battle between you and me."

At this moment, when Qing Jianzi spoke with apologies, the sincerity on his face was fully revealed.

"However, after the comprehension just now, I have vaguely been able to seize the most critical opportunity to break through the late stage of the tribulation. I believe that after today, the cultivation base that has been stagnant in the late stage of the tribulation for hundreds of years will break through to the Mahayana stage, and That opportunity is you, Ding Wensi."

After the sincere apology, Qing Jianzi suddenly changed into a mysterious and mysterious temperament, staring at Ding Wensi with a very serious expression on his face, and the words that came out of his mouth immediately surprised all the monks present. I've heard of people who encounter opportunities when they encounter things, but I haven't seen a strange person who fights against others and seizes opportunities.

As for the stunned expressions on the faces of most monks, Ding Wensi, who has seen too many surprised things, shrugged and said helplessly: "It's up to you, you can't beat me anyway, you can play with you, But if I play with you here, I will probably be beaten up by my master, uncle, and the others, why don't we go outside! It's spacious and doesn't get in the way."

Ding Wensi understands what the opportunity that Qing Jianzi said in front of him is, isn't it just crossing the catastrophe!

It is impossible to find an open space outside to cross.

But fortunately, Qing Jianzi had no objection to his proposal, and nodded in agreement.

"Dear onlookers, now I invite everyone to go outside to watch a drama that has been condemned by God. Are you interested in watching it?"

After getting Qing Jianzi's nod, Ding Wensi, who likes to be lively, then gave a big mouthful to the surrounding monks, and deliberately bit the three words "scourged by heaven" very hard.For some monks with low cultivation level, they don't have much idea about the word "being condemned by heaven", but for those monks whose cultivation level is already in the period of transcending the catastrophe, it is an indispensable experience. It was useful, so they raised their hands and shouted: "I'll go, I'll go too..."

"Okay then, let's go."

Seeing the curiosity of the surrounding monks aroused, Ding Wensi, who had succeeded in his plot, let out a burst of laughter, and disappeared into the distance with a single move.

When the crowd watching around saw Ding Wensi's figure disappear, they were a little stunned, glanced at each other, and then turned into the light corresponding to their own spells, scrambling to fly outside, like shooting stars. Gorgeous, of course, these masterpieces can only be achieved by monks above the fusion stage, and monks below the fusion stage can only fly out of the door with the sword.

Although it will cost a little real money, it's better than being unable to fly!

The square outside Longhuazong's large-scale shopping supermarket was already surrounded by many people at this time, and the crowds were so lively.

At this moment, in the encircled circle of people, Ding Wensi and Qing Jianzi had already set up their postures and looked at each other, but Ding Wensi spoke first with a smile on his lips: "Since you have seized the opportunity that belongs to you , then hurry up and break through! I’ll be your training partner, I haven’t played under Heavenly Tribulation for a long time, hehe.”

The sound that came out of the mouth made all the monks around suddenly feel a little creepy, and broke out in cold sweat.

"Come on! Let the storm come more violently, it is best to come to the type of catastrophe I have survived before."

However, he didn't finish his words, and then he heard Ding Wensi yell again, the content of the words directly shocked all the monks around him, with thick lines hanging on their foreheads, everyone They all looked at him with those snake-sick eyes, roaring in their hearts, why doesn't this guy take medicine when he goes out today, he's like a second-hand guy.

At the same time, an incomparably powerful momentum hit them like a turbulent wave, and immediately after that, pieces of calamity clouds and ice began to emerge from the sky and gathered together.

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