But at this time, a stone tablet flashed out from nowhere, with the words "Various Changes Chain Formation" written on it in italics, and it disappeared into the void in an instant.

All of this happened so suddenly, and all the monks in the formation were in deep water at this time. They didn't notice the appearance of these words, and they were still struggling to resist the attack from the formation. , I have no time to pay attention to it, all kinds of gorgeous spells are smashing in it, no matter whether it has power or not, as long as it can break this big formation, it is the best spell, no matter the evil or the righteous way or the physical body Almost all physical attacks that could be used were smashed in one go.

However, the incomparably powerful Variety Chain Formation was not shaken to the slightest, and it still stood calmly in the distance.

"Damn it, I don't believe that I can't break this formation with my cultivation in the middle stage of Mahayana."

Tried all kinds of methods, but it still didn't work, so the magic repair master got angry and roared angrily.

As soon as the words fell, he saw that the annoyed master of magic repair secretly gathered the magic power in his body into his hands, and used his spiritual thoughts to condense the magic power in his hands into a flying sword. It became a nearly solid sword hilt, poured all the incomparable magic power into it, opened his eyes to the maximum, and slashed forward with all his strength. Enveloped by Qi, he slashed at everything presented by the phantom formation in front of him. A black afterimage flashed past. The demon cultivator who thought he could easily break the phantom formation in front of him couldn't help being stunned for a moment. The look in the eyes of the person is unbelievable. I really can't imagine in my heart that the cultivation base I am proud of and the strength comparable to a master in the middle stage of Mahayana can't shake the phantom formation in front of me.

"This, this is too powerful!"

After a while, the demon cultivator who was stunned in place with his eyes open in disbelief stuttered and said in a surprised tone: "Just relying on the illusion array can make me almost fall into it, and I am defending against it." But the above is indestructible. I don’t know which expert arranged such a wonderful formation. It is very clever to combine the phantom formation and the defensive formation. There is me in you, and you in me. Destroying the enemy is enough to destroy a comprehension world, but the only regret is that although this formation is powerful.

But there is no killing formation that puts people to death, otherwise this formation will become much more complete. Killing and defending directly prevent external attacks, and the magic formation has the effect of luring the opponent into a trap. It seems that Lao Tzu What a genius, I figured it out in such a short quarter of an hour. "

The demon cultivator, who felt very good about himself, realized the benefits of his nonsense, so he became arrogant.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~"

However, at this moment, just as he was boasting of being a genius for his reasoning, three sharp swords of different shapes appeared and attacked him at some point.

The supersonic sound of piercing the sky instantly pulled the demon cultivator back to reality from the dream he had imagined just now. He saw three sharp swords of different shapes flying towards him at a very high speed. The pupils of the demon cultivator who was staring closely at the three flying swords also magnified in front of his eyes. In an instant, the three flying swords of different shapes turned into rockets that accelerated rapidly. An afterimage struck at a high speed, and with the quick reaction of the demon cultivator with keen spiritual sense, he jumped up, and then clinging to the three flying swords, he spun around for many times before falling back to the ground .

"I'll go. It's dangerous. Fortunately, I reacted quickly just now. Otherwise, as a well-known demon cultivator, Qiu Zeyu would have died here."

Although he fell back to the ground steadily, Qiu Zeyu patted his chest and said thankfully to the demon cultivator who had lingering fear just now.

Here, as a demon cultivator who practiced honestly, Qiu Zeyu was not confused by the phantom formation here, defending the repelling of the large formation and the killing of the killing formation. For him, in such a dangerous situation, there is no harm. And life is the greatest fortune in misfortune.

But the fates faced by the monks in countless other spaces are different from his. Due to the greed in the bottom of their hearts caused by the artifacts before, the heart of Taoism, which could have been calm, became very unstable. , and now they were transformed by the phantom array into the things buried deep in their hearts, which fermented into demons, and competed with the main soul for control of the body. The monks clasped their heads and bumped wildly, fighting non-stop with their left and right hands, and finally exploded.

Of course, there are also some monks with extremely high cultivation bases who know in their hearts that what is presented in front of them is a phantom array the moment they are sent into the space.


However, just when they thought it was just a phantom formation and they were particularly excited, a beast-like roar came from the void into their ears.

After the roar that sounded like a ferocious beast reached the ears of the few of them, they followed the sound and looked towards the source of the sound, but they clearly saw a decoration floating in the void. With a flash of silver light, even if the jewelry that was quietly hanging in the void disappeared, it was replaced by a beast that they had never seen before. The ferocious beast was almost a monster, and what made them even more strange was that what they saw was just a pendant, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a ferocious beast that made them uncontrollably frightened.

Seeing all kinds of pendants in front of them turn into silver lights and transform into beasts of different shapes, knowing that the high-level monks who are doomed today are in the space where they are locked up alone, everyone seems to have a tacit understanding At the same time, all kinds of cool spells attacked the beast in front of each of them.

The battle in this space was in full swing. At this time, Liang Tian and the other seven people who were outside the formation stared at the screen in front of them, motionless.

"Hey, I've been in the cultivation world for so many years, I almost forgot about them."

As most of the pictures on the screen fell into a white heat, Liang Tian's originally expressionless Jun face slightly raised a smile, and flashed a murderous intent: "Now take this opportunity to let them out to practice their hands, so as not to worry about it." After you get it, you have to debug it when you actually use it. Today I will officially practice with you. I hope that your attack ability is stronger, or my divine sense is stronger. My colleagues control tens of thousands of AMRs to abuse you. Do you still dare to be self-righteous? "

Although he said it lightly on his lips, Liang Tian was overjoyed in his heart.

I keep loathing that zombie phantom who claims to be immortal in my heart. I can control several guardians at the same time and scream. Now I control a large group of guardians, and their strength is many times stronger than the garbage you control. You can easily torture those short-sighted guys to death, relying on yourself to establish a sect in the cultivation world for millions of years, come and yell at me, I won’t beat you up now, the beam will be turned upside down Write, hum.

Immediately afterwards, as the anger derived from my heart rushed up, those monks who were still struggling to support now became dead and injured, which was horrible.

"Fuck me, is this still a human being? He can control so many beasts to attack with his spiritual sense, and how did he cultivate such a bt spiritual sense!"

At this time, Lei Yu, who was standing aside and watching the play, couldn't help complaining, the way his eyes looked at Liang Tian became a little different.

And the reason why Liang Tian was angry was because these people arbitrarily charged him with some trumped-up charges, so he became like this.

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