Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 61 Draw out the demons, kill the demons

Liang Tian and Liu Fei chatted very lively in the lobby, but Di Huntian just stood outside and dared not go in, because four people who couldn't see the cultivation level suddenly appeared in the sect, and Di Huntian didn't dare to die go in.Liang Tian looked at Emperor Huntian and said, "Hey, how long have you been standing here? If you don't find it annoying, I'd be annoying. Don't stand outside. Besides, this is your Heavenly Demon Gate, not my home."

After hearing Liang Tian's words, Di Huntian immediately realized, "Why am I standing here? This is my Heavenly Demon Gate, and my territory." So he walked into the hall embarrassingly, facing Liang Tian They smirked and said, "I was too engrossed in thinking about things just now, and forgot to come in." The most honest Rui said at this time: "What are you thinking about! You are afraid of us at all, what are you afraid of! We I won't eat you."

Di Huntian said embarrassingly: "Actually, I saw several seniors chatting here, so I didn't dare to interrupt the speech of the four seniors, so I didn't dare to come in when I was at the gate just now." Liu Fei smiled Said: "Why did I say it! It turns out that I was afraid that we would beat you up, right?" After hearing Liu Fei's words, Di Huntian's anger rose in his heart.But when he saw the cultivation of Liang Tian and the others, his anger immediately disappeared.

In order to understand Liang Tian's cultivation, Di Huntian asked: "Four seniors, can I have the courage to ask you a question?" Liu Fei who was standing beside him said arrogantly: "If you have any questions, just ask them! Don't dawdle and waste our time." Di Huntian heard that the seniors in front of him approved him to ask how high their cultivation base was, and asked excitedly: "What is the cultivation base of the four seniors?" How many."

Liu Fei who was on the side played his bragging mouth again and said: "Me! So-so, it should be in the middle stage of Xianzun!" After speaking, he smiled complacently.After hearing about Liu Fei's cultivation, Di Huntian immediately settled there.After a while, Di Huntian woke up from the shock.Then he asked Qi Fei, who was looking at himself in a mirror, and said, "Excuse me, senior, what is your cultivation level?"

Qi Fei, who was holding a mirror, heard Di Huntian's question, and said without even turning his head: "It's so-so, it's also the immortal stage, but it's just in the later stage." Where did Di Huntian settle again? , fell into surprise again.Because when I knew Liu Fei's cultivation just now, I had already developed a thankful immunity.But when he heard about Qi Fei's cultivation, he couldn't help being a little surprised.But not for a long time, please wake up soon.

When Rui, who was dozing off beside him, saw Emperor Huntian approaching, he knew that he wanted to ask about his cultivation.So he said, "You don't need to come here, I'll tell you now, my cultivation is at the early stage of Immortal Venerable." After Rui Yi finished speaking, he fell asleep.Qi Fei, who was looking in the mirror at the side, said unhappily: "This Rui is really turned into a pig, he can sleep anywhere, I admire it."

Di Huntian saw that Liang Tian's cultivation was not asked, so he walked up to Liang Tian and asked, "Senior, may I ask how high your cultivation is!" Liang Tian frowned and said: "Don't you know that inquiring about someone's cultivation level is not allowed in the cultivation world." After listening to Liang Tian's words, Di Huntian was afraid of offending the master, so he destroyed the entire Tianmomen's residence.It was difficult at that time, so he explained: "When I came in, I couldn't see through your cultivation, senior, so I just asked a bold question." Liang Tian looked at Emperor Huntian and said: "I really want to say Don’t blame me if you can’t take it then.” Di Huntian nodded after hearing this.

Liang Tian said lightly: "My cultivation base is not very high, but the Dao and the Dao of Heaven are just ants in my eyes." After hearing Liang Tian's words, Emperor Huntian looked at Liang Tian in shock and said, "Then What is your cultivation base!" Liu Fei and Rui Yi, who were sleeping, were also very interested in Liang Tian's cultivation base.Even Qi Fei, who was looking beautifully in the mirror at the side, came to the side to listen.Liang Tian said with a smile: "It's not that high! The cultivation base is only in the supreme stage of Hongmeng." Liu Fei asked suspiciously: "The supreme stage of Hongmeng, what level of interface is that!"

Liang Tian said with a smile: "Actually, in addition to the Human Realm, the Cultivation Realm, the Ghost Realm, the Demon Realm, the Demon Realm, and the God Realm, this universe also has the Holy Realm, the Chaos Dimension, and the Primordial Dimension. My cultivation is in the Primordial Dimension. The highest level, the cultivation level of the Supreme Being of Hongmeng." After listening to Liang Tian's words, Di Huntian and Liu Fei fell to the ground unbearably stimulated.After pointing fiercely at Liang Tian for a long time, the word 'abnormal' came out of his mouth.

As for Emperor Huntian, who had a slightly lower cultivation base, after listening to Liang Tian's words.Because of the unbearable mood, his eyes slowly turned red.Liang Tian saw that Di Huntian's body had been taken over by a demon.Afraid of hurting Dihuntian's weak primordial spirit, he used a barrier to protect it.

The body of Emperor Huntian, already occupied by the heart demon, said to Liang Tian with its red and bewitching light: "You have such a great cultivation, why don't I, I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled!" Liang Tian Tian looked at the vicious heart demon, and raised his hand to say hello to the heart demon, saying: "Hey, Mr. Heart Demon, you have come out so soon. Why don't you stay inside for a while, do you know that if you come out now, the weather will You'll catch a cold, you'll catch a cold." Liu Fei, who was playing on his own, saw Liang Tian chatting with his heart demon, three black bars hung on their foreheads, and three crows flew over their heads.

Seeing that Liang Tian was not afraid of himself, the vicious heart demon thought to himself: 'Aren't I afraid?Why do people see me running faster than a rabbit, why when he sees me, he doesn't mean to be afraid of me, and even greets me, am I really not scary? ' A lot of question marks were spinning around the demon's head.So I chatted with Liang Tian, ​​and Liu Fei, who were already stunned, were all thinking about the same question in their hearts. 'How could this be a fight!It's clearly a chat!It seems that even the heart demon is a relative of Xiaotiandi, I admire it. Liang Tian, ​​who was chatting happily with the demon at the side, never knew that he had been mistaken by Liu Fei and his demons as his relatives. At that time, it could be said that he would not be able to clean up by jumping into the Yellow River.

Seeing that the heart demon was chatting vigorously with Liang Tian, ​​the heart demon asked Liang Tian, ​​"Our heart demon is everywhere, all the time, aren't you afraid of me?" Liang Tian said with an idiot face: "Why am I afraid of you?" , besides, I can’t beat you, so why am I afraid of you!” The demon asked Liang Tian again, “What about your demon? Aren’t you afraid?” Liang Tiansao pulled up his hair handsomely , put on a cool pose and said: "You are talking about my demon! I was wiped out five years ago, so there is no more." The demon asked Liang Tiandao in doubt: "Then you make me angry and do it!" Well! I didn't provoke you." Liang Tian said rascally: "It's nothing, it's just that there is nothing to do, so let's play with your demons! Besides, when your hands are itchy, you will come out and beat your demons Take a moment." Liang Tian's words made the demon in his heart completely annihilated.

After Liang Tian saw that the heart demon was gone, he waved his hand, and the primordial spirit of Emperor Huntian immediately floated into his body and merged.After Di Huntian fused his body, he immediately checked the cultivation of his whole body, but checked it.His cultivation base has directly risen from the original middle stage of fusion to the middle stage of crossing tribulation. He said gratefully to Liang Tian: "Thank you for saving my life, senior. I am very grateful." Liang Tian echoed: "Saving a life wins the battle." A seven-level pagoda, a small contribution is not worth mentioning."

Liu Fei, who was on the side, said in admiration at this time: "Xiaotian, you were so manly just now! You dare to chat with the demons, I admire you so much." In this way, the four of Liang Tian chatted with each other sentence by sentence, and they chatted It was such a joy.

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