After Liang Tian wiped out the Huang family, he returned to work and continued to work desperately.He didn't notice the sensation from the outside world at all, and all the major TV stations reported this incident one after another.And our culprit is holding his own concert!Like a person who has nothing to do, there is no tension at all.His concert was still going on as usual, according to the schedule that Liang Tian had arranged in advance.

On this day, Liang Tian's concert had just come to an end.I was resting in the lounge and just wanted to have a cup of coffee! "Suddenly Liang Tian's manager Xiaojun called and said: "Boss, I received an invitation to perform in a movie, are you going or not?" Liang Tian listened to the phone and said: "What kind of script is it? If it is a good script, I will go; if it is not good, there is no way." "

Xiaojun said at this time: "It's a script for a horror movie. It is said that the salary is very high. Do you want to go?" It’s useless.” Xiao Jun asked again: “Then are you going or not?” Liang Tian sternly refused: “If you don’t go, so what. The films that come out in the future will definitely not pass the test, you believe me.” Xiao Jun replied on the phone: "Okay, I'll discuss it with Mr. Li." Liang Tian agreed in response: "Okay! Since you are so busy, go get busy! Goodbye." After Jun finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

The next morning, because Liang Tian had an announcement to go to bed today, he got up early.Liang Tian hurriedly ate some breakfast, and hurried to the announced place.

In the evening, Liang Tian just came back from that announcement.Suddenly Liang Tian's phone rang, and Liang Tian quickly picked up the phone and said, "Hey, who is it! Can I ask for anything?" A middle-aged man's voice came from inside and said, "Excuse me, it's Liang Tian, ​​Liang Tian. Sir?" Liang Tian immediately replied: "Yes! I am Liang Tian. May I ask who you are looking for!"

The middle-aged man replied: "Since you are Mr. Liang, you can come to Kabufa's coffee shop. I want to talk to you personally. If we can talk, how about we sign this contract?" " Liang Tian asked suspiciously: "I said, sir, you probably asked me to make a movie!" The middle-aged man replied frankly: "Yes, you are right, I just asked you to make a movie Movies." Liang Tian said urgently again: "If it's those A-level movies, then it's free."

"My movies are not those nasty movies! My movies focus on the development of our Chinese teenagers, and there are no pornographic elements in them." The middle-aged man immediately explained.

Liang Tian asked curiously again: "Excuse me, sir, what kind of movie is that movie you want to invite me to shoot!" The man answered undisguisedly on the phone: "It's a horror movie." Then he said: "Then let me think about it!" The middle-aged man readily agreed: "Okay, then you think about it, if it's okay, let's sign it!" Liang Tian thanked and said: "Then Alright, goodbye." After speaking, Liang Tian hung up the phone.While thinking about the problem, he slowly fell asleep.

The next day, Liang Tian invited that man to the coffee shop. Liang Tian saw that the man was very fat.The whole person seemed to be blessed, chubby, and as soon as he sat down, Liang Tian asked, "Excuse me, are you the director or screenwriter of that film?" The man replied bluntly, "Ha ha, I'm the director of this film." Liang Tian asked again: "There are so many stars in the entertainment circle who don't use it, so why did you invite me?" The director replied straightforwardly: "Because your acting skills are very good, But you have a very good temper, and you don't know how to play big names." After hearing the director's words, Liang Tian nodded in satisfaction and said, "Since I see that you are so sincere, well, I will accept this play." It's done." After Liang Tian finished speaking, he picked up the signature pen on the stage and started to sign.

Seeing that Liang Tian had signed the contract, the director said happily, "Since we have signed the contract, we will have a happy cooperation in the future." Liang Tian also held the director's hand and said, "Hehe, then We have enjoyed working together."

When Liang Tian agreed to the director's invitation, Liang Tian packed up his clothes and moved to live in the crew the next day.So they started their two-month filming journey.

In this way, Liang Tian and others have been in the crew for more than a month, and on this day, a strange thing happened in the crew.Everyone in the crew was panicked, and no one was serious about filming.

In the evening, Liang Tian heard many people discussing: "Do you know? I seemed to see a ghost yesterday." Another staff member replied: "But, if you see a ghost, you will die soon. Are you still in this world! Really, let’s just chat! Why do you say these things? Besides, I’m an atheist.” After the man finished speaking, he fell asleep quietly. .

After the entire crew fell asleep, Liang Tian felt that he couldn't sleep.So he went to the woods for a slow walk, but Liang Tian came to a gloomy woods as he walked.

With Liang Tian's sharp eyes and precise nose, Liang Tian knew that there was a very strong yin energy here, and he also felt that it was very strange.Suddenly a black shadow flashed past Liang Tian's back, and Liang Tian quickly caught the shadow with his sharp eyes.So he yelled: "Damn it, hiding in the east, is this the patent of your ghosts? Get out of here quickly."

After a while, a ghost appeared in front of Liang Tian, ​​but her complexion was very blue.Liang Tian felt a heavy yin energy from her body again. As soon as the ghost saw Liang Tian, ​​it immediately glared fiercely at Liang Tian with its red eyes.Liang Tian gave her a hard look and said, "What are you looking at! I've never seen a handsome guy before!"

The female ghost immediately said in a gloomy voice: "Who the hell are you? Why are you here." Liang Tian replied: "I'm just an actor. As for why I came here to play? I personally just came out It’s just for a walk. It’s not very interesting, don’t get me wrong.” The female ghost said again: “None of you men are good, I’ll kill you today.” Liang Tian said puzzledly: “ I said miss! I don't know you before, why did you kill me for no reason!" But it was too late for Liang Tian to say.The female ghost's claws had already stretched out in front of him.

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