Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 83 Blood Alliance

The head of the dark council saw that Liang Tian's strength was so strong, at least above the emperor stage mentioned by the blood clan.So he said uncertainly: "Mr.'s strength is really strong, I admit it. But this is only my own admission, and it has not been approved by the entire dark meeting. I am not sure if others agree."

The elder of the meeting first asked: "Sir, tell me about our cooperation." Liang Tian saw the look in the eyes of the chairman of the meeting and asked: "What is your name, I don't know your name, how can I talk to you?" Cooperation!" The chairman of the meeting said respectfully: "The old man's name is Kenny. Lapuf. Sir, you can call him Kenny. How do you call him?"

Liang Tian replied with a smile: "My name is Liang Tian, ​​and I'm from China. I came to your place to form an alliance with your Dark Council, and jointly fight against the bastards of the Holy See." The members of the Dark Council heard that Liang Tian wanted to follow When they cooperated, they said contemptuously: "If you want to cooperate with our blood race, you have to see if you have the ability." Liang Tian asked the dark member again: "Then what do you want, do you want to compare with me?" One game!"

Kenny standing on the chair above.When Lapuf heard that this member was going to compete with Liang Tian, ​​he murmured: "Hey, the strength is not even one-hundredth of his strength, and he is so arrogant that he wants to compete with him. He is really asking for trouble." After hearing Liang Tian's words, that member immediately walked to the stage and said to Liang Tian, ​​"I'll compete with you." Liang Tian glanced at the proud member, and then said, "You are the only one who compares with me. , I see your strength, even my little finger can't block it, how can you compare!"

After saying this, Liang Tian saw the unconvinced crowd shouting: "Anyone else who is unconvinced can come up and fight. If I lose, our cultivation world will never fight with you again." Cooperate with the western cultivation world. If you lose, your entire dark conference will cooperate with our Chinese cultivation world to destroy the church set up by that damn light god. So that his religious foundation will be destroyed on the earth from now on, look at him What kind of power will invade our Chinese cultivation world in the future."

Liang Tian looked at Kenny.Lapf said: "Mr. Kenny, tell me, what are the conditions I said." Kenny said worriedly: "I can agree to your bet, but the thing is, wait until those bastards in the Holy See After it is eliminated, Mr. Liang, you can talk about how to divide the interests between us."

Liang Tian heard Kenny.Lapuff expressed his concerns, so he reassured him and said, "I thought what you were thinking! It turned out that I was afraid that I would snatch your territory away! Don't worry, wait until those After the abominable Holy See is destroyed, all the land in Europe will be returned to you, and we won't ask you for a penny, but you can't invade our Chinese cultivation world. Can you fulfill this bet?" Kenny.Lapf readily agreed: "Yes, Mr. Liang, you can start the competition."

Liang Tian heard Kenny.When Lapuff said that it was time to compete, a bright smile appeared on his originally calm face.Then Liang Tian's figure slowly disappeared from the audience, and his figure slowly appeared on the ring.Seeing Liang Tian suddenly disappear from the auditorium and appear in the arena suddenly, a dark magician said in surprise: "He suddenly disappeared in the audience and then appeared in the arena again. Could it be that he A magician of the space department."

When Liang Tian heard the dark magician's misunderstanding, he replied with a smile: "Sir, you are wrong. What I use is the magic of the Chinese cultivation world, not your western magic. Please forgive me." .” After Liang Tian finished explaining, he turned his head to take a look.Then, after observing the strength of the blood disciple in front of him, he frowned and said, "Damn it, you haven't even reached the strength of the Duke, what are you dragging!" After finishing speaking, Liang Tian ignored the angry expression of the blood disciple.With a wave of his hand, the originally proud disciple flew 100 meters away.It hit a pillar directly, and after the disciple of the blood race hit the pillar, he couldn't bear such a big impact and passed out directly.

When Liang Tian on the ring saw that earl's disciple was hit by him on a pillar 100 meters away, he said unhappily: "Is there really no one with higher strength in your blood clan? He hasn't finished warming up yet! "As soon as Liang Tian finished speaking, he attracted the angry eyes of many blood disciples below.

Liang Tian on the stage ignored the angry eyes of the members of the dark meeting in the audience, and his eyes kept sweeping around.He said calmly: "Are you still unconvinced? If you have, you can come up and challenge together. I will take it together." As soon as Liang Tian said this, thousands of people jumped up from the audience.Among them, the blood race accounted for the majority, and they were members of the eleven families, followed by werewolves and dark magicians.

Liang Tian saw their posture, and said indifferently: "You guys are fighting alone! Or are you fighting in groups." One of the arrogant blood clansmen said this: "Single-on, you single-on a group of us. The group Beating! It’s just a group of us beating you alone.” Liang Tian replied with a smile: “Yes! The patriarchs of the eleven families below can also come up to compete with me.” When Liang Tian’s voice just fell , was ridiculed by the patriarchs of the eleven families and said: "A little hairy boy who has no hair yet speaks rudely here, let's see how our eleven patriarchs deal with you."

After finishing speaking, the patriarchs of the eleven families flew onto the ring one after another.In the form of an encirclement circle, Liang Tian was surrounded in the center.Polakitan, who was watching from below, mourned silently for the patriarchs of the eleven families: "With the hand of the benefactor, I don't think even the eleven princes may win the battle together."

Liang Tian, ​​who was on the stage, smiled and said to the people in front: "Are you ready?" The patriarchs of the eleven families couldn't help shivering after seeing Liang Tian's devilish smile.And the members of the dark meeting behind them replied slowly and confidently: "We are ready, you can start." As soon as those people's voices fell, Liang Tian immediately showed a devilish smile, and the evil smile formed a beam. The handsome arc of the sky.

At this moment, Liang Tian, ​​who was standing quietly on the ring stage, moved, and flashed into the dark crowd at the fastest speed.When Liang Tian flashed into the crowd at the fastest speed, the eleven princes standing in front didn't even notice a trace.Suddenly there were screams from behind, and when they turned their heads to look, they saw all the members of the Dark Council fell to the ground, moaning in pain, while Liang Tian was standing in the crowd without incident In the middle, he looked at the eleven princes with a smile.And when the eleven princes saw Liang Tian's smile, they felt that Liang Tian was a devil.

The smiling Liang Tian said at this moment: "The rubbish in the way has been removed, can we start?" Kenny.Lapf said at this time: "It's time to start." Liang Tian heard Kenny.After Lapuf spoke, he looked at the eleven princes with a smile and said, "I will attack first! You should go first."

The eleven princes just saw Liang Tian knock down all the more than 1000 members of the dark meeting at once, and even the corners of their clothes were not damaged.So he hurriedly said: "Let's come first." After speaking, he stood up from among the eleven princes.

Liang Tian said sarcastically: "You are too weak alone, not enough for me to fight, you should go together! I don't want to waste time." After hearing Liang Tian's words, the eleven princes all looked angrily. He looked at Liang Tian, ​​and then they looked at each other.He nodded as if he had made up his mind.Liang Tian said unhappily: "Just hit it! What are you talking about! It's boring."

The eleven princes on the opposite side seemed to have made a deal, and they all showed off their rear wings one after another.The crowd below saw the eleven princes displaying their unique wings, and immediately caused an uproar.Some people worriedly said: "The eleven princes have all used their powerful moves. The oriental man in my stand is doomed." Those discussions were filtered directly.

He said unhappily: "Just fight! Why are you so hard? I hate this kind of person the most." After finishing speaking, Liang Tian waved his hand, and the eleven princes who had spread their wings and were ready to go With a wave of Liang Tian's hand.

A powerful force collided with eleven princes, and the princes who were hit were directly knocked 100 meters away.Because they couldn't stand such a strong impact, they passed out directly.

Liang Tian smiled at the chairman of the conference, Kenny.Lapuff said: "Now that I have won, can our promise be fulfilled?" Seeing Liang Tian knocking out the blood clan of the prince realm with a wave of his hand, he looked at Liang Tian in shock.It wasn't until Liang Tian called him that he woke up from the shock.Immediately said respectfully to Liang Tian: "Yes, yes, yes, since Mr. Liang won. We should fulfill our previous promise."

After finishing speaking, he announced to the dark crowd below: "From today, we will cooperate with the Chinese cultivation world to fight against the Holy See of Light." Kenny said.After Lapf said these words, there was a lot of applause immediately.

Liang Tian was facing Kenny at this time.Lapf said: "Since we have cooperated, I should go too." Kenny.Lapuf asked: "Then I'll see you off!" Liang Tian waved his hand and said: "No need." After that, he and Xiaojun disappeared into the hall of the dark meeting.

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