Liang Tian took the primordial Qilin Zilin who had just recognized his master with a drop of blood into the spirit beast area in his Qiankun ring, and let him practice hard.And Zi Lin, who is childish and full of youthful fun, obediently agreed to Liang Tian.

After Liang Tianba Zilin tightened the Qiankun ring, he went to the next space.Liang Tian stepped over that space gate, and then crossed the door of this space gate all at once, and came to a huge palace full of majesty everywhere.Liang Tian raised his head and looked up, and saw that the brick walls of this palace were all very high, and each brick wall was taller than a person's height.

When Liang Tian came in here, he immediately felt a sense of majesty and awe.This ancient building reveals the vicissitudes of tens of thousands of years of baptism, and a simple breeze blows towards Liang Tian.Liang Tian praised at this time: "Well, this palace has been renovated very well. It gives people the feeling of solemnity rather than the baptism of vicissitudes of history."

Liang Tian finished looking at the furnishings of the palace, and when he looked up, there were three big golden characters written on it: "Yangshen Temple".Liang Tian couldn't help saying again: "What a sanctuary, it doesn't look shabby, but also looks generous. It doesn't lose majesty, but also looks solemn." Just after Liang Tian finished speaking, the voice of Tianling Tianzun sounded: " Little guy, congratulations on passing the seven levels I set up and getting your corresponding rewards." After hearing Tianling Tianzun's words, Liang Tian respectfully said: "This matter! The senior won the prize, the boy is just lucky It’s just a chance to pass the whole level. It’s just that the kid can dare to ask a question?”

Tianling Tianzun replied at this time: "Let's talk! What's the problem." Liang Tian said a little embarrassedly: "It's senior, can you improve the power of the formation a little bit in the future? It's just that the guardian of the formation now The power is a bit too weak, and needs to be improved." When Tianling Tianzun heard Liang Tian's words, he laughed and said: "That formation is indeed the one that I ascended to the fairy world more than a billion years ago. I laid it out at that time, that was when I set up this formation, I was just afraid that others would break in and steal these magic weapons. But when I was about to fly to the wild world a billion years ago, the big formation at that time The power is only the power of the innate spirit treasure. So I went down to the earth, put the heaven, material and earth treasures and some magic treasures I collected over the years into it, and waited for the arrival of the destined person, and then gave the power of this formation to the earth again. It has been upgraded to the power of the grand master's strength. I think this formation has gone through a billion years of baptism, and the energy inside has been slowly consumed. So only the power of the innate spirit treasure is left."

After listening to Tianling Tianzun's narration, Liang Tian nodded and said, "So it has been baptized for a billion years! I thought its power was just like this! It seems that I was wrong." God At this time, Ling Tianzun laughed and said: "Little guy, you have already passed these seven levels. Every time you pass a level, you will have a space reward of heaven, material and earth treasure. I believe you have already finished that." ! The cultivation technique in the last space was picked up when I was bored and went outside to play, so you can keep it for later use!” These magic weapons left by Tianling Tianzun were picked up, they were obviously snatched !It's just that his cultivation base is not generally high, so the other sects refrained from talking about it.

Liang Tian asked suspiciously at this time: "Senior, there is one thing I don't understand now." Tianling Tianzun said straightforwardly: "Tell me, what is it that you don't understand." Liang Tian hurriedly said: "It's just that I'm in a cave I picked up a unicorn egg, and when I was incubating the forest, I injected my own primordial power into that unicorn egg. But the color of the unicorn body that came out was purple." Tianling Tianzun heard Liang After Tian's narration, he laughed and replied: "Hahaha, little guy, now you have picked up a treasure. You picked up a unicorn egg this time, and input it with the power of primordialism, and the other was hatching The unicorn's system has become a primordial body. Once this kind of unicorn is born, its strength has reached the cultivation base of the immortal stage. If he survives the transformation as an adult, then its cultivation level will soar to the cultivation level of the chaotic supreme stage Why. If it is cultivated to the extreme, it will not be a problem to reach the Primordial Supreme Stage, and it may even be able to break through to the cultivation base of the barren flood outside world."

After Liang Tian listened to Tianling Tianzun's narration, he said gratefully: "Thank you, the senior told the younger generation these things, and the younger generation is very grateful for it." At this time, Tianling Tianzun said: "Okay, okay, don't be silly anymore Come here quickly, I have something for you." After Liang Tian looked at it, he said awkwardly: "Uh, senior, I just finished asking you. Where are you now! If you don't tell me how can I Looking for you!"

Tianling Tianzun, who was outside Huanghong, hated iron and steel and said: "On your left, in the practice room." Liang Tian heard this and immediately used teleportation, but he was disappointed.When he was about to perform teleportation, but he still stood in place.At this moment, Liang Tian cursed in his heart: "Damn it, you can't even use magic power after entering this ghost place, what a ghost." Seeing that he couldn't use teleportation, Liang Tian had no choice but to walk into the practice room on foot. .

After Liang Tian entered the practice room mentioned by Tianling Tianzun, there was nothing in the practice room.Some are just a circular chandelier hanging from the ceiling and two futons.And there was a young man sitting on the futon. As soon as Liang Tian came in, the young man woke up from his fugue and looked at Liang Tian.

When Liang Tian saw the young man's deep eyes, he was almost fascinated by them.The young man suddenly smiled and said to Liang Tian: "Young man, you are here." Liang Tian looked at the young man in disbelief and said, "You are the Tianling Tianzun who talked to me just now, right?" Tianling Tianzun nodded and replied: "Yes, that's what I told you just now." Liang Tian hurriedly asked again: "Then why did you ask me to come here!" Tianling Tianzun said with a smile: "My name is You came here just to let you inherit my mantle, nothing else." Liang Tianyou said: "But I am already a master, what should I do."

Tianling Tianzun said with a smile: "It doesn't matter whether you worship or not, I just can see that your system is a body that is hard to see in tens of billions of years, so I boldly pass on this mantle to you." Liang Tian replied: "Oh, when will it start!" Tianling Tianzun said: "It's now, you have finished the disk now, take it easy, I'm going to start."

After Liang Tian heard Tianling Tianzun's words, he immediately crossed his legs and sat down.Seeing that Liang Tian was ready, Tianling Tianzun slapped Liang Tian's Tianling Gai.Liang Tian felt a huge amount of information continuously entering his mind, and Liang Tian couldn't wait to read it.

Liang Tian, ​​who had finished reading this exercise, opened his eyes and saw the figure of Tianling Tianzun slowly turning into a transparent color.Liang Tian immediately asked: "Senior, what's the matter with you." The Tianling Tianzun who was disappearing said: "I am just a trace of consciousness left by the deity, and now my task is completed. The deity still has four things to ask for." I'll leave it to you." After speaking, the flying sword, battle armor, ring and boots appeared in front of Liang Tian, ​​and Tian Ling Tianzun's consciousness also disappeared into the air.Without hesitation, Liang Tian refined the four magic weapons.It's just that those four magic weapons shocked Liang Tian, ​​Liang Tian stared and said: "Damn it, it's a Taoist weapon again, isn't it so worthless now?" Taoism is gone.

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