Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 90 Met a Car Crasher, Fooling a Car Crasher

When Liang Tian in this cave mansion cultivated his fusion skills to his previous fourth level, he unknowingly broke through Jiujiu's cultivation base at the peak of the early stage of Hongmeng Supreme, and was promoted to the middle stage of Hongmeng Supreme.But he was not in a hurry to get out, but instead consolidated and stabilized the cultivation base he had just broken through.Only then disappeared in this cave.

When he appeared outside the ruins, the three of Liu Fei who had been waiting outside for a long time immediately came over and said to Liang Tian: "Little God! Why have you been in for so long! Do you know that we are very worried about you!" Liang Tian smiled He said, "It's really nothing. It's just that when you go in, you have to pass the test of seven checkpoints before you can pass it safely. If you don't pass it, you will be stuck inside." At this time, Rui asked an idiot question: " Did you pass it successfully?" Liang Tian gave Rui Yi a hard look, and then he said angrily, "If I don't pass smoothly, am I still standing here alive?" Rui Mu Nadi replied: "Yes! This and that are true."

At this moment, Qi Fei suddenly asked: "Xiaotian, I heard that there are many fairy artifacts in it, is this true?" Liang Tian said with a smile: "Hey, there are very few fairy artifacts." Qi Fei listened When Liang Tian said this, he said dejectedly: "I knew there were not many fairy artifacts, so I wouldn't come here. It's a waste of my time." Seeing Qi Fei's dejected look, Liang Tian laughed hahaha He said: "Xiao Fei! Why are you downcast? I haven't finished my words yet!" Qi Fei, who was originally downcast, heard Liang Tian say that when he hadn't finished speaking, his eyes suddenly lit up and asked : "What is it that you haven't finished talking, so hurry up and say it!" Liang Tian and Liu Fei couldn't help laughing out loud when they saw Qi Fei's anxious look.After Liang Tian finished laughing, he continued, "Actually, what I said just now is that I have very few fairy artifacts, but there are many magic weapons above divine artifacts!" Qi Fei clapped his hands after hearing Liang Tian's words. He patted his chest and said: "Xiaotian, when you talk in the future, don't always say half and half, such words will scare people to death." Liang Tian scratched his head and said with a smirk: "I'm sorry, I'm done just now. Hehe .”

After Liang Tian finished laughing, he picked up his watch and looked at it, and said hastily, "Oh, sorry. My vacation ends at [-]:[-] noon today, and I'm going to be late for an hour." Liu Fei looked at Liang Tian with an idiot's eyes and said, "Isn't it only an hour! As for being so anxious! A teleportation back will be enough. Why are you making such trouble! Really." Liang Tian Seeing Liu Fei talking about Fengliang, he replied unceremoniously: "It's fine to teleport back, but if I appear suddenly like this, people will think I'm a monster! Besides, I don't want to be in front of mortals at all." To cast mana in front of me, I just want to experience the life and work of mortals quietly. I don’t want to be so ostentatious like you. I want to use mana until you can perform it in the Hundred Years War two years later. Now what you do well is to be quiet Quietly enjoy the life of mortals."

Liang Tian didn't wait for the three of Liu Fei to react, and said again: "Okay, I won't talk nonsense, I'm leaving. There are still many things waiting for me to do! Then, will you follow me to watch my filming?" Ah!" Liu Fei replied on behalf of Rui and Yi: "I think it's better to forget it, we have to go back now, if we go back later, maybe our salary for this month will not be taken." Liang Tian went on Said: "Alright then! I'll see you at the Hundred Years War." After Liang Tian finished speaking, he waved his hand, and a beautiful car immediately appeared in front of it.Liang Tian immediately went up to open the car door, sat inside, and said with a sigh: "I haven't let you out for a long time, I'm so sorry!" The exquisite car he made drove towards his filming direction.

On the expressway, Liang Tian didn't dare to increase the horsepower of this car, otherwise the speed of this car would not be at this speed.If its horsepower is increased, the speed will be faster than light.

Just as Liang Tian was sitting full of elegance while controlling the vehicle to move forward, while slowly admiring the beautiful landscape painting, a car that looked like a Wuling brand stopped in front of Liang Tian.And he was standing in front of Liang Tian's car unhurriedly. When Liang Tian saw this car blocking his own car, he said angrily: "Damn, if you leave, why don't you go! What are you doing?" Why stand in front of others and not go!"

After Liang Tian complained unhappily, the car still drove slowly in front of Liang Tian's car as usual.But the car slowed down slowly, and Liang Tian in the car saw the speed of the car slowed down, and thought to himself: "Great opportunity, we can overtake." After finishing speaking, Liang Tian immediately stepped up the accelerator and overtook him.

When Liang Tian was slowly overtaking the van, suddenly a bicycle greeted him in front of him.All of a sudden, he got sucked into the bottom of Liang Tian's car.But Liang Tian, ​​who was dissatisfied with the car, didn't know that when the bicycle rode to the side of Liang Tian's car, he immediately stuffed his bicycle under the wheel of Liang Tian's car.At this moment, the three words 'car crash thief' immediately appeared in Liang Tian's mind.

Liang Tian said gloomyly in the car: "Damn, I have to go back to filming in a hurry. I was so unlucky that I ran into a car hitman. He actually wanted to use the traffic accident as an excuse to defraud me of my money. See if I don't It's your fault for playing." After finishing speaking, he smiled sinisterly in the car.If the three of Liu Fei who are familiar with Liang Tian are here, they will immediately know who has offended Liang Tian.

Liang Tian saw those men throw their bicycles under Liang Tian's car and press them down, but he jumped off the bicycle and screamed with that miserable cry.Liang Tian saw their play, immediately opened the car door, got out of the car and pretended to be concerned: "Brother, what's wrong with you." The man endured Tong Chu and said to Liang Tian: "How did you drive? Hit me." Liang Tian thought to himself at the moment: "Damn, the acting is so bad, and you still come out to deceive people. ' Then he continued: "I didn't hit you! I just saw that you deliberately stuffed the bicycle under my wheel." When the injured man heard what Liang Tian said, he jumped Immediately gone.

At this moment, when another female accomplice came up, Liang Tian glanced at him.I thought to myself: "Hehe, my partner has come to help, this is a very interesting thing, hehe, you actually want to lie to me, then I will use the hands of the police to get rid of you, hum." The poor gang of car thieves didn't know that they had fallen into the trap designed by Liang Tian step by step, and they were still thinking about how to blackmail Liang Tian's property.

Seeing that the scam had already started, the woman's accomplice immediately went up and pretended to ask about the injury of the injured man.Then he turned to Liang Tian and said, "You broke my brother's foot, what do you say?" Liang Tian asked knowingly, "What should I do?" There was no trace of tension, so she thought in her heart: 'No way, he has already seen through our deception! 'Actually, this female thief associate has already guessed that Liang Tian already knew about their scam, but he just didn't dare to confirm it rashly.

Liang Tian, ​​who saw the man injured on the side, said: "Looking at his painful appearance, it must be a comminuted fracture!" After hearing Liang Tian's words, the woman said quickly: "You, how do you know. "Liang Tian said with a smile: "Hahaha, I am a doctor, I have already seen it just now." After Liang Tian finished speaking, he said secretly in his heart: "I am an actor, and doctors and thieves are both I've acted, there's no way to lie to me." The woman fell silent when she saw Liang Tian on the side, and immediately felt that she had succeeded.They didn't know how many times they were scolded by Liang Tian in their hearts, and even their ancestors were greeted by Liang Tian countless times.

When the woman saw Liang Tian silent, she thought she had succeeded.So he confidently walked to the place where Liang Tian was standing, and then said to Liang Tian: "Hey, sir, tell me what to do now." The silent Liang Tian replied in an idiot tone: "What should I do. Seeing that Liang Tian was so arrogant, the woman responded naturally, she immediately said in a hurry: "You hurt my brother, what do you say?" Liang Tian suddenly said: "What to do, let's serve cold salad!" After finishing these words, he said contemptuously in his heart: "Xiao Mian, such a flawed acting skill still wants to lie to me."

The woman heard what Liang Tian said, but she didn't know what Liang Tian said.So he hurriedly said: "What I said just now is that since you hurt my brother, do you want to pay my brother some medical expenses?" Liang Tian squinted at the woman, and then replied: " Then you are private, let's call the police to deal with this matter!" The woman immediately said: "Call the police, I think it's better to forget it. Let's go private!" Liang Tian said secretly: "Look ! Your fox tail is exposed!"

Liang Tian looked at her and said, "Then how much money do you want for medical expenses!" Seeing Liang Tian asking how much money he wanted lightly, it seemed that the money was not from his family.The woman rolled her eyes, and immediately said: "For the sake of you being a big boss, I just need 10 yuan as compensation. What do you think!"

Liang Tian pretended to be stupid and replied: "Okay, I'll give you 10 yuan now." Seeing Liang Tian agreeing, the woman said secretly: "Haha, you finally took the bait! !" I saw Liang Tian put his hand into the backpack he was carrying on his body, when his hand went into the backpack, no one could see Liang Tian's hand in, suddenly purple light flashed, Liang Tian One day, he took out 10 yuan from his backpack.

The female car thief saw Liang Tian take out a whole stack of banknotes, but what he didn't know was that when Liang Tian reached in, he used the elements in the air to condense into a tall stack of banknotes.He also said in a playful way: "Is this money enough? If not, I can give it to you again, and this man's leg needs to be healed!" Those people heard that Liang Tian still had money for them, so in With greed in his heart, he immediately said boldly: "It's not enough, our brother's operation on this leg costs hundreds of thousands? This 10 yuan is not enough for medical expenses."

After Liang Tian listened to the car thieves finished talking, he gathered dozens of stacks of 100 million banknotes from his backpack and showed them to the car thieves.Liang Tian used his signature signboard again and said: "This money should be enough!" When the car thieves saw Liang Tianneng take out a whole 100 million bills from his backpack in one go, they all thought in their hearts: "One million dollars!" The shot is 100 million, this guy is too rich! '

While fooling the car thieves, Liang Tian used Qianli voice transmission to Xiao Jun who was far away on the set and said, "Xiao Jun, quickly call the police station." During the sound transmission, he immediately replied pleasantly: "Boss, didn't you say you came back at noon today? Why haven't you arrived yet!" Liang Tian said again through sound transmission: "Hey, don't mention it, it was supposed to be on time We arrived, but there were some small incidents on the road, so we were delayed." Xiaojun replied again: "Boss, what is it that delayed your trip?" Liang Tian replied again: "It's not a few days. A little thief, he was delayed, since I want to delay my trip, then I want him to stay in prison forever." Xiaojun replied again: "Okay then! I'll call the police now. "Xiaojun cut off the voice transmission with Liang Tian, ​​and immediately took out his phone to call the police.

At the scene of the accident, Liang Tian saw the greedy eyes of those car thieves, and slowly took out dozens of stacks of banknotes from his backpack to count them. The car thieves saw Liang Tian take out so much money and count them on the spot.You immediately said to Liang Tian: "You haven't paid us the mental damage fee yet!" Liang Tian pretended to be helpless and said: "Okay then!" After speaking, he threw the money in his hand over.

Less than a minute after Liang Tian gave them a stack of banknotes, the police that Liang Tian reported had arrived quickly.Liang Tian only spoke when he saw the policemen, so he went up and said, "You are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

In this way, these car crash thieves were brought into the police car by these policemen.After these police cars drove away, Liang Tian put away his car and disappeared on this road.

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