Almighty Tianzun

Chapter 92 Damn, You Want to Destroy the Earth

The next morning, Liang Tian got up very early.So he put his divine sense into outer space to check the spaceship that was approaching the earth.The spaceship in between has slowly approached the moon, and there are still more than 800 million kilometers to reach the earth.So he quickly transmitted the voice to Xiaojun who was just getting up.

At this time, the alarm clock next to Xiaojun rang, which immediately awakened Xiaojun who was sleeping soundly.At this time, the dazed Xiaojun slowly got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to wash up.At this moment, Liang Tian's voice transmission suddenly reached his ears, and Liang Tian asked through voice transmission: "Xiao Jun! Are you still sleeping?" Xiao Jun, who was still confused, yawned and returned to preach. "No! I just woke up and was about to brush my teeth and wash my face! Why did you wake up early in the morning and talk to me about this!" Liang Tian said with a smile: "The spaceship we discovered yesterday has now reached the moon, and it is still far away from us. There are more than 800 million kilometers."

Xiaojun still said in a daze: "Oh, you wake up early in the morning and chat with me through voice transmission, that's all!" Liang Tian said with a smile: "Since their spaceship has already approached the moon, it means that it has been an hour. Afterwards, their spaceship will soon reach the orbit of our earth. Shall we go to their spaceship to inquire about the news!" At this time, Xiaojun had already washed his face, and spoke to Liang in that idiotic tone. Tian said: "If you go, you can go, I won't go. I am a good boy, and my mother said that it is bad behavior to eavesdrop on other people's secrets."

Liang Tian said in a disdainful tone: "However, it's just you and your mother. You have been buried underground for thousands of years. Now your mother has been reincarnated for several lives, so she probably doesn't know you anymore." At that time, he said a little angrily: "Okay, okay, don't say whether my mother is okay! My mother was most afraid of being said about her in her previous life." Liang Tian said with a smile: "Okay, okay, don't say it, okay?" , Besides, I said just now that I would go into his spaceship, just to find out if he came to our earth to cause damage, and if so, I will definitely not be able to spare him."

Hearing these words from Liang Tiansuo, Xiao Jun couldn't help saying: "I have a way, which is to protect the earth from the threat of this alien, but at the same time find out whether this alien came to our earth." What are you doing?" Liang Tian asked urgently: "Xiaojun, what is the solution, you tell me!" Xiaojun who had washed up sat on the sofa, and said to Liang Tian via voice transmission: "This method is to wait for the aliens to come Land on the earth." Liang Tian immediately said with disdain: "Cut, I thought it was something! In the end, it's not letting people land, I thought you were talking about some good way! I didn't expect you to come up with some bad ideas .”

After hearing Liang Tian's misunderstanding, Xiao Jun immediately explained: "Boss! I haven't finished my words yet! Why did you get angry so quickly? Really, why is my boss so impatient!" Liang Tian patted his chest and said, "I'm talking about Xiaojun! From now on, when you speak, just finish the whole sentence, don't leave half of it, I'm about to have a heart attack."

When Xiaojun heard that Liang Tian agreed with his explanation, he coughed a few times, moistened his throat, and then said: "Actually, this method is not difficult, as long as one of us enters the core of the earth, around the core of the earth Set up a large defensive array. In this way, the spaceship that intends to steal the earth's energy will not be able to absorb the energy of the earth's core at all. The core of the earth will still operate as before, and will not affect the normal operation of the earth." Liang Tian heard After Xiaojun thought of this method, he immediately said happily: "Yes! I never thought of this method! You can use a large defensive array to surround the core of the earth. This will prevent the resources on the earth from being drastically reduced. Lost, coming can also prevent outside careerists from stealing the energy of the earth's core." Liang Tian thought of this, and laughed excitedly for a while.Suddenly stopped, and then sent a voice transmission to Xiaojun: "Then who will do this task!"

When Xiaojun heard Liang Tian ask who was going to do this task, he immediately said: "Of course you did it, boss." Liang Tian said vaguely: "Why am I doing it? I am your boss." Jun said sinisterly in his room: "Boss, you can go! Who told you that the highest cultivation here knows you!" Liang Tian replied with a wry smile at this time: "Hey, you have a high cultivation level. For Gao’s suffering, I won’t be caught doing hard work. But I said Xiaojun! Come to my room and say if you have something to say, don’t use voice transmission to chat all day, it’s too strenuous.” Xiaojun was helpless The voice transmission said: "Okay, when you come back, I will come to your room to chat." After Xiaojun finished speaking, he canceled the voice transmission and started a new day of work.

And Liang Tian disappeared in the temporary living room, and appeared next to the earth's core.Liang Tian looked at the red glow in front of him, and said that the core of the earth was dozens of times larger than himself, and said: "Damn, I didn't expect the core of the earth we live on to be so big. No wonder those aliens want to absorb the energy of the earth's core. So it is like this ah!"

After Liang Tian finished speaking, he immediately moved his hands.With a wave of Liang Tian's hand, dozens of divine stones immediately appeared in front of Liang Tian.Liang Tian quickly pinched the magic formula in his hand, then pointed at the divine stone floating in mid-air and shouted: "Heaven and earth are boundless, Yin and Yang return to one, unite." Just after Liang Tian's shout fell, a crowd formed in mid-air Some very ancient characters suddenly appeared around the sacred stone in the circle, and they were miraculously combined.Seeing that the formation he had set up was completed, Liang Tian patted his hands and said, "Hehe, it's done. When I'm not around in the future, I won't be afraid of aliens peeping at the energy of the earth." Liang Tian finished speaking. After saying those words, his figure disappeared into the center of the earth.

When Liang Tian's figure just appeared, Xiao Jun, who had been waiting in Liang Tian's room for a long time, walked over happily and asked, "Boss, how is it? Has it been arranged?" Liang Tian said to Xiao Jun with a smile "Hehe, you don't even look at who I am." After Liang Tian was finished, he said seriously: "Since the array has been arranged, let's go to the spaceship outside the outer space to see them." What is the purpose of coming here?" After Liang Tian finished speaking, he disappeared in place.And Xiaojun who was on the side shouted loudly: "Boss, wait for me!" His figure also disappeared in place.

The figures of Liang Tian and Xiao Jun who disappeared in place slowly appeared in a certain corner of the spaceship. When they came out, they used an invisibility formula on their bodies.So they walked unscrupulously in this spaceship.

In this way, Liang Tian and Xiaojun came to the place where the commander was by mistake.At this time, Liang Tian said to Xiaojun: "The person sitting on it should be the leader of this spaceship! Then I will search to find out what you are doing on our earth!" After Liang Tian finished speaking, he took steps approached the side of the commander.With the cultivation base of this commander, which is equivalent to that of a cultivator in the period of crossing the catastrophe, it is impossible to find the whereabouts of Liang Tian and the other two.

Soon, Liang Tian slowly came to the commander's side.After arriving at the leader's side, Liang Tian immediately used the Soul Search Art on the leader.After Liang Tian searched the commander's soul, his expression immediately became very angry.So he said, "Damn it, you actually want to destroy the earth. Well, since you guys want to play, I will accompany you to the end." After finishing speaking, Liang Tian and Xiaojun disappeared into the spaceship.

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