In a spaceship shaped under the ice of the Antarctic ice sheet, the leader of the Ramaha Stars sat in his office and looked at the monitor in front of him.When he saw that the supernatural beast he sent to destroy the growth of civilization on the earth had been killed by a robot covered in armor.A ball of anger suddenly burst out from the bottom of his heart, and the angry general Calva said: "Calva, go and find out who did it, if you let me know who did it, I will let him taste my blood!" Powerful, ho ho." After speaking, he showed a sinister look and looked at the monitor.

General Calva, who was standing below, saw that he, who was originally a kind person, had a sinister side.So he said respectfully: "Yes, this subordinate will definitely find out about this matter." Just as Calva was about to go out, the commander who got angry at the people in the video suddenly said: "General Calva, you Wait a moment." Calva heard the commander tell him to wait a moment, and the steps he was about to take stopped suddenly.Turning his head and asking in doubt: "Is there anything else the commander wants to order? If there is nothing to order the subordinates, then the subordinates will leave."

The leader quietly closed his eyes and thought about it slowly. After a while, he suddenly said: "Go and check now, which country on this earth is the person who killed the supernatural beast we sent?" If you find out, report to me as soon as possible. I will immediately send five powerful supernatural beasts to destroy that person's country. I will let this person know that he has messed with our Rama. What will happen to the Ha Xing people?" After speaking, the former sinister face of the commander was once revealed.Calva, who was listening to Hou's orders below, heard the commander's words, and kept shivering in his heart.So he said tremblingly: "Yes, Commander, I'll do it now." When Calva finished speaking in a polite tone, he withdrew.But what the commander didn't know was that his current whereabouts were clearly grasped by Liang Tian.Moreover, he sent someone to investigate who killed the supernatural beast he sent, and because Liang Tian, ​​a pervert, was here, his ambition was aborted.

In a five-star hotel room, there are two people and a ghost-like thing sitting inside.That's right, these are Liang Tian, ​​Xiao Jun and Nether Emperor.And what they were watching was not the TV that ordinary people watch, but the Xuanguang mirror that Liang Tian condensed with his mana.I saw a group of colorful rays of light surrounding the mirror, and what appeared inside was not TV dramas or the like, but the sinister smile of the commander hiding in the South Pole.

After Xiaojun saw the commander's sinister smile, he immediately pointed to the commander's sinister face and said to Liang Tian: "Boss, look, how sinister this commander's smile is! I hate him the most." Liang Tian listened After hearing Xiaojun's words, he replied: "You hate him, don't I hate him too? Besides, he, an alien, dares to steal the core energy of our planet, which is even more unforgivable." The angry Xiaojun felt Liang Tian's anger at this moment, so he asked, "Boss, what do you want to do then!"

Liang Tian just smiled slightly when he heard Xiaojun's question, and then said: "Since we have already started the first and second levels, let's start our third level now." Xiaojun once again used the idiot's The expression asked: "Boss, what new tricks do you have this time?" Liang Tian smiled mysteriously, and then said: "The first time was to transmit digital viruses from their spaceships, and the second time was to send them The supernatural beasts sent out have been destroyed, so this is the third time! Then we should trick their brains out." Xiaojun asked again idiotically: "Then why not grab it? Why use How to cheat?"

When Liang Tian heard Xiaojun's words, he gave Xiaojun a big shudder in anger.Then he hated iron and said: "Where have you been my agent for all these years, and you don't even understand the truth." Xiaojun asked in confusion: "Boss, what is the truth! "Liang Tian shouted wronged in his heart at this time: "God! Please save me! I can hardly bear the question asked by this idiot." After Liang Tian finished complaining in his heart, he immediately told Xiaojun said: "You are stupid! Robbery is a rude act, we are civilized people, just fool them with their technology. Do you understand?" At this moment Xiaojun understood the meaning of this sentence, so he nodded Said: "I understand." After Liang Tian finished speaking to Xiaojun with a smile, he said to the Nether Emperor floating beside him: "Now your cultivation base is only the strength of the early stage of the antenna, you should come in and improve your strength. Come out again. But when it’s time to fight, I won’t lose my face.” The Nether Emperor, who was floating on the side, also agreed with Liang Tian’s suggestion, so without saying a word, he immediately shot into Liang Tian’s Qiankun ring to practice. up.

After Liang Tian and Xiaojun saw Emperor Youming entered the Qiankun ring to practice, they looked at each other, and then their figures slowly disappeared into the room.

In an unattended space in a spacecraft under the Antarctic ice sheet, two figures who looked like people from Earth suddenly appeared.Yes, this is Liang Tian and Xiaojun who just teleported.Liang Tian, ​​who was walking in front, was afraid that the commander would blackmail his family after seeing his appearance.So he quickly summoned the armor he wore when he destroyed the supernatural beast just now, and Liang Tian also changed the color of the armor to a full green one, and its attribute became a wood attribute armor.Liang Tian saw that he had changed his armor, Liang Tian and Xiao Jun nodded tacitly, and then disappeared into this unsupervised space.

Just when the leader of the Ramaha Stars was expecting General Calva to bring back the information, suddenly a voice came from the air and said: "This leader, didn't you work so hard to send someone to look for me?" ? Why don’t you welcome me when I’m here!” When the leader of the Ramaha star heard this voice, he quickly looked around.Then he said a little scared: "You, who are you, come out quickly, or I will be rude to you."

Just as the leader of the Ramaha star had just finished speaking, two young earthlings slowly appeared in front of him.And one was wearing a set of armor, but the commander felt that there was a powerful force in this armor.The other has a pair of red eyes and two eerie fangs growing out of its mouth.That's right, these are Liang Tian and Xiao Jun who disappeared in that empty room just now.

The commander saw that Liang Tian and the two suddenly appeared in front of it, and they were able to escape the surveillance of the monitor, and then stammered, "Who are you? Why are you here on our spaceship!" Liang Tian listened. After hearing the leader's words, he couldn't help laughing out loud.Then he said with that extremely contemptuous look: "Hey, our commander is really a noble man who forgets things! I didn't expect to forget him after seeing him for a day." Liang Tian said with a smile: "Yesterday we were playing in Russia. When we were walking, we suddenly saw two human-shaped monsters wantonly destroying houses, so we couldn't bear to kill them. And when we came halfway just now, we encountered five monsters of different shapes. My little brother was hungry, so I had to ask them to fill my little brother's stomach."

And when the leader heard that the five supernatural beasts he had sent out were killed by the man in front of him, a surge of anger burst out of his heart.His originally not-so-green face immediately turned green with anger at what Liang Tian said.

And Liang Tian who was on the side laughed again: "Hahaha, I didn't expect him to be so angry that his face turned red, oh, no, it should be so angry that his face turned green." The commander said angrily: "Stinky!" Boy, I'm going to kill you." After speaking, he conjured up a laser gun and shot at Liang Tian.When a laser beam hit Liang Tian's body, it directly shot into Liang Tian's body, and it would not cause any harm to Liang Tian's body at all.

Liang Tian could see the commander's shock, so he asked casually: "Is your spaceship infected by the virus?" The commander asked Liang Tian in doubt, "Did I tell you, how did you know. "After speaking, he looked at Liang Tian with a vigilant look.Liang Tian said in his heart at this time: "Take your brains here first, and tomorrow will be the end of your Ramaha Stars." What the Ramaha Stars didn't know at all was that Liang Tian at this time Already thinking about the brain of their spaceship. "Actually, we found out when we came in." Liang Tian said with a relaxed look.

And the commander asked cleverly: "Then after you have cleaned up these viruses, what conditions do you have?" Liang Tian said with a smile: "Our conditions are not high, we just need the intelligence of your spaceship It's just a brain, how about it, agree?" Liang Tian looked at the commander with a smile on his face. "Okay, I promise you, if you clean up the virus on our spaceship, I will give you the brain of our spaceship, how about it." Liang Tian said with a smile: "Then we It’s done, it’s a deal.”

"Then when will we start cleaning up these data viruses!" the commander asked anxiously.And Liang Tian said with a smile: "It's now!" After finishing speaking, Liang Tian waved his hands, and the equipment that was originally infected by the data virus began to operate involuntarily.And Liang Tian moved the intelligent brain controlled by Liang Tian's magic power to his palm, and then Xiaojun and his figure slowly disappeared into the air.But his words were floating in the air, and before leaving, Liang Tian said: "I will tell you a secret, in fact, I am the person you are looking for, thank you for your brains."

When the commander heard Liang Tian's reply, he realized that he had been fooled by Liang Tian.Then he shouted angrily: "You, you lied to me, I want you to die." The sound of his roar spread beyond the sky.

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