Hush!Queen is a ghost

Chapter 47 The Little Pink Girl

The sudden laughter was actually very nice, it seemed to be the voice of a little girl, but the movement was a little scary.

That voice can travel so far and is so loud, what a 'little girl' must be!

"Help—help—!" The fleeing pedestrians on the street shouted as they ran, looking terrified, as if they saw something terrible.

"Why do they all look like they've seen a ghost?" Brahma was puzzled, but Ji Ge next to him gave him a blank look, uh——almost forgot, he seemed to be 'seeing a ghost' every day!

"Uncle, don't run away, play with me!" A clear and clear child's voice came from far and near, as if it was a little girl acting like a baby.

Ji Ge looked ahead, squinted his eyes, "Here we come."

There were still many pedestrians running around, but after Ji Ge's words fell, Brahma could clearly see a little girl in pink jumping up and down from afar.

Brahma's hairs stood on end, the little girl looked normal, but why, he just saw that she was still ten feet away, and in the blink of an eye, she was in front of him?

Is he dazzled?

"Brother? Do you want to play with me?" The little girl in pink stood in front of Brahma, looked up innocently at Brahma, her face was carved with pink jade, so cute, no matter how you looked at it, she seemed to be an ordinary girl. little girl!

Brahma was a little uncertain, so he had to watch Ji Ge.

Ji Ge didn't speak, just looked at the little girl.

The little girl glanced at Ji Ge, and hid beside Brahma in fear, holding onto the corner of Brahma's clothes, "Brother..."

"Uh..." Brahma was a little at a loss.

Ji Ge slightly hooked his lips and smiled, "She seems to like you very much."

Brahma blinked, not understanding what Ji Ge meant.

"Brother...I can't find a home." The little girl rubbed her eyes and looked at Brahma with teary eyes.

Brahma couldn't do anything about children, so he reached out and hugged the little girl, "Don't cry, brother will take you home, okay?"

"En!" The little girl laughed through tears, and rubbed her arms around Brahma's neck, smiling brightly.

"Take her back first." Ji Ge turned around and walked to the inn where he was staying.

When he returned to the inn, Cang Nan was already in the room, seeing Brahma walking in with a little girl in his arms, he raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he wasn't surprised.

"I didn't expect it to be so fast." Cang Nan stood aside, watching Brahma put the little girl down, sighing slightly.

"Because he's too cute." Ji Ge said.

"What are you talking about?" Brahma was puzzled, what does this mean?

"I'm talking..." Ji Ge looked at the little girl in a blink of an eye, "This thing is hooked so quickly."

"This thing?" Brahma opened his eyes wide, looked at the innocent little girl, and jumped behind Ji Ge to hide, with the corners of his mouth twitching, "No way..."

Ji Ge nodded, "That's her."

Before coming to this town, Cangnan told them that there lived an evil ghost who had practiced for hundreds of years. Because he was good at hiding, he had not been caught by the soldiers of Huangquan for so many years. It also participated in the big battle and was seriously injured, so it has been very honest, but for some reason recently, it has been coming out to steal food.

"But why did those people in the market talk about catching thieves?" Brahma was puzzled.

"Because this guy has a taboo, if someone dares to call her a ghost, it will kill the whole family, so people here use catching thieves instead." Cang Nan said, "And it likes to play with people, if it loses, will be eaten by it."

"Hehe... You guys know it pretty well!" The little girl's voice suddenly became low, and when she raised her eyes again, her eyes had turned completely black, and her long fangs were exposed at the corners of her mouth!

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