Hush!Queen is a ghost

Chapter 67 The Bloody Battlefield

"If you don't believe me, just see it with your own eyes!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, the scene in front of him changed, the hut, the stone table, and the woods all turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared.

Instead, his eyes were blood red.

The smell of blood rushed to his face, Brahma resisted the discomfort of wanting to vomit, looked forward, and was stunned!

what did he seeCorpse!Dead bodies everywhere!The so-called corpses strewn all over the field and blood flowing into rivers should be used to describe this kind of scene, right?

It seemed that a tragic battle had just taken place here, with countless casualties, and the blood flowing out of the corpses gathered into winding rivers. Coupled with the mutilated and unrepentant corpses, Brahma couldn't help trembling slightly.

Human beings always like this kind of fighting, fighting, tireless.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but even the sun in the sky seems to be dyed blood, hanging alone in the sky, watching the sins of this place silently.

"Quack-quack!" There were a few pitch-black crows circling in the sky, as if they wanted to rush down to eat the corpse, and their hoarse cries spread far away.

Suddenly, Brahma stopped, there was movement ahead!

The piles of corpses seemed to move slightly, as if something was about to crawl out of the ground!Did someone not die?Brahma frowned, and was about to step forward, but was startled by a hand that suddenly stretched out!

That hand was slender and white, with a well-proportioned skeleton. Although it was stained with a lot of blood, it still had a strange beauty.The hand fluttered a few times in the air, as if trying to grab something and crawl out.

After a while, the pile of corpses moved. It seemed that someone was pulling the corpses from the inside out. Soon, a figure stood up from the pile of corpses.

The man was dressed in white, his body was covered with blood, and his silver hair was so dazzling that it looked like a woman from the back.

Looking at this weird scene, Brahma couldn't help wondering, could it be an old man?Why the white hair?But it doesn't look like that figure!It looks like a young woman.

The man just stood on the pile of corpses in a daze, seemed a little dazed, turned his face slightly, under the dark sky, Brahma could see clearly, couldn't help exclaiming!

"Little song!"

That person... is Ji Ge at all!

Why is she here?How could it crawl out of the corpse?Could it be... that person just now was playing tricks again?

Brahma's voice startled the person, she turned her face and looked at Brahma indifferently, but she didn't seem to care at all.

Brahma couldn't help covering his chest, it was indeed Ji Ge's feeling!

"They're all dead—" Ji Ge said lightly, but his voice was indescribably ethereal, very different from what Brahma heard.

"They're all dead..." Ji Ge seemed to be muttering to himself, "Why am I still alive..."

Ji Ge stretched out his hands, looked at the blood stains on them, and laughed in a trance, "I...killed..."

Seeing her smile, Brahma panicked for a while, and couldn't help calling out, "Little Ge!"

Ji Ge didn't seem to hear it at all, and was immersed in his own world. Brahma wanted to get closer, but found that he couldn't move at all!Just watch!

"Ha...haha..." Ji Ge's smile widened little by little, looking at the corpses around him, he laughed loudly, "Hahahaha...!"

Brahma couldn't bear to look away slightly, and shouted in his heart, don't laugh!stop laughing!That laughter was too desolate, and the deep despair made people breathless.

Brahma knew that this might be Ji Ge's past.

"Dead...all dead...hahahaha...!" Ji Ge laughed, and slowly floated up, floating in mid-air, countless pure white auras rushed out of her body, messing around in disorder Running around, Ji Ge was still laughing, laughing hoarsely.

It was getting darker.

Brahma looked at Ji Ge in the air without blinking, the heartache in his eyes was almost overflowing.

Ji Ge's voice became hoarse, but her laughter grew louder, but she herself was changing!

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