Under someone's thick skin, Ji Ge reluctantly agreed to investigate the details of the so-called Peach Blossom Demon.

The first stop, of course, is the place where the villagers saw the peach blossom demon for the first time in the records of geography - Peach Blossom Forest in the south of the city.

"Wow, I thought the people here planted peach blossoms all over the city because of their hobby, so it was to commemorate this peach blossom demon?" Brahma looked at the big peach blossom forest in front of him with a look of surprise.Tut tut exclamation.

There are indeed a lot of peach blossoms planted in this peach blossom forest, more than the peach blossoms on the peach blossom road they saw on the official road. As soon as they walked in, they felt like they were about to be drowned by the peach blossom petals.

"Isn't this the best season to grow peach blossoms?" Ji Ge walked in the peach blossom grove. The smell of peach blossoms was not very strong, but so many peach blossoms were planted together, the smell was really uncomfortable. Last season's song had a sensitive nose, and this scent made her want to sneeze.

"It's a little strange. You see that the peach blossom trees are too densely planted?" Brahma looked around. The peach blossom trees should not be so densely planted, because the petals are small and the branches are very open, but the trees in front of them It seems to have grown in clusters.

While walking, Ji Ge suddenly grabbed Brahma, "There is someone ahead."

"That seems to be the ancestral hall of the Peach Blossom Immortal they said?" Brahma pointed to the house not far away that was hidden by the bushes, and only one eaves could be seen.

The ancestral hall was indeed very small, probably a larger statue of Bodhisattva would not be able to fit the others, but the strange thing was that there was nothing in the ancestral hall, only a painting hanging on the wall in the middle.

The painting is still very hazy, and the characters inside can't be seen clearly, only a vague silhouette, which can be seen is the figure of a woman, in a grove of peach blossoms, surrounded by a faint mist.

"This looks really fairy." Brahma looked around the painting, and asked the old man guarding the door, "Is this the Peach Blossom Demon?"

The old man sat there silently, and when he heard Brahma's question, he just glanced at him and didn't answer.

Seeing people ignoring him, Brahma scratched his cheek in embarrassment, thinking that I am so welcome?

It was Ji Ge who glanced at the old man, "He can't speak, he's deaf and dumb."

Brahma blinked, a little curious, how could such an old man guard the ancestral hall here?

Ji Ge stepped forward and patted the old man's back lightly, and the old man coughed violently, seeing Brahma terrified, would this old man's coughing method cough up his own lungs?

At this moment, the old man coughed up a mouthful of black phlegm, and seemed to feel much better. He glanced at Ji Ge gratefully, and opened his mouth, "Thank you..."

Although his voice is hoarse, he can speak anyway.

Brahma was amazed, Ji Ge knew how to do this kind of magic?

Ji Ge smiled coldly, and looked back at the painting hanging on the wall behind him, "I don't know if it's a demon or a fairy, but this method is commonly used by evil spirits!"

"What do you mean?" Brahma was curious.

"The phlegm he spit out just now is a ghost technique, which is specially used by evil spirits to harm people." Ji Ge pointed to the black phlegm spit out by the old man at the door just now. At this moment, the black phlegm slowly began to vaporize , turned into smoke and drifted away.

The old man had a sad expression on his face when he heard the words, and said angrily, "That harmful thing, just because I accidentally saw her true face, made me a deaf and dumb blind deaf, and didn't let me tell her Secret! For a whole year, I have stayed in this place, unable to get out, unable to leave, unable to talk to anyone, and unable to hear their voices!"

Brahma leaned over, "Then what secret did you see about her?"

The old man's expression froze, with a look of horror on his face, "That... that thing... is a ghost! A ghost!"

"What did you see?" Ji Ge urged impatiently.

The old man's throat was dry, he glanced at them, and said in a low voice, "I... I saw her changing skin in the middle of the night..."

Brahma opened his mouth wide, changing his skin?literal meaning?

On the contrary, Ji Ge understood clearly, and looked back at the painting hanging on the wall. It was originally a hazy and beautiful picture scroll, but now it was stained with a layer of weirdness. "It turned out to be a painted skin. No wonder. No matter how beautiful this thing is, it's just an illusion. Anyone who sees her will see her favorite appearance."

Brahma was amazed, there are ghosts of this kind? "Then why didn't that ghost kill the old man? Just deaf and blind him?"

Ji Ge is also very curious, looking at this person, generally speaking, Huapi is a very cunning ghost, how can ordinary mortal eyes see her change skin?

The old man in front of him, how normal does he look?How could he see it?

"Who?!" Ji Ge suddenly turned his head, looked at the peach blossom forest and shouted coldly.

I saw a figure flashing past in the peach blossom forest, and if I looked carefully, I couldn't see anything.

Brahma waved his hand at Ji Ge, "Go after him, I will take care of the old man."

As soon as Ji Ge dodged, he went after the figure.

The old man grabbed Brahma's sleeve in a panic, "Did that thing come? Did she find it?"

Brahma patted his hand and said softly, "Don't worry, she can't hurt you with us here."

The old man nodded, the shock still lingering on his face.Brahma looked at his expression, slightly puzzled.

Soon, Ji Ge came back, glanced at the old man, and shook his head at Brahma, "I didn't catch up."

Brahma nodded and said to the old man, "Old man, why don't we take you home first, don't worry, we will protect you."

The old man nodded and walked out of the peach blossom forest.

Brahma saw Ji Ge walking behind, squinted back, and asked Ji Ge in a low voice, "Is there something wrong?"

Ji Ge glanced at him, made a waiting gesture, Brahma nodded, Ji Ge wanted him to wait until there was no one around, and then tell him.

The old man lives alone, and there is no one at home. He hasn't come back for a year, and the house is covered with a thick layer of dust.

Ji Ge and Brahma looked around, pasted a few spells on the wall, and told the old man to stay at home for the time being and not to go out, the spells would resist malicious attacks.

After leaving the old man's house, Ji Ge took Brahma back to the Peach Blossom Forest.

Among the peach blossoms all over the sky, there is a woman in a pink dress standing under the peach blossom tree, as if staring at the tree in a daze.

Brahma and Ji Ge looked at each other and walked in.

The girl in the pink dress turned her eyes, her features were delicate and delicate, people who saw her would not think of her as a monster, but like the girl next door.

Brahma blinked, he is a fairy, so he will not be confused by her illusion, in his eyes, the woman in front of him is not such a pure and lovely face, but a face made of messy human skin!

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