Leopard Tooth

Chapter 0013 My opponent is not you

Li Jianrui looked at his watch. An hour had passed. According to this speed, it seemed impossible to complete a 120-kilometer long-distance cross-country run within four hours.But he didn't give up, he felt like he had accepted a challenge and wanted to try his limits.

He slowly increased his speed and gradually passed the players in front.He continued to accelerate until there was no one in front of him.But it's not sprinting, he knows this common sense, and training with the Leopard Tooth Commando during this period of time is not free.Although he can exhaust himself to death every time, he knows that the previous training is far from reaching his limit.

In fact, since he was born, he has never tried his own limit.I still remember when I was young, there was a school organized an autumn outing to climb Zijin Mountain.That is the highest mountain near NJ. The original arrangement was for everyone to visit the observatory, the botanical garden and so on along the mountain road.

According to the route arranged by the teacher, it is necessary to go around Zijin Mountain, the whole journey is about 24 kilometers, and the leaders of each group lead the team.Li Jianrui, who was still in elementary school, began to slowly climb the stairs with a dozen people in the group.Without the suppression of the teacher, Li Jianrui pulled up his team and marched with a few friends.

Along the way, I walked around and watched various scenic spots, eating snacks, and being free.When I was halfway through the journey, I felt so tired that I wanted to lie on the grass and take a nap.But a little friend reminded him: "Once we stop, we will be overtaken by the big troops behind. Li Jianrui, aren't we the vanguard?" Never feel tired again.In the end, they waited for other students at the finish line for four hours.Of course, the consequence of that time was that he was so sore the next day that he couldn't get out of bed.

Now, there are no friends anymore, if there are any, it is the teammates who are thrown farther and farther behind.He could only cheer himself up: "Try it, if you don't try it, how will you know where the limit is!" He continued to accelerate slowly.When he saw the trees passing by the roadside and the wind in the air couldn't take away the heat from his cheeks, he began to run at a constant speed.

Another lap passed, and he felt that it was no problem for him to continue running at such a speed for the third lap with his physical strength.If you feel that your physical strength has dropped significantly, you need to adjust your speed to reduce consumption.In fact it is a calculation problem.If you compare the human body to a machine, you can use mathematical methods to calculate how long it takes to complete five laps.

It is a pity that the human body is not a machine. In some respects it is far less disciplined than a machine, and in another respect it is infinitely more sophisticated than a machine.The key lies in the psychological and emotional changes.Good emotions and psychology will support the overload of the human body, and vice versa, it will drag down the machine of the human body.In fact, the collapse of the will, in a sense, can be understood as the scrapping of the machine.

When he caught up with the team in front, he felt like he was soaking in a sauna. Liu Handong asked, "Li Jianrui, you can do it."

Li Jianrui wanted to speak, but his throat was like a dry desert without a drop of water.He quickly opened the military water bottle, took a sip, and then panted and replied: "Whoever wants to compete, come with me!"

The team has long been dragged into a single line, and the path where two people walk side by side seems very spacious.Not many people heard Li Jianrui's words.Liu Handong and Liu Xiongfei responded accordingly: "Li Jianrui, the most important thing is to participate. The two of us will follow you." After speaking, the two speeded up and followed behind Li Jianrui.

Halfway through the third lap, two and a half hours passed.Li Jianrui felt empty in his mind, as if he had returned to the autumn outing in his childhood. "We are the vanguard!" The voice of the little friend echoed in his empty head.

Li Jianrui did not slow down, as if another self had been isolated in his brain, watching his every move indifferently.There is no praise, no encouragement or belittling, just quietly watching this body running at a uniform speed like a clockwork, just like looking at a machine.

He can't seem to hear anything, except for a slight tinnitus.The westward sun was not as strong as in the afternoon, but a layer of hoarfrost had formed on his clothes, which was the salt stain left by the drying of sweat.

The second time the team was surpassed, the length of the team was stretched again.At this time, Li Jianrui already felt that his legs were not his own. He imagined that he was riding a horse and running in the mountains and forests.The feeling of dizziness just now gradually subsided, and consciousness gradually returned to the body.Except for the indifferent bystander still standing in his mind, watching himself run.

"Yes, I have been running, I have never slowed down. I will not give up!" Li Jianrui said silently in his heart.

No one can be lazy, you can walk, you can climb, but you can't hide in the mountains and wait for the training to finish.Li Jianrui began to recall the jokes Liu Handong told.A real joke.

It's about a second-generation official who was forced into the Leopard Tooth Commando by his army commander's father to be gilded.I heard that when the official second generation came, he was so awesome that he couldn't get along with anyone.Later, he had a fight with his friends in the dormitory, and it is said that he was beaten up.At that time, Captain Gao pulled them out to practice.Run three laps around the big playground, and go back to sleep after running.It was already dark.The second generation of officials has not been here for a long time, and the relationship with people is not good.So with the backpack on his back, he was smart enough to hide in the bushes on the mountain.

He didn't come out to follow until he saw that the others had finished three laps.He didn't know that every backpack carried a pedometer and a GPS positioning device.Okay, this evil pen was bitten by a mosquito on the mountain, and his body is covered in bruises.

Chen Feng kicked him out at that time, scolded him first, and then asked him: "Are you going to run? If you don't, get out tomorrow!" The grandson was scared.I ran around and a half with my bag on my back, and then passed out in the mountains.

But with the lessons learned from the past, everyone thought that the grandson was playing hide-and-seek again, so they ignored him.It wasn't until the next morning that someone noticed something was wrong, and everyone took the medical soldiers into the mountain to carry him out.It turned out that he was dehydrated and passed out.His army commander's father sent someone to pick him up, but he never came again.

Li Jianrui thought of this joke because he wanted to add some fun to his boring actions.Then he thought of Cai Lin and felt a little regretful.If Cai Lin and Cai Lin go to play around for a while in the afternoon, the relationship between the two should rise in a straight line.

However, in Li Jianrui's limited past, he spent most of his time hunting in the mountains, and occasionally went to the city to buy and sell.I don't have time to find a girlfriend at all. Although I have been looking forward to it in my heart, I have always envied the couples I saw.But he can only envy, he always felt that he didn't have the time and conditions.

But at this moment, the indifferent bystander in his mind suddenly gave an objective answer: "It's not that I don't have time or conditions. It's because of inferiority complex! This has something to do with your father."

Then he continued to think about the past, and it seemed that this was indeed the case, but he had never faced this problem before.Perhaps this is the benefit of emptying your brain.After exhausting his physical energy, even the distracting thoughts in his brain disappeared.Maybe, maybe not.But this is the first time Li Jianrui has faced his past like this.

Before I knew it, five laps were completed.The person in his brain will automatically help him record how many times he passed the signpost at the starting point.He looked up at his watch.Five twenty.Looking back at the way they came, the team members still don't know where they are on the mountain road.He had no choice but to go back by himself.

Dragging his heavy legs, he returned to the dormitory.It was difficult to take off the luggage, and the field uniform covered with salt spots had become stiff.The chest, front and back are all formed with salt crusts.Only then did he realize that when he was running just now, he didn't feel tired in the later stage, as if he could run forever.But now, stop, the exhaustion from the depths of the muscle texture and cells is slowly released.

When I came to the bathhouse, there was no one there, and everyone was struggling in the mountains.He opened the valve wide, and cold water poured down over his head.Instantly dispelled the entangled fatigue on the body surface.A sense of carelessness arises spontaneously.He opened his mouth, and a large stream of water filled his mouth.I think when I was running in the mountains, I had to sip water in small sips at the end.With such savings, the general still drank every drop of water in the water bottle.He couldn't help singing: "We soldiers have strength..."

Leaving the bathhouse, on the way back to the dormitory.The sunset glow in the sky filled the west, and the playground was also dyed dark red by the setting sun.The hot summer weather gradually faded away, and the cool breeze bursts.At this time Li Jianrui was in a good mood.But some people are in a bad mood, very bad.

At this time, he was standing on the runway at the edge of the playground, which was the only way Li Jianrui had to pass from the bathroom back to the dormitory.Li Jianrui saw Chen Feng from a distance, and he felt that Chen Feng's face was like the gradually darkening sky.He put the towel on his shoulders and walked over calmly.

Naturally, Chen Feng also saw Li Jianrui with a relaxed face. He stepped in front of Li Jianrui and said, "I read your record, and it was 5 minutes earlier than I requested. But... Good physical strength may not necessarily be good marksmanship. I heard that there are rumors that you are a new sharpshooter, that you are better than me. Hehe." After speaking, he stared at Li Jianrui's eyes with a smirk, and asked a very classic sentence: "Li Jianrui, what do you think? ?”

Li Jianrui smiled: "Rumors only stop with wise men. I think you should know better than me about this issue." He spoke impeccably, and even counterattacked a little.

Chen Feng pondered for a while, and said: "No matter what others say, since the selection competition will start tomorrow, let's speak with the facts and compete." He felt that he had no way out, although the high-intensity team pulling in the afternoon was even regarded as The super-intensive training still failed to make Li Jianrui tired, but he was the first and only one to complete the task.This is simply a slap in the face.If he loses to Li Jianrui in the trials again, then his captain position may have to be changed.

Li Jianrui said disapprovingly: "My opponent is not you." After speaking, he bypassed Chen Feng and walked towards the dormitory.

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