Leopard Tooth

Chapter 0102 Chapter Family

Seeing his mother's smile, Li Jianrui knew that she didn't really care about these things, so he didn't say much.He took out a bank card from his backpack and handed it to Li Ping: "Mom, this is my salary card. I will keep it at home in the future, and you can use it. The password is my birthday. There are about 2 in it. It's my salary for half a year."

Li Ping looked at it and put it in his pocket.She smiled and said, "You think mom is old too?"

Li Jianrui quickly waved his hand: "Mom, that's not what I mean. I'm a son, and now I can get my salary, so of course I have to hand it over to my family. Besides, although you are not old, but now that your family has a stable income, don't always go up the mountain." Go. It's still dangerous when it's windy and rainy."

What Li Jianrui said was the truth.In the past ten years, Li Ping had been injured no less than ten times in the mountains, and once broke her leg. If Li Jianrui hadn't brought someone to find her, the situation would have been really difficult to deal with.And most of the falls were in windy and rainy weather.

"Don't worry, when I go to gather medicine now, I won't go alone. That girl will follow every time, and help out by the way." Li Ping said with a peaceful smile on her face.

Li Jianrui said: "That's it, then I feel more at ease. But it's better to go up the mountain less. You can also go to the town for a stroll and chat in normal times."

In fact, he knew that Li Ping seldom chatted with people. Except for what she had to say when selling herbal medicines, she didn't respond at all. At most, she smiled, very politely, and smiled lightly.

Over time, no one will talk to him.

Li Jianrui sometimes thinks; maybe his own taciturnity and poor communication with others are also influenced by his mother.

At the same time, he could feel the different meanings in Li Ping's faint smile since he was a child.Most of the time, such a smile has no meaning, just a polite refusal.

However, sometimes, Li Ping's smile carries a kind of arrogance that ordinary people cannot understand.It is like the feeling after standing on a high mountain overlooking the world for a long time, and the unique temperament developed.In the eyes of ordinary people, it looks like a certain kind of affinity, but in fact it carries a sense of alienation that people cannot perceive.

Li Jianrui sometimes remembered that she never mentioned her mother's past, and even if she asked, there was no answer.

In the eyes of the people in the town, Li Ping is a somewhat weird, but kind and taciturn woman.If labeled, she was "a herbal seller" "woman" and nothing more.

But in Li Jianrui's eyes, it was completely different.Li Ping's erudition far exceeds all his teachers.Whether it is the understanding of Chinese medicine or the understanding of firearms, his homework is not a problem.Li Ping's English pronunciation is a standard London accent. Li Jianrui only felt the strong local atmosphere when his English teacher read the texts after comparing it with his English teacher in high school.

It's a pity that everything about the past was banned by Li Ping.As if forgotten.Only when Li Jianrui saw her sitting in front of the window, looking at the rain outside the window, with blurred light in her eyes and a smile from the bottom of her heart, Li Jianrui knew that she was the real self at that time.

"Has she been here recently?" Li Jianrui asked.

Li Ping froze for a moment: "Who?"

"Just take care of your girl?"

"Oh, I came here the day before yesterday, but he is about the same age as you. I can call you a girl, but you can't bark." Li Ping said, pointing to the herbs on the ground: "These were collected on the mountain that day. I already After drying, I plan to go to the market to sell it in the afternoon."

Li Jianrui nodded. For so many years, picking and selling herbs has become Li Ping's life habit. If she was told not to go up the mountain again, obviously she would not agree.

At this time, a short-haired girl stood in front of the door, looked at the two people in the room, and knocked lightly on the door: "Auntie, I'm here. Who is this?"

Seeing the girl at the door, Li Ping hurriedly said, "It's Xiao Xue, come in quickly."

Xiao Xue nodded generously and walked in.Her eyes are very characteristic, slender eyes, the outer corners of the eyes are slightly raised, and the eyebrows seem to be the same, a delicate and delicate nose, snow-white hands, wearing a fiery red coat, light blue sweatpants, feet It's a pair of ordinary sneakers.It seems that the whole person is full of vitality.

Li Jianrui stretched out his hand and said, "Thank you for helping to take care of my mother during this time. I am very grateful!"

Xiao Xue had already guessed his identity, and they reached out and shook hands gently.

"You are Li Jianrui, right? My uncle said you are a new star in their group, and he is full of praise for you." Xiao Xue said.

"Your uncle?"

"It's the leader, you are all called Lao Dao."

Li Jianrui looked at it carefully, and put one hand on his chin: "It's not like, the difference is too big."

Xiao Xue smiled indifferently, full of coquettishness, probably such a face was born like this: "Everyone says so. Hee hee"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Xue took Li Ping's arm and said, "Auntie, are you going to sell herbs again this afternoon?"

Li Ping nodded, then shook her head again, and said, "I planned to go, but this brat is back, so I won't go today. Anyway, these herbs are dried up. Let's go to the mountains in the afternoon."

Xiao Xue said: "Okay, I can learn something new again."

Li Jianrui scratched his hair, but that was all Li Ping's entertainment was, picking herbs, going for a walk in the mountains or circling around the nearby lake.He's used to it over the years.Sometimes he himself kills the time like this, as a kind of entertainment.Because when hunting, a lot of time is spent wandering around, looking for traces of prey, and looking at the mountains and rivers at the same time.

But he didn't expect that when he came back, he would be dragged around the mountain.And there was one more uninvited guest.

"By the way, Li Jianrui, how many days are you on vacation?" Li Ping asked.

"Two days, I will go back the morning after tomorrow."

"Oh, you haven't eaten yet, right? Let's eat first, and then we go up the mountain." Li Ping thought that Li Jianrui came back after noon, and was probably in the car before.

Li Jianrui said: "Sit down, I'll cook." Then he turned and walked towards the kitchen.

When at home, he mostly cooks for himself.

Xiao Xue held Li Ping back: "Auntie, let's watch TV. It was bought with Li Jianrui's mission allowance. It would be a waste not to watch it."

Li Ping smiled: "Okay, I'll watch TV with you."

Li Jianrui heard what Xiao Xue said, but he didn't expose it.He knew that this should be paid for by Lao Dao himself, and it had nothing to do with his allowance.I was grateful for a burst of gratitude. Although Lao Dao was rough and rough, he could see that there was detail in the rough.Moreover, he even sent his nieces to take care of Li Ping. I really don't know how to repay this kind of kindness.

"You have to give the Leopard Tooth Commando Captain a face!" Li Jianrui said in his heart.

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