Leopard Tooth

Chapter 0110 Equipment

Li Jianrui said with a bitter face: "Then the fucking plane will fall to death."

Wu Guoyun said: "What? Are you afraid? You don't have to participate if you are afraid."

"Fuck, is this why I said I would not participate if I didn't participate!" Li Jianrui was obviously in a bad mood, and his tone was not very good.

"It's okay, you can break your hands and feet, or you can quit. Hey, someone has done this before. If it doesn't work, I can help you. Enough righteousness?" Wu Guoyun said maliciously, with a smile on the corner of his mouth , as if the old fox was watching a panicked chick.

Li Jianrui shook his head: "Fuck, you are too cruel. I just said that I didn't intend to quit. As a soldier, how can there be no casualties, anyway, everyone is flying, and I am not the only one who dies. Huangquan Road There are more than 30 people accompanying me."

Wu Guoyun slapped him on the head: "Fuck, you can't say something nice!"

The two just talked and laughed, and Wu Guoyun finished his cigarettes, so he started smoking Li Jianrui's.But chatting with Wu Guoyun was too convoluted, and I didn't know where to turn when I was talking.Wu Guoyun is a veteran, an orthodox professional soldier.There are a lot of things to know, from the structure of the rickshaw from the plane, to the situation in Eastern Europe from the performance of the tank.

But in the end Li Jianrui figured out how Wu Guoyun transformed from the Air Force to the Army.It turned out that the drunk pilot at the time also knew that although someone was on top, the ground crew would still record every flight.Fortunately, the pilots are familiar with each other, and after being in the same circle for a long time, it is easy to say anything.So the pilot asked the ground staff to postpone the registration, and he followed another plane to make up the record.This will result in the record that he is still flying the plane.

However, this matter was still known by interested people, and it also attracted observation of Wu Guoyun.As a result, Wu Guoyun fell into the eyes of the commander of the secret garrison affiliated to the BJ military region. He felt that he was trapped in the Air Force as a mechanic.To be able to fly a plane, to repair a plane, and all vehicles, and to be an expert in demolition, that's a fucking talent.

"In the 21st century, what is the most expensive?"


He was talking about people like Wu Guoyun.So Wu Guoyun changed from a veteran mechanic in the Air Force to a member of the Army's emergency force.

The BJ Military Region manages Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Beijing, Hebei, and Tianjin. The main combat mission is to counter the attack from Russia. During the war, the LZ Military Region worked together to organize the most important defense line in the north.Moreover, the degree of mechanization of the BJ military region is the highest.

Wu Guoyun didn't say anything about the emergency force that Wu Guoyun was in. In these respects, his tone was very strict.However, Li Jianrui would not intentionally inquire about anything.But he had also vaguely heard that such an emergency force has been training all over the country in the name of changing defenses for many years. It can be said that they can be found wherever there is danger and where the environment is bad.

I don't know when, a soldier came outside, opened the door and shouted to the inside: "Assemble! It's time!"

The soldiers in the rest room stopped after hearing this, and filed out.

Although no crabs were seen, everyone lined up consciously and ran to the third apron.

I don't know who was so idle, and he took the lead in shouting: "One, one, one, two, one..." It seemed like the army was doing a drill.

When we came to the third apron, we were not far from the plane.Looking closer, Li Jianrui discovered the subtle differences between the three planes that Wu Guoyun mentioned.For example, on the surface of the fuselage, Yun-7 uses convex head rivets, while Xinzhou 60 uses small airtight countersunk rivets, which are more beautiful, reduce wind resistance, and improve the performance of the aircraft as a whole.

At this time, there was a low roar, accompanied by the sound of metal friction, and the cargo door of the post-60s fuselage of Xinzhou not far away slowly opened, like a huge crocodile opening its mouth.

Until the warehouse door is fully opened, a slope is formed connecting the ground and the warehouse.The crab came out along the slope, stood on the cargo warehouse door, made a "follow up" gesture to the soldiers, then turned and returned to the cabin.

A group of people trotted to the tail of the Xinzhou 60, and then walked quickly into the cargo warehouse.

This is obviously a military transport plane, and the huge cargo compartment looks like a narrow warehouse.It is said to be narrow, but it is only compared to the ground warehouse. In fact, three or four people can be paralleled in the cabin at the same time.A row of simple folding seats are installed on the cabin wall, which are folding.The boxy leans against the cabin wall and can be pulled apart to sit when needed.

There are a few lights on the top of the cabin, but the light is not very strong, and there is also a small dim light on the ground a few meters away.

The crab was standing inside the cabin, with his hands behind his back, looking at the soldier in front of him.

"Behind me is your equipment for this operation. The ones on the left are weapons, and the ones on the right are other equipment. One for each person. The higher-ups attach great importance to this training, so they temporarily cut down a hundred rounds of bullets. You should feel honored! Feel honored! The leader once said: If there is difficulty, you must go up! If there is no difficulty, you must go up if you create difficulties!"

The soldiers below didn't think so. The women of Xie's family and the eighteen generations of ancestors were greeted all over the place.Who doesn't know the importance of ammunition on the battlefield.Wow, what is the concept of a hundred bullets, that is, the rate of fire for 1 minute in the automatic burst state. One hundred rounds in one minute, all hit, and then rely on both hands.This is forcing the soldiers to use a single shot to test their shooting ability.

Some people also wondered in their hearts: whether the bullets were hacked by crabs, and then sold at the shooting range.This kind of thing keeps popping up in some places.

"Okay, three teams and one team, move counterclockwise, and get your own equipment!"

The three teams of fighters lined up in the cabin quickly intersected and merged, and then picked up a backpack and a 95 automatic rifle from the shelf one after another.The line was silent and orderly. Li Jianrui walked in the middle of the line, thinking: It would be great if the people on the bus were also so orderly.

When it was Li Jianrui's turn, he picked up the black backpack on the shelf with his right hand and threw it on his back. Then he turned around and picked up a 95 automatic rifle from the shelf on the left. He checked the weight, and he knew the magazine was empty.Then put the gun on his left shoulder, followed the soldier in front and left the shelf.

When everyone received the equipment, the crab said: "Get out, free activities! I will call you when the time comes!"

After speaking, he turned and walked to the front cabin.

Everyone took the equipment out of the cabin.I don’t dare to run around. In such a big airport, if the plane suddenly takes off, I can’t run back. What can chase the plane is a movie, an artistic effect.

Li Jianrui came to Wu Guoyun's side and sat down on the spot.It was cool on the cement floor, and on the empty tarmac, the breeze was blowing, carrying the chill of late autumn.

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