Leopard Tooth

Chapter 0113 Turbulence

The shaking of the fuselage was reduced, and there was no vibration in the cabin.The only sound was the roar of the plane.At this time, the voice of the crab came from the loudspeaker: "The plane has taken off smoothly and is expected to arrive at the scheduled location in three hours."

After Li Jianrui heard it, he thought: It seems that there is no dinner, and it will be more than eight o'clock in three hours.Fuck, where can I find food then?He wanted to ask Wu Guoyun, but he turned his head and looked around, but he couldn't find Wu Guoyun.Instead, he saw Feng Zhigang with a playful smile from the dim silhouette facing him.

He shouted, "What will we eat then?"

Feng Zhigang seemed to have heard him shout, but couldn't hear clearly, he just opened his mouth and shouted: "Ah?"

Li Jianrui shouted twice, feeling that his voice was almost swallowed by the roar of the plane's engine.Simply give up wasting your tongue.Thinking that there would be no water or food to deal with after the airborne, he began to seriously recall the contents of the "Wild Survival Manual" that Dr. Xia gave him.

After an unknown amount of time, the crab said again in the loudspeaker: "Now it's blackout time!" As soon as the voice fell, the lights on the top of the cabin went out.Only the light bulb next to the seat is still emitting this faint light.However, the light is so dim that it can be ignored.The cabin was almost pitch black, and just now I could see the outline of the opposite face, but now I couldn't see anything.

Li Jianrui simply didn't read it, closed his eyes, and chanted the contents of the "Survival Manual" in his mind.At this time, I really realized what it means to "grind the gun in front of the battle".But after a while, I put down the book in my heart.I remembered Dr. Xia and the past week between the two of them.For a time, it was full of charm.

When the plane passed through the clouds, the fuselage shook slightly.The feeling in the cabin is very immediate.Li Jianrui woke up from his memories immediately, looked at the dark surroundings, and there was a faint light not far away, then put down Dr. Xia again, and returned to the process of reviewing the "Survival Manual".While reminiscing, it is mutually confirmed with the explanations of the instructors in the past.

But when the fuselage stopped vibrating, Li Jianrui would think again.After a while, the little nurse lay in his arms and gently rubbed her face against his chest. That feeling seemed to reappear, and the chest would feel slightly hot.After a while, I thought of Zheng Qing, that wanton laughter, and the hug in the dark.He felt that he couldn't calm down all the time, so he simply thought about it.Thinking about the hometown that is getting farther and farther away, the old house in the small town, is my mother watching TV at the moment?Did Xiao Xue accompany her mother to the mountain to gather medicine again today?The weather is fine today.

When his thoughts gradually flew into the distance.The fuselage suddenly vibrated strongly, and in addition to the huge roar, the sound of metal friction rang out in the cabin.

A red light suddenly lit up on the front door, which looked unusually conspicuous, shining red in the cabin.

The crab said over the loudspeaker: "Fasten your seat belts, the plane is in turbulence, fuck it!"

In the red space, Li Jianrui vaguely saw that someone was actually wearing a seat belt, but he had never unbuckled it.Because he was flying for the first time, he didn't receive an order to unfasten his seat belt, so he just kept it.

The plane trembled more violently, and Li Jianrui could hear the piercing sound in the cabin wall behind him, it was a "popping" sound similar to that of a soda can being squeezed.He remembered what Wu Guoyun had said, and his heart couldn't help but hang up: I'm paralyzed, I can't be so unlucky!

But people in the sky really can only resign themselves to fate.

There was a sudden ringing in the ears, Li Jianrui hurriedly opened his mouth, but it seemed that the ringing in the ears was accompanied by pain in the ears, and it didn't seem to improve obviously. He could even feel the plane falling.Although he has never been on a plane, he has always done elevators. This feeling is like the slight weightlessness when the elevator descends rapidly.

Accompanied by the fall of the plane, there is also the swing of the plane from side to side.The red light on the front hatch didn't seem to be affected in any way, it just emitted an uncomfortable red light silently.Li Jianrui grasped the strap of the 95 automatic rifle on his shoulder with one hand, and firmly grasped the safety belt on his leg with the other hand, trying to keep his body stable and not let himself shake too much.To be honest, this kind of swaying made him feel dizzy for a while. If he was a person with motion sickness, he would probably have vomited in such an environment.

The plane wobbled and flew in the turbulence for about ten minutes before it slowly recovered.But everyone can hear that Mahler Gobi's engine has a problem!

The roar of the engine just now was a coherent sound, but now, the engine on the left side of the plane will make a "click" sound from time to time.There was no pattern and no rhythm, but the small "click" sound passed through the eardrums heavily and hit everyone's hearts.

Words such as "air crash", "crash", "missing person", "glory", "died before leaving school" and so on came to everyone's minds, and there were scenes of family members crying with each other.At some point, a soldier sitting in the innermost corner burst into tears.

From gritted teeth at the beginning "嘿嘤" cry, to crying loudly later.He desperately tore at the seat belt tied to his body, in a hurry.After finally unfastening the seat belt, he rushed to the door of the front cabin desperately.In the dark red light, everyone could see a figure lying on the door, clenched fists with both hands, beating the door repeatedly.

Soldiers close to the door can even hear a faint "dongdong" sound.That sound even overshadowed the roar of the plane's engine, which shows how strong that soldier is!He must have been terrified.Everyone thinks so.

But there was no response from the front cabin, no horn, no one opened the door, and no red light was turned off.

Finally, another soldier also unbuckled his seat belt, ran to the door of the plane, and kicked the knocker on the back.Seeing the door knocker bounce back from the door, Li Jianrui felt his eyes tearing up as he looked at it, and thought to himself: "Hey, what kind of fucking monster is this, with such great strength. This kick can push the one who is close to the door. The guy bounced back."

In fact, all the fighters who saw this scene felt the same way, thinking to themselves, what kind of damage would be caused if such a kick was kicked on their body, could they still control more than [-]% of their combat power?In the end, everyone came to a very frustrating conclusion: "How will you know if you don't try!"

In fact, the fighters who can enter the field training camp through layers of selection are all top-notch, and they also have special skills, and there are even perverts like Wu Guoyun, which can be summed up by more than just one or two skills.

I saw that person grabbed the rebounding body and cut the door knocker's neck with a knife.Then he supported his fallen body with his hands.Grabbing the collar with one hand and dragging him to the seat, leaning against the door knocker's leaning forward body with one shoulder, he quickly fixed him on the seat with the seat belt with both hands.

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